This Is It film: how close to MJ's ultimate vision do you think it will be?

It sounds like the DVD will be the only thing worth watching.

If they show stuff like the funeral in the movie, that's just ridiculous. Fans want to see 2 hrs of MJ performing and that is THAT.

Apart from all this - hearing from Branca (and obviously again just recently) that there WILL be a new song coming out to coincide with the This Is It release is AMAZING.

New music.. FINALLY!! :) :) :) :) :)
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I'm watching this. I want to see Michael. And it does not have to be the footage of him dancing and singing. I just want to see HIM because I miss him so very much.
Yeah i dont like the fact they will be showing funeral footage and memorial footage. It was bad enough watching those things anyway, but see it again & have to go through all that pain again is horrible. Fans just wanna see Michael doing his magic again, they dont want to be reminded of what happens afterwards. We know what happens! We want to come & see this movie and be taken away from that! Its good their having backstage stuff, and Michael talking to the camera. I think that'll be nice. Your right i think Michael would also be horrified that these rehearsals are being released, but as many have said this is what we've got left of Michael thats most recent, thats never been seen before. So of course fans arent gonna turn it down, at the end of the day i will never get to see my baby, my idol up on stage, and even though this movie wont be half as good, i will still get to see his beautiful face & doing the thing he was born to do.

I agree, sounds like the DVD is gonna be alot more interesting. Im quite looking forward to that, because it means i can watch it when i want, privately and not have to worry about getting upset in a packed cinema. The CD soundtrack will be interesting to, but then again of course more ways to make money *rollseyes*. I think i know what will be on my christmas list this year!
Im apprehensive about it. And I dont think it will contain a full set of the songs he was planning to perform. I imagine it to almost be like a making of documentary with a few performances thrown in. I've mixed emotions about it to be honest, I dont want to see a deteriorated Michael who is performing, dancing and singing yet looking exhausted. The one part I would've loved to see live is Dirty Diana, from what I;ve read I think it would've been amazing. But I dont expect it to be recreated on the film as well as I imagine it to be. Maybe I'll be suprised though.

I would've loved to see Dirty Diana live too!!
Lets hope that Michael gives some of his best performances in this film.
There will be some footage of MJ performing, much longer then the 3-4 minute snippet released at the end of June by AEG. You will see MJ in his dressing room, mingling and directing, plus one scene where he talks to the camera. Basically, it will show Jackson in his final months alive.

Aren't we in september now this part does not make since
after the news of the memorial being added, im seriously considering not going to see it
I think everyone should not get their hopes up too much, especially the regular public.
Most people forget that this is a rehearsal and not a full blown concert.
I mean, just looking back at the Dangerous rehearsals you could never imagine how amazing the actual concert would be.

It kind of makes me sad that this will be a commercial product, because of that fact I think Sony will cut out a whole bunch of material just to make it look as "pro" as possible. I want it all, I want the raw footage.
I truly wish that somewhere along the way they will release a collectors edition with all (or at least half) of the footage, unedited.

Agreed.Some good points.
I'd like to know whose 'concept' this movie is.

I truly, honestly believe that Michael would NEVER want to have any the footage of his memorial/funeral put into a film about his preparations for TII. He would know that it would hurt his fans too much to have to relive this awful time. This should be a film to celebrate his vision for the shows and to give up a glimpse of what happened behind the scenes and show us footage of what we were to expect from him.

But....that wouldn't sell as many tickets or be as longstanding in the public eye most probably. The way they are doing it makes it more of a documentary of his last days so they flog it around for years to come.

This ain't for the fans, this is just to make money.
I thought the cameras at the funeral/after-party were for some TV special with the Jackson brothers.

Regardless, they will have a complete disaster on their hands if word gets out that this is not predominantly a concert film. It slays me to think some company paid $60m for hours upon hours of rehearsal footage and then not try to put out a full run-through of the concert, or something close to it. I just got done posting on another topic about how I bet this film will hit No. 1 both weeks. It won't if it's just a theatrical version of the 32509478350289475340 news reports about Michael's death. Damn.
The Bly-ray and DVD releases will have many hours of rehearsals!

The Blu-ray and DVD releases will be more to the fans I think!
^ Many people are gonna go expecting a final performance not what's after that. There wouldn't be a dry eye coming out of the theatre