Thu, 10th July, 08

^^ ah ok, thanx datsy. Yeah the way they're working, we too could probably call ourself journalists. Copy -> Paste, how hard could it be, right?
yesterday was like a storm :doh: ...... the past few weeks were very dull and suddenly in one day manythings cameout :bounce .....
Oh but according to the media he can be in two places at once, remember when he was supposed to be prancing around France dressed as a woman, complete with stories of how his children were with him, and at the same time he was being filmed by Access Hollywood in Ireland.

That happens also other celebs. Tabloids copy from each other. There were some stories about some group being in Iran (including pictures) while in the same time footage of an appearance of them in Switzerland was aired. The media is not interested by reporting the truth. They just write down the same what others do - that saves time and money.
Gerri needs to shut up with her dumb self. I agree, the Spice girls are not known for "brains" especially Gerri. And if that was a joke, Gerri needs to leave the jokes to comics.