This week really blows...WATCH THIS and like magic, you laugh so hard you cry ;)

I really needed to laugh again. This thread is awesome! :lmao: I love Michael's giggles and the videos up there are so funny!! Thanks guys! You made me day better!
Ok, so the video itself is not that funny, but yes it is really funny NOW cos we need some laughter.... Thanks so much for posting this. ("Underwear") :lol: xxx
Hey anna! Did u ever watch that video where MJ is being interviewed by a japanese guy (I think) and he just CANT stop laughing!!! Hihihihi!! Now that is funny!! :p

I was watching some MJ funny videos and happened to come across that one. :lmao: i couldn't stop laughing because Michael's laughter was so contagious!!

Here's the link :D
This scene was really making me smile and laugh. I can't believe I've totally have forgotten about it. Until I decided to watch my Munich,Germany HIStory Concert about an hour ago.

Michael was just so very cute in this scene.
Very funny, I love it!

I love the comments on this forum and on youtube, people saying that he wasn't drunk, some people have just got to chill and don't take things in life so literally.

Very odd world, that we all belong to.
Gosh, I am so busy guys, but hopefully I can come back at a later time and post a demo for the song Dangerous...there is more than one demo and in the version I have he is trying to find a word to rhyme with "relation" I think, and I swear to god he sings


lol, my sister and I just about died when we heard it.