This is it DVD version - will the black frames disappear?

I just found out, the O2 announcement in the movie was not shown in true HD... But I'm almost certain it's upscaled.

The black frames are still there... So it looks like they upscaled the O2 Announcement but didn't upscale anything else :( It looks like they just did some cheap interpolation on the black-framed videos.

However, even when they have a split screen it seems the black framed segments are still lower resoution than even standard definition, maybe only 320 x 240 etc.

The O2 announcement was most likely shot in HD 1080i for HD televisions in peoples homes so all they did was upscale.

However when they showed us a preview of TDCAU the black bars were gone and the picture was clear then in the movie it was blurry and letterboxed
To me looked like it was shot in SD, then upscaled.

It's ridiculous if Sony has upscaling tools but doesn't put them in Sony Vegas Video Editor -_-...