This is it released within 24 hours


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Exclusive: it seems like AEG Live no longer wants to wait to show video proof of Michael Jackson’s fitness and health. Sources say the concert promoter will likely release some “live” video clips from Jackson’s rehearsals either late tonight or early tomorrow. The release will not be exclusive but rather like a movie release—wide—to get the most impact. The clips will show Jackson dancing, singing, and directing his show, interacting with cast members as they put together the “This Is It” tour for London. Photos from the tour were distributed days ago by AEG; there’s also talk of a DVD to come.

If this doesn’t dispel the idea that Jackson was frail or incoherent, nothing will.

Source: Showbiz411
This is from Roger Friedman, who I believe is still not allowed as a source here. But maybe in these circumstances, it's a good idea to change that. He has much information in the last week, and all of it turns out to be true.
This better be true!! I can't wait to see MJ showing the world he still has it and stopping all those bull*hit rumours that he had stage fright and didnt turn up for rehersals!
It'll prove to all those haters that he STILL had what it takes.

Michael...wherever you...I love you now more than ever. x
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:bugeyed I should be doing other things right now, but how can I, with all this new information surfacing all the time?
This is from Roger Friedman, who I believe is still not allowed as a source here. But maybe in these circumstances, it's a good idea to change that. He has much information in the last week, and all of it turns out to be true.

The fans were very quick to demonise him but like you say, most of his stuff is actually true. Just a little too true for many.
i hope this is true, better to get this on dvd HQ, and i've heard they recorded up to 200 hours of this is it rehearsals! .
for real? 'cause we always get so excited for news like this and in the end its a big BIG disappointment. :(
I'm going to feel so sad watching it but relieved at the same time.

I also think it should be released on the 13th july cos it makes sense doesn't it?
It'd be so good to see it! I feel weird about it though knowing it's the last time we'll see something new. :(
Yeah, if they could get it out ready for July 13th that would be amazing.

But if we want a quality product, that is too soon to be realistic IMO I'd rather they take a few extra weeks and put out a really well made DVD with great features than rush it just to cash in quickly. MJs DVD releases have always been poor, so let's hope for a good one now.

I'm looking forward to some teaser clips though.
This better be true! Although it would be more appropriate to release it on july 13th.

David Burke, i really love your signature, it´s from that starwars poster with annikin! Ihave the original hanging on my wall!!

BTW: i am working on a signature to, but how do you attach that to your profile?!
They're just trying to make some money since the tour isn't going to happen, and have to give refunds.
They're just trying to make some money since the tour isn't going to happen, and have to give refunds.

Well fair enough, they have lost millions. Not to say that all they care about is money, because im sure they are deeply saddened by this. But they are running a business at the same time and cant afford to lose that money.
This is from Roger Friedman, who I believe is still not allowed as a source here. But maybe in these circumstances, it's a good idea to change that. He has much information in the last week, and all of it turns out to be true.

Roger Friedman is now more relevant than anytime before...!!!
I hope its true. I would like to see a teaser or perhaps just a few clips before a DVD release.
i dont understand what he means with a release within 24hours..
so a dvd is not what they mean until tomorrow, do they? o_O
i dont understand what he means with a release within 24hours..
so a dvd is not what they mean until tomorrow, do they? o_O

I would think they will put the videos on or :) Or perhaps they will be releasing a few clips to news stations.