Tickets for memorial selling on Ebay, WTF!?

You guys see the ones on there for $10 million? We can't let that happen. There was one for $50 million up a while ago. It's sick. ETA: Never mind, now it's $99 million. There is no way that is real!

Honestly this is the first night since June 25th I haven't spent in tears. Mainly because I'm so angry I can't even see straight! I'm going to be emotionally spent by the time tomorrow is over.
I don't understand it either, $99 million dollars is absolutely ridiculous. And the auctions are going up faster than I can refresh the page. One refresh I literally saw 12 auctions pop up! I haven't checked but I think I've reported 25 or more in the last 15 minutes (my speedy computer skills are finally worth something) ... but it's disheartening, maddening and depressing all at the same time. I don't want to give up!
No new ones have popped up for me for several minutes already. :O
I don't understand it either, $99 million dollars is absolutely ridiculous. And the auctions are going up faster than I can refresh the page. One refresh I literally saw 12 auctions pop up! I haven't checked but I think I've reported 25 or more in the last 15 minutes (my speedy computer skills are finally worth something) ... but it's disheartening, maddening and depressing all at the same time. I don't want to give up!

Don't worry you are not alone. I'm also reporting them, and I bet a bunch of other people are aswell.
yeah...this is jus heart breaking.....brings me to tears. those people are scum bags...all the fans who wanted to attend cannot because of scums like them. same thin that happened with the concert tickets.

edit..I aslo found 3 and reported them...
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No new ones have popped up for me for several minutes already. :O

Yeah it seems to be slowing down. I think the search queue goes in waves though, which might be why it seems to be overwhelming one minute and quiet the next.

Don't worry you are not alone. I'm also reporting them, and I bet a bunch of other people are aswell.

Thanks, and I hope you're right! I know CNN reported that eBay is trying to combat these auctions themselves as well, so I'm certain they have employees working on it. But the more people spotting them, the faster they can take them down. Plus, they have millions of auctions being listed every minute and I'm sure they aren't delegating people *specifically* for this job. Or if they are, well, kudos to them. I'm not willing to bet on it though.

Sad thing is the people who are listing their e-mail addresses and contact info in the auctions are going to get contacted and will still be selling their tickets through private methods. I know they will find ways. I just don't intend to make it EASY for them.

I really, truly don't know how someone can do this and live with themselves. If you can't use the other ticket, or if you can't use EITHER of your tickets - GIVE them to someone who can. You got them for free, after all. These aren't concert tickets, or movie tickets, or carnival tickets! It is a privilege to pay your RESPECTS to the King of Pop. Key word, RESPECT. Sadly we knew this would happen, I just am disgusted by the WAY it is happening.

Like I said though, I for one don't intend to sit back and make it EASY for the vultures...
If I was lucky enough to have gotten one, I would never part with it for any amount of money!!
This is sick and despicable. Keep going guys. New listings keep popping up. I will continue to report them for the rest of the day/evening.
What option under "reason for report" do you choose when reporting the listing? I wanna help out if I can.

I choose "Prohibited," then "Event Tickets" then "Other." Not sure what everyone else is doing, but I'm not sure it matters as long as you make a report.

Seems they really are slowing down. Dodger Stadium shuts down in an hour I believe so it should really taper off then.

Keep it up guys, I think/hope we're doing some good here!!
Keep reporting everyone, I'vedid 4 so far. It's sad people trying to get rich from a tragedy. The O'jays were so right when they made the song "for the love of money"
Ebay seems to be really dragging their feet taking down the listings. I've reported them all as soon as they are listed and they're still there! Grrrrr
I'm glad to hear that eBay is taking them down. Yesterday morning there was one ticket selling for 100,000$!!! And one person was bidding on it! I was shocked!!
I can't believe I just watched some stupid women on a news channel in the UK who has a ticket and is now trying to sell it for charity.

Its a freaking memorial not some opportunity for idiots to make money and I don't care if its for charity. She's not even a fan when asked what Michael meant to her all she could say was I liked his music and I'm sure Michael would be ok with this as its for charity.

How the hell do you know, psychic are we?

People tried to fleece him when he was alive and now they're still doing it in his death.

Makes me so mad, some people just have no decency.
I'm glad to hear that eBay is taking them down. Yesterday morning there was one ticket selling for 100,000$!!! And one person was bidding on it! I was shocked!!

Could be one of us ;-) hehe not that im trying to sabotage any of those listenings *whistles off*
I hate seeing that people act like they won the lottery just to see his memorial,just sick!
Makes me upset that poeple are treating these tickets like it is for a gig, not a memorial.