Thriller - underrated!

yeah like many allready said here,
I do think the reason we don't talk AS MUCH abou thriller as..history...dangerous..++ is because thriller is the album everyone else in this world is talking about and it gets boring! it gets boring to hear about beat it and thriller...billie jean everyday..
that's the 3 main songs "non fans" think about whenever they hear Mj's name and they always mentions those amazing they are..
we allready know.
so we talk about sumthin else :D
I agree, when asked which album is my fav Thriller is not my #1 choice. The album is awesome, I see why the gen pub love it so much, but they tend to forget about the other great songs on the album. Every song on the album rocks.
I usually listen to this album from beginning to end.
Baby Be Mine is VERY underrated, yes!!!

Now, I must dig out my mom's LP and listen to the record the next time I go home! She only listened to Thriller, Beat It and Billie Jean. :p

I can't say what my fave track is because they're all amazing!!! :D
Huh?! Thriller - underrated?! Oh man, that's the most selling album ever! And I believe that there will never be as successful album as Thriller. But anyway I'd say that Thriller is not underrated.

But like MJJ_luv1991 said, Baby Be Mine is underrated!