This is more horrible than anything I could have imagined

We will always have his songs. Don't forget that. His music didn't die. It will live on for countless generations. He was the most famous person on the planet.

He left us with his gift of beautiful music and we will always listen to it with the joy that he intended for us to have.
If anyone is feeling suicidal, or suffers depression, get help, talk to someone, and think about what Michael would want.

Respect his memory by facing this tragic loss with the same courage and dignity that he taught us. We will get through this. Right now I can't bear to think of playing his music, others will find comfort from it, we all react differently.

In time we will be able to think about Michael and smile, rather than tears.
please don't hurt yourselves. i've been crying for hours now myself. i also feel like a part, a big part of me has died. but please, people, don't event think of hurting yourselves or taking your lives.
Right now I can't bear to think of playing his music, others will find comfort from it, we all react differently.

Haha... I started my workout by putting on Jam and I burst into tears. It's a good healing process to cry though.
"if you enter this world know you are loved and leave know the same everything in
between can be dealt with"

This is a quote from Michael..
Sat here crying my eyes out watching the footage of his body on the helicopter, to much to bloody bear.. i think i am ok then something else is said or shown and that's it to bloody much to bear at the moment
I still can't believe that my beloved baby is gone. I still keep thinking this is some really horrible nightmare that I am going to wake up from. But I have to realize that it is not. All I want to do now is just listen to him. While I think about wanting to take down all of my MJ posters in my room. It is just so hard to be looking at him and to know that he is gone.
Im having suicide thoughts. I cant take it, he was my life. God bless

me too.
how can I go on?


THIS IS THE WORST MOMENT OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IT WAS 17DAYS LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I, like all of you, am absolutely devastated!! :( For once in my life, I'm literally speechless!! ...This is a very, very sad day indeed...One we will all never forget!! :(:(:(
I will never forget this day. There will NEVER be another man like him.

EVER. This is so horrible... :'(
Today is the most painful day in my life. Whenever I listen he's music, I'm gonna feel sad
Its like time has stopped.. a horrible nightmare, I want to scream and wake up.
I've been crying my eyes out the whole morning...still cannot contain myself now...What could I do now...what should I do now...This is someone who is as important as my parents to me! He is my backbone...I don't know how to think positively, no no...
I feel you, carolMy. I really feel the same way! What the hell will I do, what CAN I do? :(
I've been crying my eyes out the whole morning...still cannot contain myself now...What could I do now...what should I do now...This is someone who is as important as my parents to me! He is my backbone...I don't know how to think positively, no no...

I know how u feel ! he's been a tremendous inspiration and sense of hope to billions around the world ! I am helpless too. I don't know what to do either. When I come to think that Michael is no longer living except a bunch of CDs, DVDs, tapes etc... my heart is shattered into 1000 pieces. But please have faith ! Michael is in better place.
To all who feel ovewhelmed by pain right not: do NOT despair. One of the biggest lessons Michael taught the world was about the fraility and sanctity of life. Do not let yours be threatened in any way. He wouldn't want to know that. His life and his craft were all about living life to the fullest, joyful giving, but also sharing the pain of those most in need. We all have to pull through this horrible times, we MUST, there is no alternative.

There is no better way to honor Michael's life and legacy than to stand out there into the world and live out his dreams of peace and brotherhood. We can and WE MUST. We might be engulfed in tears right now, it's only natural, but, as someone said in another post in time, we will be able to smile again thinking about Michael and all the generosity he shared with us by his art and example. Be comforted in the fact he is in a better place right now. Pray for his dear children and his entire family and keep him always in our hearts, that way he won't ever be far.
I pray for all of Michael's fans through out the world. I can't believe this has happened. Michael passed on the same day of my mother passing which was 14 years ago. When other big named stars passed away, I would think what would my reaction be if Michael Jackson passed. I am stunned beyond believe. But I know I will get through this, just like I did with my mother. That is what Michael Jackson would want.
I am broken...and I am hurting so badly. I just keep thinking I don't know what to do. There is nothing that can console me. The world doesn't feel right knowing that Michael isn't here somewhere just being so special and wonderful. It will never feel right. It's just wrong...he's been my rock in everything I've ever been through. I always looked to him for inspiration and I know I still can but he should be here. I always hoped I would meet him someday to tell him what he meant to me, I just hope that he now knows somehow. Most of all I hope he is in a happy place and peaceful. I can't imagine what this must be doing to his family and his children. This is just awful.
To all who feel ovewhelmed by pain right not: do NOT despair. One of the biggest lessons Michael taught the world was about the fraility and sanctity of life. Do not let yours be threatened in any way. He wouldn't want to know that. His life and his craft were all about living life to the fullest, joyful giving, but also sharing the pain of those most in need. We all have to pull through this horrible times, we MUST, there is no alternative.

There is no better way to honor Michael's life and legacy than to stand out there into the world and live out his dreams of peace and brotherhood. We can and WE MUST. We might be engulfed in tears right now, it's only natural, but, as someone said in another post in time, we will be able to smile again thinking about Michael and all the generosity he shared with us by his art and example. Be comforted in the fact he is in a better place right now. Pray for his dear children and his entire family and keep him always in our hearts, that way he won't ever be far.

Best post I read today.:cry:

We keep saying that we're heartbroken but think about his kids. He was their only parent and now he's gone. And they're so young, I really feel for them......
Its like time has stopped.. a horrible nightmare, I want to scream and wake up.

This is exactly how I feel. Keep hoping I'm going to wake up and it will all have been a bad dream. :no:

It's like a light inside me has been put out and right now I can't imagine how or what it's going to take to reignite it. There's been only 3 or 4 times in my life that I can recall my heart aching like this. And it's hard becuz I have to grieve privately so my Mom doesn't get upset. She's upset about it, too but I've been trying to keep her from getting too excited. She had her heart catherized today for a blockage and doesn't need the stress. Plus, days ago we lost a relative and the funeral is next week. I have a effing headache now that won't quit. Can't eat. Can't think. Probably not going to get any sleep. I need someone to explain WTF happened before even trying to begin making peace with this. I can only imagine his family and the ppl who actually knew him. The grief they must be feeling right now has to be off the charts. I'm praying extra hard for his Mother. Out of all her kids, I dont think anyone would have expected Michael to have been the first to leave this earth and no parent ever wants to see the day where they have to bury a child.

Too much.