This is more horrible than anything I could have imagined


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Its the end of an era. More than that. Part of me has died with mike. I can't believe its happening guys, what the hell? I wish I could just go to sleep and wake up and be talking about the concerts.. it was less than three weeks away.

I wish I could wake up and everything would be ok. I can't deal with this :(
Im having suicide thoughts. I cant take it, he was my life. God bless
its so hard to believe tht just a few hours ago we were all excited about the 13th july and we're suddenly in this hell
I simply can't imagine a live after this.

For me this is it, it's over - I'm out.

Soo sad. crying and crying, it wont stop.

Please good make this pain go away.
I'm still in too much shock to believe he's gone. He can't be! Oh my God I've been crying my eyes out for 3 hours now. I want to wake up from this nightmare!!
Dont you dare start thinking of suicide, any of you. Thats the last thing Michael would have ever wanted! He loved and cherished life!
Dont you dare start thinking of suicide, any of you. Thats the last thing Michael would have ever wanted! He loved and cherished life!
yeh please dont think like that mivhael wouldnt want that, just pray for his family and may michael rip, and we have to follow michael he easiliy cud of done suicide but he was resiliant and we have to be too.
Michael lived life to the fullest, and kept negative thoughts at bay, Stay strong guys, Michael is alive in all of us and that will help us through this really hard time, just be here for one another.
I wouldn't say it's an end of an era as Michael will live on forever. But the world has lost a huge part of it's culture and the last and greatest pop star of all time. Michael Jackson isn't just dead but music is dead without Michael. Michael was musical inactive this decade, and no one filled the void Michael left and that void has now become even bigger, just as Michael's legend will become even bigger than Elvis and John Lennon.

For me part of myself has been lost.
All joy seems to have left me. Can't think one happy thought.

How can I keep the pain away. This is horrible.
Michael would never want anyone to lose their life over his death. He cherished life so much. He would want us to carry on his legacy and always let his children know how much he was loved and still is loved. His spirit will never die.
sad for what this is the beginning THE KING OF MUSIC WILL LIVE ON THROUGH HIS MUSIC.

my heart goes out to his family.
Your life is worth living. Michael would want you to carry on. Please take what he has given to us and use it to make this world a better place.
The little hope that I can grasp onto is talking to you guys. We share the connection with MJ that so many don't understand. I cannot believe this is happening!!! He is the biggest influence on me my entire life. This is an indescribable loss for me and I'm sure for you guys. All we can do is mourn his loss and support each other through this devistating time.
Dont talk about suicide people!
That scares the hell out of me...

Michael will always be alive...not in the way we are but he's out there.
Why ohhh Why ??

Michael please come back. He can't be dead, he simply can't.
This is a nightmare, a horrible, horrible nightmare.. and we never got to say goodbye or anything.
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No no no no no no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why! why! why!
no! I can't be! he can't be!!!!!!

no way! please!!!!! how can I live now, how can I breathe now
no! please don't pass away, Michael! we need you!!! no!

no! *silently crying*
My unborn child will be a Michael Jackson fan. I will support Michael forever like he is still alive!!!! I love him so much.
Dont you dare start thinking of suicide, any of you. Thats the last thing Michael would have ever wanted! He loved and cherished life!

Exactly. Everyone here has their own lives, full of richness and hope. Michael would have wanted us to carry on, so that's what we're going to do.

"Through joy and sorrow, in the promise of another tomorrow".