Thriller vs. Dangerous

HARD QUESTION.. They both have things the other doesn't and it comes down to what an individual finds more important. What they are attracted to more..

Dangerous had strong tracks the whole way through.. Even non MJ fans could put the CD in from track 1 to the last without even thinking if they should skip a song..

Thriller on the other hand had stronger points in songs.. Because of Quincy's AMAZING ear, the instramentals and vocal overlays were done in a PERFECT way where there were no empty spots, or lacking areas.. The songs were stonger in a more indepth level..

Dangerous is a hott album, but Thriller is a greater piece of art.
Thriller on the other hand had stronger points in songs.. Because of Quincy's AMAZING ear, the instramentals and vocal overlays were done in a PERFECT way where there were no empty spots, or lacking areas.. The songs were stonger in a more indepth level..
:lol: am just playing with ya:cheeky:
Dangerous obviously but its more like apples and oranges isnt it?
Dangerous all the way... Don't get me wrong I do love Thriller, but Dangerous is truly a masterpiece, is the only album I can sit through and not skip a single song (yes I'm a terrible fan, I know blah)
Though I still think Bad is my favorite MJ album I always skip through ONE song, same with Thriller, and that doesn't happen with Dangerous.
Maybe because Thriller songs have been overplayed till death...idk.

Thriller will always be considered as MJ's crown jewel by average joes, but the fans know some of his highest quality work was in Bad and Dangerous. Easy example: WHO IS IT!!! How can anyone deny the awesomeness (lol) of that song?! It's simply brilliant and it shows perfectly the quality emphasis Michael put on Dangerous.

Don't even get me started on the brilliance of lyrics like Will You Be There, and Give in To Me...ugh, simply genious.

Daph i i loooooove u lol :yes:
Dangerous,no doubt about it!
I mean,c'mon,it has Who is it,Black or white,In the closet,Give in to me and Jam?! Seriously!!That is one bad-a** album! :lol: :D
People who know michael's music should know Dangerous is his best musicaly if not the best saling of them two .
I'd go with Thriller over Dangerous just because they were the songs that made me a MJ fan. But my favorite album is Bad. MAN IN THE MIRROR!!
I'd go with Thriller over Dangerous just because they were the songs that made me a MJ fan. But my favorite album is Bad. MAN IN THE MIRROR!!

Fall back yo..Man in The Mirror is MINE!! lol hahahaha dont cha just love that song
def. depends on personal taste. I think Thriller has more of a funky r&b type thing than dangerous. Hmm....I'm not sure how to categorize Dangerous, lol.

yeah, personal taste has to do with it. I personally LOOOOVE all of MJ's albums to Death, and I place all his in a category above everyone else, like if I was talking about another artist's album that I really liked, I caould say it was my favorite album, but it's common knowledge that it means that all of MJ's albums are in a higher category, so really it is my fave after all of MJ's.........does that even make sense?? oh well.
def. depends on personal taste. I think Thriller has more of a funky r&b type thing than dangerous. Hmm....I'm not sure how to categorize Dangerous, lol.

yeah, personal taste has to do with it. I personally LOOOOVE all of MJ's albums to Death, and I place all his in a category above everyone else, like if I was talking about another artist's album that I really liked, I caould say it was my favorite album, but it's common knowledge that it means that all of MJ's albums are in a higher category, so really it is my fave after all of MJ's.........does that even make sense?? oh well.

.........u lost me......but i still love u lol
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Lyricaly Dangerous is better, the topics of the songs are more believeable 'n mature. Thriller had more success (i guess) becuase it was the first album that gave to Michael the credibility of a song-writer.
People haven't forgotten Thriller the minifilm (I'm just guessing).
Thriller is so dear to me because it was the first album I'd heard of him but Dangerous shown his divelopment as a son-writer 'n performer.