Thriller vs. Dangerous

I like Thriller more right's only because I listened to Dangerous nonstop for like 8 hours a few days ago :lol:
I love both, but overall I have to go with "Thriller". I have a feeling "Dangerous" will win though because it seems to be the fave among fans on MJ sites.
Those who kno me kno.....DANGEROUS ALLLLLL THHHEEEE WAAAY...dangerous is the best it beats all
I love both, but I choose Dangerous. Maybe it's also because people talk about Thriller over and over again and I've had enough.
Man the THRILLER album is the gift and the curse!
When people think Michael Jackson, the immediately think of a song coming from THRILLER. THRILLER was a brilliant album we all know that, but DANGEROUS consisted of some of Michael's best cuts.
I can't find anything like WILL YOU BE THERE? on the thriller album. WHO IS IT was also bad ass! GIVE IN TO ME .. need I say more?
DANGEROUS needs half as much hype as THRILLER is getting, it is after all a firm favorite among us fans.

I love both albums, but Dangerous has Give into me, Who is it, Heal the world, Black or White and others, some of my all time favorite songs.

Maybe if you ask again in a month I listen more to Thriller at that time, so my answer will change. Does that all the time. :)
Dangerous FTW!!!!

I do love those old songs like beat it and thriller, but I love the songs like Black or White more because I like the way Michael tells us how we should treat each other. Those songs are lyricly stronger than just (not to say thriller is just a song) a song like Thriller.
OK, well TECHNICALLY, Thriller is MJ's best album, but I personally prefer listening to Dangerous :D

He improved over the years after Thriller, and I definitely think Dangerous was a superb album. I do wish grunge rock would have formed later so Dangerous could have had more time at the top of the charts, but once Nevermind came out......the rest is history for Nirvana...
Dangerous all the way. Who Is It is one of the best songs ever made in my opinion. I just love every song on the album. I could listen to it over and over again, unlike Thriller which I get tired of hearing after a while.
I pick Dangerous. I love Thriller too, but for me, musically, Dangerous just has a better selection of songs.
both are masterpieces, and everyone has presented valid points

it has to be Dangerous for me, this was the time I was really becoming a strong, or obsessive fan, Thriller was before I was born so I was introduced to that album more in later years.

Both are different, but still brilliant!
but I gotta with Dangerous! :D
Whych album do you like better?

Dangerous crushed Thriller 13:3
OK, well TECHNICALLY, Thriller is MJ's best album, but I personally prefer listening to Dangerous :D

how is thriller technically the better album lol...just cuz it sold more doesnt means its better...its dubbed the greatest SELLING album of all time not the greates album of all time...cuz that title belongs to dangerous lol
Thriller defo!!!!1
I dunno what it is but Dangerous has never been one of my favourite MJ albums. It has some great songs but on some of them I don't understand a word MJ is saying. :ninja:
Dangerous all the way... Don't get me wrong I do love Thriller, but Dangerous is truly a masterpiece, is the only album I can sit through and not skip a single song (yes I'm a terrible fan, I know blah)
Though I still think Bad is my favorite MJ album I always skip through ONE song, same with Thriller, and that doesn't happen with Dangerous.
Maybe because Thriller songs have been overplayed till death...idk.

Thriller will always be considered as MJ's crown jewel by average joes, but the fans know some of his highest quality work was in Bad and Dangerous. Easy example: WHO IS IT!!! How can anyone deny the awesomeness (lol) of that song?! It's simply brilliant and it shows perfectly the quality emphasis Michael put on Dangerous.

Don't even get me started on the brilliance of lyrics like Will You Be There, and Give in To Me...ugh, simply genious.
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