This week really blows...WATCH THIS and like magic, you laugh so hard you cry ;)

annabelle lee777

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Someplace Else
I have been crying so much this week guys, more than any other week on record I think. Yeah, yeah, you all get it, this week sucks monkey balls.


and magically everything was all better ;)

I honestly don't think I had ever laughed SO hard in my life.....guys I must be off the deep end or something o_0 God I love him. Bear. lol.

Everyone post something to make us laugh during this hard time.:clapping:
This was posted on gearlslutz and MJ was not drunk. This is a demo with Michael making up lyrics or where he wants lyrics to go.
Thanks so much for posting that! It's hilarious!! Love the "Buttercup", "Underwear", and "Bear" bit.. hahah
LMAOOOOO alright well I had personally never heard that. ANd I understand its just the demo and the scat before putting final lyrics in and what not..
but that sh*t was funny.. it made me laugh
really... buttercup a day? wtf? I sit in a cup?
lmaooooo.. I
I dont understand whats so funny. We've heard this before. Go hear Give In To Me demo where Mike sings Love Is A Donut....thats funny. BTW I dont hear anything to do with a bear at all.
Hey anna! Did u ever watch that video where MJ is being interviewed by a japanese guy (I think) and he just CANT stop laughing!!! Hihihihi!! Now that is funny!! :p
What has been making me laugh alot this past week. Is watching the Shake Your Body performance at the 1987 Bad Yokohama, Japan Concert. Well its the whole thats nasty part is what makes me laugh so much. I just loved the way Michael is looking at that guy that is doing that. Here it is it starts around 2:57 for that scene:

that's hilarious..."and i sit, in a cup, on a ride" (cut to Disney's tea cup ride)


i think the humour lies in the persons interpretation of what michael is saying and the visuals that accompany it.

LOL! Thx for posting that. Like most people on here, i've been crying and depressed over MJ so I needed this.
Hey anna! Did u ever watch that video where MJ is being interviewed by a japanese guy (I think) and he just CANT stop laughing!!! Hihihihi!! Now that is funny!! :p

Wow I'm dumb....a long time ago like 2001, I started listening to Michael's music in reverse just for shits and giggles, and to "listen" for parts that you might understand....all in good fun. Can't believe I never thought to watch him dance in reverse. heh heh.:punk:

And yes I had seen that interview many times, I love today on there is something similar:
Well he giggles at the end at least, lol. Had never seen that before today. Hope that link works.

Thank God someone found this funny, cause about 10 minutes ago I was about to loose it after watching CNN for a while. I felt ill thinking that some stupid doctor was giving him a dangerous drug, just because he asked for it. pffffft FUCKTARDS.....THE WHOLE WORLD IS A BUNCH OF I can't take this ish anymore, ugh. Feeling this way is not fun.....*time out*

Back to 'ma buttercup. Eat one everyday.


~Love You Mikey, Always
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I was just sitting there thinkin' *wow printed words*
Then BAM the buttercup picture and I lost it.
This sh*t is funny.

MJbollywoodgirl87: That vid is funny. Every time Mikey said *booty* I started crackin' the hell up.
And yes I had seen that interview many times, I love today on there is something similar:
Well he giggles at the end at least, lol. Had never seen that before today. Hope that link works.
Oh My GAAWWD!!! Thaaank you for finding and posting that!!! I loved it, loved it!! It made me cry again, cause I can't accept it! :cry:
Michael was looking adooorable, I love when he giggles!!
I learned something new about Michael!! I didnt know he didn't like scary movies!! :giggle:

EDIT: Dangerous Inc, u gotta READ the video while you watch it, that's what makes it funny ;)
OH EXACTLY!! :cheeky:
can someone find the interview where he keeps laughing, that sh*t is hilarious. lol
I dont understand whats so funny. We've heard this before. Go hear Give In To Me demo where Mike sings Love Is A Donut....thats funny. BTW I dont hear anything to do with a bear at all.

I had never heard that before! That was so funny how he just said that about the donut right in the middle of singing, then just kept going. He had quite a sense of humor.
keep the smiles going :)

The end of that where Michael says "the poor guy" cuz they always drag him off before he can really get into it (dancing like Michael) is so funny. Michael really seemed amused by it.

And notice how bashit asks Prince about Star Wars 2, and he asks him something about "what makes you qualified to make such a statement", then Michael asks him in a way that a child would understand. He was a smart guy.
hahahahaha lmao :lmao:

this is great...thank u so much for making us laugh again, we really need it!

i loved the 'sit in a cup in a ride' lol did he know what he was saying??

buttercup a day hey hey :lol:
i always loved this version of billy jean
thought it was so cute
had it as my ringtone 4 a while gone bak 2 bad tho