This-Is-Not-It Campaign- Real Thread [ Merged ]

Re: This-Is-Not-It Campaign- Real Thread

Stopped by to say I fully support this compaign and wanted to thank once again people who are trying to expose the truth, it is very important. We should spread it all as far as we can. I just wish people would listen to it more carefully and thoughtfully cause it hurts when you try to explain and they just do not listen, they like to stay blind, I guess
Re: This-Is-Not-It Campaign- Real Thread

This makes me so anrgy!! I wish Michael read your letters and listened to the concern and flew out somewhere to recover and regain health. That would have been the fairytale ending. Instead we are faced with this tragic horror story. He would still be alive if it wasn't for This Is It. I'm so so SO angry that the tour organisers let this happen.

Aside from sharing this on forums what are you planning? Are you going to the media with what you know?
Re: This-Is-Not-It Campaign- Real Thread

The purpose of the campaign is TRUTH, whatever that may turn out to be. Michael is gone, but he has three children, and they deserve to know what, exactly, happened. Not what corporations said happened. Not what media wants to have happened, but the TRUTH.

Yeah... Why this "truth" didn't come out in July 2009 when fans at this board asked them to share an information what was happening around two weeks before MJ died. They said that this info is private and they do not want to be attracted by others. Why bother now?
Re: This-Is-Not-It Campaign- Real Thread

Yeah... Why this "truth" didn't come out in July 2009 when fans at this board asked them to share an information what was happening around two weeks before MJ died. They said that this info is private and they do not want to be attracted by others. Why bother now?

"Why bother now" is quite rude! That, in part, answers your own question. These fans have been terribly attacked in the past by other fans, for what reasons I can't quite understand. . . Michael, himself, did not behave this way, and I find it discouraging, to say the least.

The follower fans themselves would have to be the ones to answer this question. I would expect that the slowness of the "official" investigation is part of the reason? It has been over three months, and no one has been arrested and charged. No balance has been demonstrated by media. After the intitial flurry that seemed designed to paint Michael as a drug-addict, there has been little media mention of his death, or an investigation, or much of anything! Now, we know that no narcotics were found in his system, but this has been scarcely mentioned. Michael's legacy deserves better than what media have given.

I believe it was Karen Faye who initially tried to suppress the fans' information from coming out. . while she was in the employment of AEG? She is no longer employed by them, and is now lending her support to the "This is NOT it" campaign. I won't pursue that line of discussion, though. Karen Faye has probably been discussed quite enough on this board, and anything else would be repeititive.

For those of you who may not know, the "follower fans" are a group of dedicated people who maintained a closeness with Michael. He knew them well, and they knew him. There is every indication that he welcomed their presence in his life, and that they helped him to feel loved. They were in a position to KNOW how he was doing physically and emotionally, because they saw him pretty much daily, and some were present at some rehearsals. They gave him gifts, and hugs. At the end, they were so alarmed by his physical (and emotional) deterioration that they gave him letters of concern, on the night he died!

The followers have my total respect, and they are to be commended for reaching out to Michael, when no one else really did, or could. At the end, Michael had those letters, and knew, for certain, that his fans CARED. I can see no possible way to fault the follower fans for this. They DID something. . and no one else did. . . .
Re: This-Is-Not-It Campaign- Real Thread

"Why bother now" is quite rude! .

If you found my very logical question “quite rude”, I am not participating in this. I am kinda sensitive person too. I have been worried about what happened with Michael no less than fans who were in contact with him. It is good that they gave him letters and hugs it is very nice of them but this is not a question now.

After a new autopsy leaked into press it changed the whole picture for me.
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Re: This-Is-Not-It Campaign- Real Thread

If you found my very logical question “quite rude”, I am not participating in this. I am kinda sensitive person too. I have been worried about what happened with Michael no less than fans who were in contact with him. It is good that they gave him letters and hugs it is very nice of them but this is not a question now.

After a new autopsy leaked into press it changed the whole picture for me.

Guidelines for the forum (as a reminder, for everyone):

MJJC Investigative Unit In this forum we question Michael's death, the latest news and stories surrounding his death and the conspiracy theories - contains heavy speculation so please if you aren't able to respect the atmosphere of this section do not enter.

The point is that the fans were concerned about Michael's well-being, and as people who were around him daily, their "evidence" is important and should be a part of the official investigation. "Why bother" is because they want to see a fair and accurate investigation . . . and it has clearly been lagging. They are not stating that Michael was deliberately killed, but are offering their observations and revealing on a public board the content of the letters they gave him. Their doing this now is as appropriate as at any time, because the official investigation is ongoing.

The leaked autopsy report was not "official." There is a discrepency in what it says about Michael's weight, and what the fans say they observed. That discrepency has not been addressed by media. . and it should be, to be fair and balanced.
Re: This-Is-Not-It Campaign- Real Thread

Sorry guys, but this campagne ist really really really bad. It is not the right time doing this.
We all want the truth...but this is not the way...this is not Michaels way.

My God...there rules war... in every fan forum around the world!!!

Please, please, in the name of love...stop it!!!
Re: This-Is-Not-It Campaign- Real Thread

Sorry guys, but this campagne ist really really really bad. It is not the right time doing this.
We all want the truth...but this is not the way...this is not Michaels way.

Ok then, when would be the right time? And what would be the right way?

I'm with Vic on this one... the fans are the only ones (imo) that are telling the truth - AEG & their employees certainly aren't. Randy Philips himself was so concerned about Michaels weight that he publically said he'd hired someone to make sure he ate but after Michael's nap, he told us everything in the garden was rosy. Both scenarios can't possibly be right.
Re: This-Is-Not-It Campaign- Real Thread

I am so shocked after reading all of this, yet not surprised. I too, after watching the This Is It rehearsal footage found MJ to be shockingly thin. If we assume he keeps the same jackets for the same dances just compare the Smooth Criminal video, or where he performs it a couple of years ago to him wearing it in the This Is It footage. Where it once fit precisely, it now hung loosely around his arms and upper body. So I believe the follower fans over the leaked autopsy report. That weight cannot be accurate.

I command you for following your gut feeling and actually trying to do something, reaching out to Michael, in a loving and respectful way. It must be very hard for you to encounter such strong antagonism, even on this board. I'm still grieving but it must be harder for you, who knew him personally and got to meet him.

I want the truth to come out, whatever it may be, so I will support you in any way that I can. His family and children deserve that.

Re: This-Is-Not-It Campaign- Real Thread

As an afterthought:

Very disturbing to read that Michael was being controlled by his security. As well as the fact that security doubled and finally tripled.
Who hired these security guards ?
Who decided the no of security had to be upped, what caused this ?
What is Tohme Tohme's role in all of this ?
Where is Tohme Tohme now ?
Has he been questioned yet ?
Why were some security guards, according to the follower fans, becoming increasingly nervous and agigated ?
Was MJ always nervous before a tour, unable to sleep and eat ?
If more so now, what caused this ?

So many questions....

I hope the truth will come out and justice will prevail!
Re: This-Is-Not-It Campaign- Real Thread

Very disturbing to read that Michael was being controlled by his security. As well as the fact that security doubled and finally tripled.
Who hired these security guards ?
Who decided the no of security had to be upped, what caused this ?
What is Tohme Tohme's role in all of this ?
Where is Tohme Tohme now ?
Has he been questioned yet ?
Why were some security guards, according to the follower fans, becoming increasingly nervous and agigated ?
Was MJ always nervous before a tour, unable to sleep and eat ?
If more so now, what caused this ?

Those are real good questions. They need to be answered!

This is an extract of an interview with Joe Jackson:

Cassandra (This-Is-Not-It Campaign) said:
I could have saved Michael, Joe Jackson - Bild

Did you know about his dependence on painkillers?

I knew that he took strong painkillers. He started a long time - since the accident 25 years ago, when he was so severely burned shooting a commercial. I had my suspicions that he was letting himself get injected with hard stuff.

How did you learn this?

Prince, his eldest son, told me on the phone that Michael had punctures on the inside of both elbows..

Why didn't you speak with Michael and try to help him, to prevent something worse?

I tried it. But in the last weeks before his death they no longer allowed me to see him. I was standing outside his house, and security (the concert organizer's security) blocked my way. I tried, even went to the police. I tried everything. I went so far that I was thinking about going home, getiting my gun and shooting my way to free Michael. I told my wife, Katherine, we have to get that boy out of there or he'll be dead in a week. A week later he was dead.

You mean you could have saved him?

My God, yes.
Re: This-Is-Not-It Campaign- Real Thread

This. .from Joseph.

"I tried it. But in the last weeks before his death they no longer allowed me to see him. I was standing outside his house, and security (the concert organizer's security) blocked my way. I tried, even went to the police. I tried everything. I went so far that I was thinking about going home, getiting my gun and shooting my way to free Michael. I told my wife, Katherine, we have to get that boy out of there or he'll be dead in a week. A week later he was dead."

Oh, my, God, why do some people not take this seriously? Or at least consider that this could be the truth? WHY would Michael's father lie about this? I can think of NO reason why he would lie. He said they were the "concert organizers' security team?" What Joseph says is corroborated by the follower fans. This is heartbreaking.
Re: This-Is-Not-It Campaign- Real Thread

:yes: thank you.

maybe I've misinterpreted the campaign but I don't think it's about him being killed. from what I gather, the stress, rehearsals, pressure, etc were too much for him...and the campaign is not trying to say that anyone intentionally killed him.
Please correct me if I'm wrong...

yes I believe that you have misunderstood the campaign as a whole.....yes Michael was under stress, pressure and the rehearsals were to much for him...but the end dont forget about Murray....remember the role that he played in all goes together.
Re: This-Is-Not-It Campaign- Real Thread

This. .from Joseph.

"I tried it. But in the last weeks before his death they no longer allowed me to see him. I was standing outside his house, and security (the concert organizer's security) blocked my way. I tried, even went to the police. I tried everything. I went so far that I was thinking about going home, getiting my gun and shooting my way to free Michael. I told my wife, Katherine, we have to get that boy out of there or he'll be dead in a week. A week later he was dead."

Oh, my, God, why do some people not take this seriously? Or at least consider that this could be the truth? WHY would Michael's father lie about this? I can think of NO reason why he would lie. He said they were the "concert organizers' security team?" What Joseph says is corroborated by the follower fans. This is heartbreaking.

I was moved the first time I read joe bild interview. Even if it was a tabloid, this just sounds too serious to be made up!
I often think, his family should have been there for him although maybe I understand they were not so close. But this cry of despair by Joe seems credible also to me. And it fits with the perception that Michael was blocked away from anyone who thought something was not going right.
Re: This-Is-Not-It Campaign- Real Thread

This. .from Joseph.

"I tried it. But in the last weeks before his death they no longer allowed me to see him. I was standing outside his house, and security (the concert organizer's security) blocked my way. I tried, even went to the police. I tried everything. I went so far that I was thinking about going home, getiting my gun and shooting my way to free Michael. I told my wife, Katherine, we have to get that boy out of there or he'll be dead in a week. A week later he was dead."

Oh, my, God, why do some people not take this seriously? Or at least consider that this could be the truth? WHY would Michael's father lie about this? I can think of NO reason why he would lie. He said they were the "concert organizers' security team?" What Joseph says is corroborated by the follower fans. This is heartbreaking.

you are right so alarming it is scary...Joe would never say something like this if it wasn't true...everyone knows I have no great love for Joe but I think he was point on this time....he had a gut feeling and it was right....THEY kept him from saving Michael...they were keeping anyone and everyone who could of kept Michael alive..away....Those Bastards.
Re: This-Is-Not-It Campaign- Real Thread

This. .from Joseph.

"I tried it. But in the last weeks before his death they no longer allowed me to see him. I was standing outside his house, and security (the concert organizer's security) blocked my way. I tried, even went to the police. I tried everything. I went so far that I was thinking about going home, getiting my gun and shooting my way to free Michael. I told my wife, Katherine, we have to get that boy out of there or he'll be dead in a week. A week later he was dead."

Oh, my, God, why do some people not take this seriously? Or at least consider that this could be the truth? WHY would Michael's father lie about this? I can think of NO reason why he would lie. He said they were the "concert organizers' security team?" What Joseph says is corroborated by the follower fans. This is heartbreaking.

^Yeah I find this scary too and disturbing. If Joe went to the police they should have it on record?
Re: This-Is-Not-It Campaign- Real Thread

This. .from Joseph.

"I tried it. But in the last weeks before his death they no longer allowed me to see him. I was standing outside his house, and security (the concert organizer's security) blocked my way. I tried, even went to the police. I tried everything. I went so far that I was thinking about going home, getiting my gun and shooting my way to free Michael. I told my wife, Katherine, we have to get that boy out of there or he'll be dead in a week. A week later he was dead."

Oh, my, God, why do some people not take this seriously? Or at least consider that this could be the truth? WHY would Michael's father lie about this? I can think of NO reason why he would lie. He said they were the "concert organizers' security team?" What Joseph says is corroborated by the follower fans. This is heartbreaking.

At this point I trust Joe. He has no reason to lie.
Re: This-Is-Not-It Campaign- Real Thread

This is heart breaking, a father couldn't save his son... :( They separated Michael from his family. He didn't have any loved ones to care for him. This is so unacceptable. :(
Re: This-Is-Not-It Campaign- Real Thread

you are right so alarming it is scary...Joe would never say something like this if it wasn't true...everyone knows I have no great love for Joe but I think he was point on this time....he had a gut feeling and it was right....THEY kept him from saving Michael...they were keeping anyone and everyone who could of kept Michael alive..away....Those Bastards.

Yeah, they were to worried their stupid tour wouldn't happen if Joe got Michael help. They may not have intentionally killed him but they sure didn't care if he died. They still made their money, as they wouldn’t have if he had been put in the hospital!
I thank all the followers for telling the truth. This is the right thing to do. It is time to bring what was done in the dark behind a security force, into the light of the public eye.
I commend you for your brave act.
Re: This-Is-Not-It Campaign- Real Thread

yes I believe that you have misunderstood the campaign as a whole.....yes Michael was under stress, pressure and the rehearsals were to much for him...but the end dont forget about Murray....remember the role that he played in all goes together.

Ok, can you please show me on the campaign where they say they believe Michael was murdered? Because to me it clearly states that they just want the truth, and there is no mention of trying to prove it was murder. From what I gather, the motivation for this is the pressure Michael was under and how that caused his death, rater than saying AEG/Sony had him killed for the catalogue or anything else.
BTW, I'm truly not trying to make anyone angry, I just want to make sure I understand the campaign because so far it seems to me that everyone has a different interpretation of it.

EDIT: this is what I got directly from their Facebook clarification:
We are not promoting conspiracy theories here. We fully acknowledge Michael ultimately died from lethal doses of Propofol and benzodiazepines as reported by the coroner. We wholeheartedly blame Dr. Murray's gross negligence and criminal practice. However, we are contending that additional factors constituted a serious case of neglect which largely contributed to Michael's passing. His drastic weight loss, stress and fears, and his drug use were evident, the failure of those around him to STOP the greedy tour machine and HELP a man clearly in desperate need of help need to be exposed. Anything else is speculation which will need to be proven or not and it belongs to another level of research that we are not trying to expose here. Even if some of these conspiracy theories will be proven at some point, this does not take away from the fact that MJ needed help. We prefer to work with what we know for sure and what we can prove, at this moment.

Negligence does not equal intentional murder, in my reading of this anyway. But his "criminal practice" - I'm wondering what this means?
Again, I'm just trying to clarify this for myself because I want to make sure i understand the campaign.
Thank you to everyone involved.
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Re: This-Is-Not-It Campaign- Real Thread

Ok, can you please show me on the campaign where they say they believe Michael was murdered? Because to me it clearly states that they just want the truth, and there is no mention of trying to prove it was murder. From what I gather, the motivation for this is the pressure Michael was under and how that caused his death, rater than saying AEG/Sony had him killed for the catalogue or anything else.
BTW, I'm truly not trying to make anyone angry, I just want to make sure I understand the campaign because so far it seems to me that everyone has a different interpretation of it.
That's pretty much what it is , they are not forcing people to boycott the film or telling you not to see it they are just stating what was going on behind the scenes.
Re: This-Is-Not-It Campaign- Real Thread

That's pretty much what it is , they are not forcing people to boycott that film or telling you not to see it they are just stating what was going on behind the scenes.

That's what I thought, thank you.
Re: This-Is-Not-It Campaign- Real Thread

Ok, can you please show me on the campaign where they say they believe Michael was murdered? Because to me it clearly states that they just want the truth, and there is no mention of trying to prove it was murder. From what I gather, the motivation for this is the pressure Michael was under and how that caused his death, rater than saying AEG/Sony had him killed for the catalogue or anything else.
BTW, I'm truly not trying to make anyone angry, I just want to make sure I understand the campaign because so far it seems to me that everyone has a different interpretation of it.

EDIT: this is what I got directly from their Facebook clarification:
We are not promoting conspiracy theories here. We fully acknowledge Michael ultimately died from lethal doses of Propofol and benzodiazepines as reported by the coroner. We wholeheartedly blame Dr. Murray's gross negligence and criminal practice. However, we are contending that additional factors constituted a serious case of neglect which largely contributed to Michael's passing. His drastic weight loss, stress and fears, and his drug use were evident, the failure of those around him to STOP the greedy tour machine and HELP a man clearly in desperate need of help need to be exposed. Anything else is speculation which will need to be proven or not and it belongs to another level of research that we are not trying to expose here. Even if some of these conspiracy theories will be proven at some point, this does not take away from the fact that MJ needed help. We prefer to work with what we know for sure and what we can prove, at this moment.

Negligence does not equal intentional murder, in my reading of this anyway. But his "criminal practice" - I'm wondering what this means?
Again, I'm just trying to clarify this for myself because I want to make sure i understand the campaign.
Thank you to everyone involved.

I think that primarily, these fans are doing what GOOD investigative journalism should be doing, and isn't. That is to gather what is factual and present it to the public. The fans' facts are what they observed first-hand. It's also possible that having this material out there wil keep the LAPD investigation more honest? Media used to do this type of thing, but has been pretty much corrupted by the conglomerates now. Genuine news is scarce.

They are saying what they KNOW, which is that Michael was in poor condition, that his own security staff seemed to be isolating him as much as they were guarding him, and other info, too. They are careful NOT to say "murder." But yet, they give important information which should be taken seriously . . . . .
Re: This-Is-Not-It Campaign- Real Thread

I think that primarily, these fans are doing what GOOD investigative journalism should be doing, and isn't. That is to gather what is factual and present it to the public. The fans' facts are what they observed first-hand. It's also possible that having this material out there wil keep the LAPD investigation more honest? Media used to do this type of thing, but has been pretty much corrupted by the conglomerates now. Genuine news is scarce.

They are saying what they KNOW, which is that Michael was in poor condition, that his own security staff seemed to be isolating him as much as they were guarding him, and other info, too. They are careful NOT to say "murder." But yet, they give important information which should be taken seriously . . . . .

Thank you.
Re: This-Is-Not-It Campaign- Real Thread

Yeah, I think what they're basically saying is "We don't know any more than you do about what really happened or what's going on, we just know that what we saw and experienced was utterly shocking and we want to know why it's being hidden and lied about."
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Re: This-Is-Not-It Campaign- Real Thread

Yeah, I think what they're basically saying is "We don't know any more than you do about what really happened or what's going on, we just know that what we saw and experienced was utterly shocking and we want to know why it's being ignored."

Ignored and lied about even!
They do need to answer for it.
Re: This-Is-Not-It Campaign- Real Thread

In my opinion I think we should not be speculating about that.IfMichael Jackson was weak and / or would not do the shows, I think he would not do it.Or suddenly, Michael did not want to "surrender." You can imagine, after all the publicity, after the official announcement made by him in London, after all the tickets sold, Michael would come right out and say she could not do the shows?
He would like die than surrender to the media.For sure the media would bashing him, many people who bought tickets would issue the AEG or Michael himself ... That would be a hell!

Michael must have told himself: "OK!I do not know if I'm 100% well.But I'll go as far as I get.If I get to make all concerts, it will be great.But If can't do it, I would like to die on the stage.I will not surrender! I'll go until to the end! "

Michael had faith in himself !! He died doing what he liked to do.If there were irregularities in the contract, the number of shows ... I think the justice will be done.

But I do not want to ruined with the name of the latest project of Michael Jackson.This Is It was the name that he created for his project and he believed! Its failed? Ohh,NO!Off course not !!!!!!!!!!! This Is It was responsible for the his smile, for the joy of MJ being on stage again.This Is It brought tears of happiness when he heard that all tickets for 50 shows were sold in less than 6 hours!

It was through the This Is It that MJ knew and felt that the world still believed on him, the fans were there for him yet, we loved him so much.This Is It brought emotions and good feelings for Michael in some kind way .His kids could see their father rehearsing on stage! They had never seen this before.

I remember him with his fists, punching the air and saying again and again:

"This Is It! This Is It! This Is It !!!!"

It was beautiful! It was exciting! I repeat ... if there was negligence on the part of the producer or whoever, the project This Is It and MJ should not be ruined by such negativity.

ps:Sorry my English!:)
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Re: This-Is-Not-It Campaign- Real Thread

I want to say thank you to 'the follower fans' for sharing their experiences with us, it must have been absolutely harrowing for you and I thank you also for doing your best and trying to step in to prevent Michael's death.

I do believe that there were times throughout the planning of all of this come back, when Michael had his worries and doubts and also times when he was full of self belief and conviction. I do understand you're feelings Dri, at least I think I do, in the sense of wanting to hold onto a positive image of Michael reheasing for the TII concert, to see it in a positive light and feel that Michael died doing something he loved, but I also think that certain people are counting on people feeling that way too.

I believe with all of my heart that Michael would have loved to have pulled this gig off, I believe that given the right support, strategy and organisation, he could have done it. But, I also believe that there were people around Michael who had other ideas altogether, I'm not even sure there was ever any intention on the part of some, for Michael to step foot on the stage at the O2. So personally I feel no joy whatsoever in any of this, or in watching the TII footage, all I feel about it right now, is that I'm seeing an illusion through a thick smoke screen. I only know for certain, that a beautiful soul was stolen, from his children, from us, from me, from the world, from himself and that it shouldn't have happened. One day, I may be able to look at things with the joy of celebrating what he gave us, whilst he was here and at how his legacy should be upheld, but that's after I have learnt the truth about why, how and by whom, Michael was taken from us all.

That happy picture is not the story that's been fed for months by these people and their media and been bought by the public in general in any case. Instead it's one of a 'drug-addict' who more or less begged for his own death. If the latest reports are anything to go by, the LAPD are simply chasing down on this single end story, that of an 'enabling Dr & a tragic drug-addicted star' and that, in my opinion suggests there isn't even a full and proper investigation occurring, let alone true justice for Michael.

I honesty don't expect to see true justice carried out in the legal sense, since those I feel are responsible are powerful and able to corrupt and control things anyway, but I do expect to see Michael's fans who do feel that something untoward has happened, to come together, ask all of the questions they have, those the police should be asking but probably aren't; and pool their theories, resources and their supporting evidence together. I feel no stone to be put off limits or left unturned ~ not one, so that all of the facts can emerge from various speculations.

If Michael was either neglected, or murdered, or both and there is evidence, not least of which, Michael's own words; and inconsistencies which suggest that this could well be the case, Michael deserves, at the very least, to have his true story told.
Re: This-Is-Not-It Campaign- Real Thread

Thank you for your post Dri!

Dear followers, believe me, I love you all. But please... with this words

• Kenny Ortega, the director of both the tour and the movie, having to help Michael Jackson up the stairs, having to feed him and cut his food.

• Michael Jackson failing to show up at rehearsals because he was not well, and being picked up from his house by his choreographer to force him to go to work.

• Everyone around him witnessing to Michael Jackson looking confused and groggy, forgetting the lyrics of his own songs during rehearsals. Nonetheless, his entourage kept enabling his dangerous prescription-drug use, to keep him relaxed, rested and under 'control'. Those very drugs are named as the cause of death in the coroner’s report.

you supports all the haters and ignorant people!
They will say: HAHA ...we knew it for a long time...this is ***** *****...the drug addict!
They will say: HAHA his own fans wreck him.
This makes me crying. Poor Michael.

The fans argue everywhere. This is not certainly in his sense. Please, thinks about it.

(sorry, my english is like a tragedy. I cant say it in the right words )