Thomas Mesereau pays tribute to Michael Jackson on 2nd Anniversary (video)

:clapping: and :bow: to :mez:

God Bless you Thomas Mesereau. I thank you. :wub:
The Heavens have opened up, and the Archangel Michael is singing to us....


Michael Jackson: Two years later
By Jacob Rohn

Genius frozen in time

Looking back on it, June 25, 2009, will forever be an indelible chapter in the history of Los Angeles. The announcement of Michael Jackson’s death was a moment eternally suspended in time – a moment when the whole world would simultaneously feel a loss, so sudden and so keen, it was like losing a family member.

In Los Angeles, where Jackson passed away, the emotional blow was especially visceral. Disbelief was overcome by sorrow as reality began to set in. In a city built on fame, Jackson crafted a legacy that was closer to mythology than it was to mere stardom.

In both life – and now, two years after his death – Michael Jackson casts multiple reflections. To some he is the “King of Pop,” a magnanimous philanthropist, an icon and a superstar of the highest caliber. To others he was a criminal and a monster.

Attorney Thomas Mesereau Jr., got to know Jackson well. Mesereau defended Jackson in the pop star’s 2005 child molestation case. He is thoroughly familiar with the allegations against his former client, but also spent a lot of time with Jackson and got to know the real man in the mirror.

LA Canvas interviewed Mesereau because his track record as an attorney, coupled with his reputation as a man of uncompromising integrity, speaks volumes about his credibility.


Dozens of people utilized the coverage of Jackson’s death to get in on as much airtime as they could; Mesereau was not one of them.

The Michael Jackson he knew was a kind and gentle man, trapped by distorted public perceptions of his reclusive personal life. Mesereau opened up about his memories of the case, meeting Jackson and his thoughts on how the media handled the whole thing.

“Michael just might be the nicest client I’ve ever represented,” said Mesereau without hesitation. He added, “The biggest surprise about Michael was how down to earth he was to deal with.”

As Michael’s fame grew, so, too, did the target on his back. And with every accusation against him, members of the media constantly had him in their sights. “People took what they thought was unusual about him and tried to magnify it into criminal conduct,” noted Mesereau.

“The way he was tortured by people that wanted to profit off of his eccentricity was one of the great tragedies of our time.”

If the public thought his life was a media circus, his death provided an even more blatant example of just how selfish and abhorrent people could be. The coverage was a Who’s Who of pundits, and Michael Jackson “associates,” presenting a twisted display of unfounded thoughts on why he died, presented as fact.

“There were people, including lawyers saying they were close to him and to the family, and making all sorts of representations that were not true,” recalled Mesereau about the coverage surrounding Jackson’s death. He continued, “It was absolutely disgusting. I was hearing outside the hospital, there were people claiming they were close to him that were running from media booth to media booth trying to capitalize on his passing.”

It is impossible to overstate what Michael Jackson meant to the world. The effect of his death, much like the effect of his life, superseded race, ignored socioeconomic status, and required no cultural translation. From the hardest of criminals to the most innocent of children (some of whom were not even born when Jackson last recorded an album), Jackson’s impact was and still is universal. As both an artist and a humanitarian, Michael Jackson has humbly set world records that will probably never be broken.

While he did have serious criminal accusations lodged against him, it is often overlooked that his accusers always stood to profit from these alleged transgressions, none of which he was ever convicted.

“The biggest misconception is that he was a criminal and a child molester,” said Mesereau. “Nothing could be further from the truth. “And unfortunately, because he was so famous, and because he was an eclectic artist and an artistic genius, people took what they thought was unusual about him and tried to magnify it into criminal conduct.”

Mesereau added, “He was not a pedophile. He was not a criminal. He was not a child molester. And the way he was tortured by people that wanted to make him controversial and profit off of his eccentricity was one of the great tragedies of our time.”

Above all else, Jackson leaves behind an uncanny ability to unify people through his music. Like Michael Jackson the man, Michael Jackson the musician promoted peace, love and equality. Though he is no longer with us, his music and his permanent effect on humanity will forever be frozen in time.


Divine Connection
By Deborah L. Kunesh

What many do not realize is that while this trial was going on, attorney Tom Mesereau was also dealing with very real and deep personal pain. While getting ready for trial, Mesereau found out that his sister was diagnosed with terminal cancer. After being released from the hospital, she came home to find a bouquet of flowers larger than her front door with a poem tucked inside, written by Michael himself. Despite his loss after his sister passed, Mesereau went forward into trial to defend Michael’s innocence.

I wanted to share this story because it speaks so highly of 2 very special human beings and their character. Tom Mesereau, who wholeheartedly believed in Michael’s innocence and worked diligently, even through his own personal pain and loss, to vindicate someone he knew was innocent, and Michael Jackson, despite the pain he was going through of being falsely accused of disgusting acts and of having his caring, giving nature turned against him by a family whom he had helped and who the family themselves admitted that Michael’s love and care had helped heal their son of cancer, continued to be the kind, caring, generous, sweet person that he always was, reaching out to others in their pain despite the personal pain he was going through. God definitely brought these two extraordinary individuals together. ~
You know what I like about Tom. He didn't go on tv after Michael died. He wasn't on Larry King and Oprah Winfrey. He was quite untill he thought it was time to speak. I don't know if that was because he noticed how loved he was by the fans.
But I'm glad he did. Whatever he says, he hits the nail on the head. He tells people what Michael was about and how he was like.

I have a lot of respect for him.
You know what I like about Tom. He didn't go on tv after Michael died. He wasn't on Larry King and Oprah Winfrey. He was quite untill he thought it was time to speak. I don't know if that was because he noticed how loved he was by the fans.
But I'm glad he did. Whatever he says, he hits the nail on the head. He tells people what Michael was about and how he was like.

I have a lot of respect for him.

100% agreed!
God bless this man! I love him, he always spoke with perfect words about Mike, and he doesn't need to write a book to tell how Mike was.

Thank you Mr Mesereau.
You know what I like about Tom. He didn't go on tv after Michael died. He wasn't on Larry King and Oprah Winfrey. He was quite untill he thought it was time to speak. I don't know if that was because he noticed how loved he was by the fans.
But I'm glad he did. Whatever he says, he hits the nail on the head. He tells people what Michael was about and how he was like.

I have a lot of respect for him.

:agree::flowers: His words always are coming from his heart.
“There were people, including lawyers saying they were close to him and to the family, and making all sorts of representations that were not true,” recalled Mesereau about the coverage surrounding Jackson’s death. He continued, “It was absolutely disgusting. I was hearing outside the hospital, there were people claiming they were close to him that were running from media booth to media booth trying to capitalize on his passing.”
Totally talking about Brian Oxman here! lol Amazing article love T-Mez
I recall after the verdict was read and Tom M followed MJ and his mom to their car and mrs jackson kissed TM on the cheek. At that moment i realize that tis was not just a client employer relationship but he cared dearly for MJ. He also displayed care when big mouth Brian Oxman kept talking to the media, and he was seen cursing him out in the parking lot. Thank you Tom Mesereau for careing.
Mr. Mesereau will always have all my love and respect. Thank you for continuing to share the real truth about Michael and thank you for all the compassion and support you showed him. You were more than a lawyer to Michael, you were a friend.
Thanks always to Mr. Meseareau, the MJ fan family will always be greatful to him for what he did for Michael.
Tom Mesereau is the man!!!!
I love how he speaks, always to the point.
I have had so much respect for Thomas Mesereau from the very moment he became Michael's lawyer. And I continue to have more and more respect for him as time goes on. And he's not afraid to remain dedicated to telling the truth about Michael. Mesereau proves to me again and again why he's the man. The Highest bless T-Mez!!!
Gob Bless Thomas Mesereau! I have all great respect for him for not going straight to the media and talking when he needs to.
I really like him. He really speaks the truth and I hope people will really listen to him.
This video makes me so sad :sad2:
I cannot understand how could anyone not see the inner beauty of Michael.

Thank you Tom Mesereau :heart:
Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons. (Michael Jackson)

Somehow I have since a few days the feeling that the marathon runners come to the fore now so quite slowly and energetically....

Many thanks, Mr. Mesereau!
Your words warms my heart.
:heart::heart: Thank you so so so MUCH MR. THOMAS!!! :heart::heart: