Thomas Meserau slams TMZ

What a man, what a man, what a man, what a mighty GOOD man, he's a mighty, mighty good man! ;)
I love the fact that he totalty defended Michael to the end...but......did you notice how when they asked him about Doctors and all that he said "I made it clear that I am hear to win his freedom, I am not here about his personal life" this too me is him covering his own ass as too what he MIGHT of known about. He must of known, although I am grateful for what he did for Michael at the trial, he also falls under the category of enabling if he did know about pills and didnt try to help him. Again perfect example of peoples hand in Michael's pockets

He's a lawyer -- "hand in Michael's pockets" -- was he supposed to work for peanuts? (He does, BTW, do one free death penalty case a year).

How is Tom supposed to know why Michael knew so many doctors anyway? That would be incredibly unprofessional to delve into someone's personal life. Would anyone, Michael included, have wanted Thomas not focusing on this case 24/7? Or would you rather have him watch movies and ride the train at Neverland all day? Thomas Meserau did a damn good job at defending Michael Jackson, and I'd have it no other way. To insinuate that Thomas is some kind of shady "enabler" or leech is just plain wrong.
Tmez was being professional, I wish most other people in MJ's life would do the same damn thing.
I love the fact that he totalty defended Michael to the end...but......did you notice how when they asked him about Doctors and all that he said "I made it clear that I am hear to win his freedom, I am not here about his personal life" this too me is him covering his own ass as too what he MIGHT of known about. He must of known, although I am grateful for what he did for Michael at the trial, he also falls under the category of enabling if he did know about pills and didnt try to help him. Again perfect example of peoples hand in Michael's pockets

You're kidding right?

He gave Michael his freedom and supported him for months after the trial ended. He didn't enable shit.

I'm just waiting for the first "Thomas Mesereau killed him!!" :smilerolleyes:
I love the fact that he totalty defended Michael to the end...but......did you notice how when they asked him about Doctors and all that he said "I made it clear that I am hear to win his freedom, I am not here about his personal life" this too me is him covering his own ass as too what he MIGHT of known about. He must of known, although I am grateful for what he did for Michael at the trial, he also falls under the category of enabling if he did know about pills and didnt try to help him. Again perfect example of peoples hand in Michael's pockets

Your comments about Thomas Meserau are completely off base!

Did you miss the part where he stated he never saw Michael over medicated or on drugs during the entire trial?

Meserau is probably one of the best lawyers in the country and one of the most professional. He one of the few people that Michael put on his payroll that acted in his best interest.
I love the fact that he totalty defended Michael to the end...but......did you notice how when they asked him about Doctors and all that he said "I made it clear that I am hear to win his freedom, I am not here about his personal life" this too me is him covering his own ass as too what he MIGHT of known about. He must of known, although I am grateful for what he did for Michael at the trial, he also falls under the category of enabling if he did know about pills and didnt try to help him. Again perfect example of peoples hand in Michael's pockets

He doesn't fall into that catergory because he just went on the record as saying Michael never appeared to be on any form of medication.

He wasn't covering his own behind.. he was simply answering the questions with facts of what he knew or did not know. He didn't speculate... which is what I wish a lot of the people in MJ's world would start doing... the speculation gets twisted everytime someone opens their mouth.
Your comments about Thomas Meserau are completely off base!

Did you miss the part where he stated he never saw Michael over medicated or on drugs during the entire trial?

Meserau is probably one of the best lawyers in the country and one of the most professional. He one of the few people that Michael put on his payroll that acted in his best interest.

So true!
Anyone ever think of Atticus Finch when it comes to Tom Mesereau? I was so afraid that when Michael got a Lawyer for his trial it would be a money hungry backstabber/flake who would either screw it up or worse, find him innocent than turn his back on him later. This did not happen with T-Mez. He has continued to defend him when he didn't have to and he's not a limelight hog like Geragos or other celeb attorney's. He takes his job seriously and Michael really was like Tom Robinson from To Kill a Mockingbird.
Your comments about Thomas Meserau are completely off base!

Did you miss the part where he stated he never saw Michael over medicated or on drugs during the entire trial?

Meserau is probably one of the best lawyers in the country and one of the most professional. He one of the few people that Michael put on his payroll that acted in his best interest.

Amen! As I said on another forum, frankly Michael made a lot poor personnel decisions, perhaps even one that cost him his life (Dr. Murray). But he hit a home run with Mesereau. That guy is articluate and always presents Michael well, calmly and coolly. And, of course, he came through when it counted most. Given what was at stake, he was probably the most important professional relationship Michael ever had. He made the pic in my signature possible.
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He doesn't fall into that catergory because he just went on the record as saying Michael never appeared to be on any form of medication.

He wasn't covering his own behind.. he was simply answering the questions with facts of what he knew or did not know. He didn't speculate... which is what I wish a lot of the people in MJ's world would start doing... the speculation gets twisted everytime someone opens their mouth.

I agree. T-Mez simply told what he saw and didn't see. He was consistent in that he stuck to the facts and didn't get tricked by TMZ into telling a "this-is-what-I-think-happened" story.
I thought we fans were sick of people talking about speculations, putting their own spin on what occurred and being quoted on what they thought happened. Here we have a guy who stuck to the facts and some of us are bashing him for that? Let's not.
Mez genuinly was the best person Michael ever employed. He also has a lot of credibility, he could have made a huge amount of money off the back of the trial but he just went back to his normal practice.
I love T-Mez. I'm so thankful that he came into Michael's life when he did. Just a complete professional through and through, love it.
Pay attention to what Thomas Meserau said. He saw Michael Jackson everyday (back then)and there was no drug use/ abuse that he saw. "That was you guys." There was no drug abuse. The media is once again lying.

Michael Jackson was murdered. Why to stop him from earning the money($100s of millions) that would end the nonsense he went throught the last few years and to ensure no one would get that 50 percent of SONY/ ATV. This was planned it had to be done after the rehersals were complete and before he left Hollywood.

Reality check

Entertainment(Movies, TV, Music, Fashion, Sports) the Media(News,Tabloids and Gossip) are one entity with only a different face. The popparazzi are their spies for the powers in Hollywood. hgis keeps the employees(stars) in line. Michael rebelled and they made him pay for it.

Who did it? Follow the money....

Remember this (listen to the man not the media)

@ 3:16
Yeah, he's good as always.

But, they did cut/edit the interview anyway no matter what Thomas said to them - they showed when T. said they had luck during the trial etc., but they didn't show when he said that Michael was innocent and that prosecution had a weak case. Blah.
Yeah, he's good as always.

But, they did cut/edit the interview anyway no matter what Thomas said to them - they showed when T. said they had luck during the trial etc., but they didn't show when he said that Michael was innocent and that prosecution had a weak case. Blah.

I wondered what they'd cut there. Doesn't surprise me. :smilerolleyes: