Thriller - underrated!


Proud Member
Jul 11, 2009
Sydney, Australia
In my opinion one of the most underrated albums on this forum - for god knows what reason why!

This album is perfectly crafted. Absolutely perfect. Not one thing I would change. Each song is an example of Michael Jackson perfection. A huge range of emotions on here - suited to any mood! Perfect ballads, perfect up beat songs. Absolute classics which will be remember for CENTURIES to come. The best selling album of ALL time.

Let's discuss it! Why is it so underrated by everyone? Is it due to it's 'mainstream-ness'? Is it to do with conformity? Thriller is personally my favourite Michael album. What are everyone's favourite tracks? Thoughts on song selection? etc etc.


Talk away!
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Re: Thriller

I totally agree!

I think it's just such a classic and so well-established as being one of the greatest records of all time, that people sometimes forget the actual genius of each track on there...

People always talk about the cultural significance of it, and talk about it in terms of it being a landmark in music history, etc, but I definitely think the actual brilliance of the music itself kind of is forgotten.
It's a shame too, because some of Michael's best vocals are on this record, and I feel like people don't really talk about how incredible his voice actually is (in the media. Obviously WE talk about it! ;) )

I am still in awe of that album though.
It's so dynamic and creative and the production is flawless.

"Lady In My Life" is seriously a perfect ballad.
"Human Nature" is unearthly lovely.
"Billie Jean", "Beat It" - epic epic epic.

I love PYT. I love that song to pieces.
And I think "Baby Be Mine" is criminally underrated.

I love Thriller.
Re: Thriller

Well what I really like about the album is the variety. The songs are really different from each other. It's just all a good sample of his versatility as an artist. :) You can also still listen to the songs today and they don't sound dated. I'll never get tired of songs like "Billie Jean" and "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'" and "Human Nature" is my all time favorite song. :)
Re: Thriller

It's cool, because I don't listen to mainstream music and so musically, I really don't connect with the other people in my age group.

But the songs on Thriller totally transcend that gap and I have found myself dancing and singing to "PYT" and "Baby Be Mine" at parties with people I have nothing in common with.

And they love them because they sound so fresh. They're still so relevant.

That's what I have always admired about Michael's music.

But for me Thriller exemplifies all that.
Re: Thriller

It's not that, i love thriller, it's an amazing effort. But is it better than MJ's other work? no. And i think fans understand that as well, which is why it's not getting any exceptional treatment here.

Anyway, billie jean, human nature, beat it..... god it's a good album :D
Re: Thriller

In my opinion one of the most underrated albums on this forum - for god knows what reason why!

This album is perfectly crafted. Absolutely perfect. Not one thing I would change. Each song is an example of Michael Jackson perfection. A huge range of emotions on here - suited to any mood! Perfect ballads, perfect up beat songs. Absolute classics which will be remember for CENTURIES to come. The best selling album of ALL time.

Let's discuss it! Why is it so underrated by everyone? Is it due to it's 'mainstream-ness'? Is it to do with conformity? Thriller is personally my favourite Michael album. What are everyone's favourite tracks? Thoughts on song selection? etc etc.


Talk away!

I think I read the theory that our favorite Michael era is the one that we 'grew up on,' so maybe a lot of the fans here first heard Dangerous or even Invincible. So I first experienced "Michael-mania" w/ Thriller, so that did it for me.

There's also personal music taste; New Jack Swing has never been my favorite, so Dangerous obviously wouldn't be my favorite album (though there's plenty of non-NJS Dangerous songs to enjoy).

It could also be the 'main-stream' factor; as Michael fans we've been accustomed to not listening to the main-stream, so favoring the album that the critics and mainstream media likes best may seem illogical.

Or, it could be that fans have heard Billie Jean, Beat It, Thriller, so many times that we feel like listening to something new. Though I love Thriller, I've heard those songs at this point in my life more than any other album, so I've been going w/ the other albums lately.

Anyway, those are just some theories.

Favorite tracks: Wanna Be Startin Something, Human Nature, PYT, Beat It, Thriller

Least favorite: The Girl Is Mine

What are the unreleased tracks from the Thriller sessions that we've heard at this point? Hot Street, For All Time, Got the Hots, and Carousel? All of those songs I think are VG but I'd say the album did OK w/out them lol. I'd definitely replace TGIM, maybe Baby Be Mine, but that's about it.
LOVE thriller :yes:
tied at my favorite album of all time!!

There is something about the style of music that Michael does- it can't be put into one category. He didn't say- 'i'm gonna make an r&b or pop record'. It's just perfect music.The epitome of amazing music. This is the kind of music that makes ppl fall in love with music. (and it's been like that all throughout his life)
and yes, I desperately love baby be mine.
There are no fillers on that cd
For some reason, for me, I never get sick of listening to the songs. His voice and the melody never get old. And the emotion and production of the vocals--- *sigh*
ALOT of non-fans take thriller for granted because they've heard it so much. Imagine when it first came out (i wasn't born then)- must have been amazing!
Re: Thriller

I totally agree!

I think it's just such a classic and so well-established as being one of the greatest records of all time, that people sometimes forget the actual genius of each track on there...

People always talk about the cultural significance of it, and talk about it in terms of it being a landmark in music history, etc, but I definitely think the actual brilliance of the music itself kind of is forgotten.
It's a shame too, because some of Michael's best vocals are on this record, and I feel like people don't really talk about how incredible his voice actually is (in the media. Obviously WE talk about it! ;) )

I am still in awe of that album though.
It's so dynamic and creative and the production is flawless.

"Lady In My Life" is seriously a perfect ballad.
"Human Nature" is unearthly lovely.
"Billie Jean", "Beat It" - epic epic epic.

I love PYT. I love that song to pieces.
And I think "Baby Be Mine" is criminally underrated.

I love Thriller.

you i'm always at odds with the media about how they portrayed something by Michael..but in this case..there's not much more you could ask for than the reception that Thriller got. if anything Sony's afraid to play anything else.
Imagine when it first came out (i wasn't born then)- must have been amazing!

Oh yes. It was an amazing time to be alive, lemme tell ya. It was....just sort of I guess you could say, magical.

And I think "Baby Be Mine" is criminally underrated.

Most definitely. Baby Be Mine is VERY underrated.

On this forum definately!

Yep. On this forum, Thriller seems to be overlooked usually. I think the age theory has a lot to do with it. There are quite a few younger folks here at the forum who weren't alive during the Thriller era, but they remember Dangerous and HIStory, etc.
I don't think it is underrated at all! We all know how freakin' amazing this album is!

A song which stands out to me at the moment is Human Nature uhh that song is amazing! The 2009 vocals on the rehearsals are incredible too! I can't wait to hear the new Billie Jean!

Anyway Thriller is an AMAZING album, each song, everything about it. Brilliant
Haha I should really rename the title of this to 'underrated on this forum' haha.

Good points everyone! Glad there are some big Thriller fans here! I'm only 18 but Thriller, Bad and OTW are my faves so I guess it's what you are into!
For me it's never been the album I listen to right through.

Yes it has the classive singles: startin' somethin', beat it, billie jean, p.y.t and human nature

it's not very cohesive for me though i always skip: thriller, lady in my life(though ive warmed to it recently), girl is mine and baby be mine
underrated is not the right word for Thriller. if it is then it has the most well known underrated tracks ever!

personally i'd say OTW is underrated on MJ forums, (if we have to pick a solo adult michael album) i only hear about thriller, bad, dangerous, history, invincible waaaaay more.

how often do i read about ''get on the floor'' ''burn this disco out'' or even... ''off the wall'' compared to other album tracks constantly.

i have read a few comments even saying '' i have to get reacquainted with OTW''.
haha. or saying they discovered a song on there.
its also generational like mentioned but, thriller is different. it started michaelmania. you cant ignore this album and the tracks on it. no matter the time it came, and i dont see how any of the random tracks can be any less better than Bad to fans.

reviews always say it IS a perfect blend of ballads and upbeat songs for the short amount of the songs on thriller.

there are fans who seem to like the later gritty voiced michael. but if you dont like OTW, Thriller michael that would be sad,
but i dont see people not appreciating thriller on this forum though, imo.:cool:
I think it's a case of people thinking "Oh well Thriller, everyone is going to vote for that and talk about it..." so they pick another. Thriller is incredible, but I've always preferred Bad, for me Bad, TWYMMF, MITM, DD, Leave Me Alone and of course.... SMOOTH CRIMINAL are just too good; Thriller tends to get a lot of press because of its sales and rightly so, but does anyone else feel Bad was a step up too? Maybe I'm just obsessed with seeing MJ come out dressed in a white suit and fedora and TEARING IT UP!!!!
I skip Thriller song too....Thriller gets soooo annoying, it's the only Michel's song that i don't like... i will never understand why some people like this song. The album itself is perfect! Billie Jean/Beat it, Baby be mine, human Nature..
Well, I think it is underrated on MJ forums because, when we ask fav album, it's often Off the wall and Dangerous..

Personally, I'm kinda tired to ALWAYS hear non MJ-fans say ''well, Thriller was good'' or ''he looked good during Thriller'' and they ALWAYS think that he never did anything else that was good.. I think it's why I actually don't listen to that album very often, cause I try to show people he did something else than THRILLER!!!

It's like, you're not a MJ fan, you like Thriller, you're a MJ fan, you like ANOTHER album cause you KNOW there are others!

*no offend to fans who Love Thriller ;) was just an exemple* :hug:

I have to say anyway that Thriller is not my favorite for real, lol, I always skip Beat it, often skip Billie Jean and sometimes Thriller, don't like listening to it too much, but the songs on it are fantastic and refreshing, nothing to say on that :)
I know exactly what a lot of people are saying here!
I understand totally that his other albums are underrated! Invincible for example is one of my favourites. Just in my opinion Thriller is overlooked a bit on the forum! That's all I was pointing out ;)

To each their own!
I skip Thriller song too....Thriller gets soooo annoying, it's the only Michel's song that i don't like... i will never understand why some people like this song. The album itself is perfect! Billie Jean/Beat it, Baby be mine, human Nature..
:bugeyed say what now?!?!?
I like thriller! :(

lol. I like every song on Thriller.
:bugeyed say what now?!?!?
I like thriller! :(

lol. I like every song on Thriller.

I'm so with you here!

I don't know how it would be possible to not like The Girl Is Mine, Baby Be Mine, The Lady in My Life or Thriller! Ha pretty much every song on Thriller!
i believe it is underated by us more "hardcore" fans simply because it is all the media recognizes mj for, it is what they compare all of his other work to, it is like it is his only album -_-
I don't think its underrated.. I think some fans are just tired of the media/non fans thinking Thriller was the only good thing Michael ever instead they go on about other albums - looking at it the opposite way - look at how many threads there were at one time on here praising Invincible!