Thomas Meserau slams TMZ

I've said it once and I'll say it again... I love that man.
I love the fact that he totalty defended Michael to the end...but......did you notice how when they asked him about Doctors and all that he said "I made it clear that I am hear to win his freedom, I am not here about his personal life" this too me is him covering his own ass as too what he MIGHT of known about. He must of known, although I am grateful for what he did for Michael at the trial, he also falls under the category of enabling if he did know about pills and didnt try to help him. Again perfect example of peoples hand in Michael's pockets
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LOL @ the reporters being scared at his warning. Yeah that's right, don't screw with a lawyer. Go Thomas!
I love the fact that he totalty defended Michael to the end...but......did you notice how when they asked him about Doctors and all that he said "I made it clear that I am hear to win his freedom, I am not here about his personal life" this too me is him covering his own ass as too what he MIGHT of known about. He must of known, although I am grateful for what he did for Michael at the trial, he also falls under the category of enabling if he did know about pills and didnt try to help him. Again perfect example of peoples hand in Michael's pockets

He's a lawyer so he was giving a very civil response. It shouldn't be looked into more than that :mez:
He's a lawyer so he was giving a very civil response. It shouldn't be looked into more than that :mez:

first of all I want to say that I have been noticing your icon of Michael..I love it, it is beautiful. and yes you are correct he is a lawyer. I just expected more of him that's all. I guess like everyone else I am hurting and just think that all who involved in Michael's life could of helped him in some way. :(
He's awesome. Answers so clearly, directly and to the point that you can't really find a way to go around him.
He shoots you down just like that. :D
So glad Michael had this guy in his life.
Michael needed more people like T-Mez in his life! Professional, loyal and did his job properly!! Certain people need to take a leaf out of his book!! If the Jackson family do end up in a court case, I hope they go to T-Mez - if anyone can ever get the truth he can.
some of you think it is easy to help someone who has a drug problem..Like all you have to say is stop and they will...Its way more difficult than that, and the common solution now is to recommend that someone go to AA, rehab or whatever and not get involved or you will lose your life to it. YOu cannot force anyone that has a drug problem to stop, you cannot force it upon them. And you cannot ruin your life trying to do it. It is very naive that some of you think it is that easy.

People that have drug problems need professional help only, no friend, no lover, no family, no employee can help, the person with the problem has to want the help and they have to stick with it. It is really up to them.