Thriller on YouTube surpasses 65million hits

Ew.. Katy perry and jonas brothers beat Michael Jackson? Stupid little girls they don't know real music.

Well you can thank Sony for not promoting Michael's music to the younger generation. Belittling musicians and their fans just because you don't like them is hardly the smartest thing to do, either.
It's a shame that Susan Boyle has had, what - 100 million+ views?
And Avril Lavigne's Girlfriend video has like 90 million the last time I checked

Hey! I like Susan Boyle! But....I want MJ to be the most viewed.
OK guys, it makes sense. The people who are watching these YouTube videos and giving them tens of millions of views are mostly kids who are fans of this new batch of stars.
Michael hadn't released anything new in a long time to put him in the mind of the public. However we all know that most people know that Thriller is one of the best videos ever made so what are views in comparison with that?
That being said, let's get Michael on top. ;)

Exactly. The younger generations are more into say Britney or Chris Brown...its just the way it is. Of course MJ has fans of all ages but it is too be expected that those artists would have high views.

As someone already said. Thriller is pretty old, so the fact that it has gathered that much attention is amazing. I've never heard anyone say "That video sucks" or "that video is stupid." Everyone loves that video and will for far much longer than those other videos/songs. Just imagine what numbers it would get if youtube was around back then.

So if you look at it like that. MJ wins anyway lol.
GOAT = Greatest Of All Time

Mike = GOAT

Even though it is true that Michael is the "Greatest of All Time," I think we should just call him KOP. I think the rapper LL Cool J is the self-proclaimed G.O.A.T., even though his claim to that title would be in dispute while Michael's would not.

I think Michael will eventually will be number one. Remember most if not all of these younger artists with view counts will fade away, while Michael's will stand the test of time.
Even though it is true that Michael is the "Greatest of All Time," I think we should just call him KOP. I think the rapper LL Cool J is the self-proclaimed G.O.A.T., even though his claim to that title would be in dispute while Michael's would not.

I think Michael will eventually will be number one. Remember most if not all of these younger artists with view counts will fade away, while Michael's will stand the test of time.

the "king of pop" is too limiting a title for him actually... mike is actually the greatest of all time, so I refer to him as the GOAT..