This Is It vs Love Never Felt so Good


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I mentioned this in my post about This Is It but thought I'd post it here too to bring more discussion towards just this topic on it's own:

Today I was listening to my iPod on shuffle and after This Is It came (one of my favourite MJ outtakes) Love Never Felt So Good, which in my opinion is a better track than This Is It. But I noticed they had similarities - the piano, the tone, the repition. I quickly came home, googled and sure enough Paul Anka was a co-writer on that track too. This got my head spinning: no wonder they sound a like. Wonder why they chose This Is It (appart from the lyric of "This is It") over Love Never Felt So Good. But most importantly: if the song was by Anka it stands to reason it came from the same "stolen tapes" as This Is It. And if THAT'S the case... did michael leak it? If he had the tapes in his collection it IS possible... His voice on TII does sound different from Love Never Felt So Good (LNFSG has a very OTW/Thriller era sound where as TII has a very Dangerous era sound). But I dunno.

What do you think?
Agreed. I think he'd be so embarrassed right now to have his name on "This Is It" and mad to see what a lousy, boring, sloppy job they did with his wonderful melody. It's exactly why I'm scared about people releasing his music - reworked, edit, mixed, without his input or approval. It's incredible how you can take one simple piano and vocal demo and make two almost entirely different songs from it. It happens all the time. His originals are golden, I'm sure. But it depends entirely on what the producers do with them. I don't want bad "MJ music" coming out for worldwide releases. =( I hate that his name will now be on stuff he hasn't even heard.
Well it further proves what a genius Quincy was.

Again: the orchestral version of TII is actually quite good, but the song in general just isn't great. but i think the best is yet to come (i think the estate just doesn't want sony to have the good stuff)
What *should* have happened is Sony should have been honest and mentioned that they were presented with a very simple demo he'd written during "Off the Wall" era, which they thought would fit beautifully with the movie, so they called in the brothers for bg vocals and did some work on it and released it as a promo - instead of trying to be sneaky, playing "don't ask, don't tell" games with us, which ended up hurting both writers of the song. Luckily one writer quickly corrected their mistake. Unfortunately, the other isn't here to give his opinion and express his thoughts. =(
i agree. i dont think michael would be proud of this song.

but of course, this begs the question: what was the song michael WAS working on and planning to release?
Sony should have gotten Quincy or Bruce in there to work on This Is It.....nice song...but it's sloppy....and you can hear it too. 2 repetitive in the middle.
yup. Quincy and/or Bruce could have done some wonders with it. Especially Bruce. Michael worked with him on EVERYTHING for a REASON!
Why by 3T featuring Michael sounds very much like TII in parts!
Love Never Felt So Good is probably one of Michael's most beautiful songs!
Wow you got a good point there! It does sounds alike...I think even the voice sounds alike in both songs. Maybe it indeed was from the same recording sessions. That means we maybe could find out when TII was recorded. Or do we know that less of LNFSG too? :scratch:

Love 'em both, so much passion. :heart:
I haven't heard Love Never Felt So Good very many times but this far I like This Is It better. My opinion may change when I listen LNGSG more.
We are not 100% sure of when LNFSG was recorded, but I think it stands to reason that they BOTH are from the same sessions (and that perhaps Michael re-recorded the vocals for TII at some point). Problem is we know very little about both.

Again, and I have nothing to back me up, but if Michael had the tapes, possibly copied them, and then gave them back to Anka it stands to reason that LNFSG came from one of those two places... could Michael have been giving us christmas presents (it leaked around christmas didn't it?)
I prefer LNFSG too, more kind of exciting, something more like Michael, in my opinion. I´ve never noticed that simmilarities before, but you´re right, and both should be from the same tapes. But I don´t think there is another reason apart from the lyric for TII have been chosen. I also think that for now Sony prefers to release the oldies e not so good tracks because at this moment anything about MJ is gonna be welcome, whatever be the quality of the song, because of this global comotion about his passing away. Sony knows profits will come anyway :/
Oh yeah, forget about my last post. Love Never Felt So Good is a little bit better. :)
I like both songs, but I have to give the end to TII (Extended Mix). It's really beautiful and the harmonies at the end with his brothers is breathtaking. The "ooohs" and Michaels plea of "C'mon dear, please understand" is heartbreaking. I love it!!!

Oh here is a cd cover I did for LNFSG


Yeah LNFSG by far. It's perfect! But TII is a good song, too.
Love never felt so Good, has more Michael in it. This is it ballad has more of that Idiot Anka in it.. I can see why he wants LNFSOG to be released, but I hope they do not release it..
I mentioned this in my post about This Is It but thought I'd post it here too to bring more discussion towards just this topic on it's own:

Today I was listening to my iPod on shuffle and after This Is It came (one of my favourite MJ outtakes) Love Never Felt So Good, which in my opinion is a better track than This Is It. But I noticed they had similarities - the piano, the tone, the repition. I quickly came home, googled and sure enough Paul Anka was a co-writer on that track too. This got my head spinning: no wonder they sound a like. Wonder why they chose This Is It (appart from the lyric of "This is It") over Love Never Felt So Good. But most importantly: if the song was by Anka it stands to reason it came from the same "stolen tapes" as This Is It. And if THAT'S the case... did michael leak it? If he had the tapes in his collection it IS possible... His voice on TII does sound different from Love Never Felt So Good (LNFSG has a very OTW/Thriller era sound where as TII has a very Dangerous era sound). But I dunno.

What do you think?

both songs were co written by Anka, not written by him, but i think the songs are equal, but then, it's hard to tell, because MJ's voice on anything has sudden magic, and it's also hard to date anything MJ is involved with. no similarity between the songs. they're just great listening.:clapping:
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