This is it DVD version - will the black frames disappear?

Remington Steele

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
As you probably know, there were some scenes that had SD cameras as a source (instead of HD).

I do wonder whether they will now show them as full frame on the DVD (as it fits the resolution) or if they will leave it as it is?

You know what I mean?
Well, I'm assuming that (for whatever reason) those scenes were filmed in SD, so it's probably going to be like that on the DVD/Bly Ray.

However, later in the film, it seems like there is an HD recording of the same rehearsal! Did they start recording in HD after a bunch of songs were already performed? wtf?
I can't remember it being HD recording of the same recordings that was lower quality. Reason for the lower quality scenes is the camera. It will be the same as in the cinema movie.
Well, I'm assuming that (for whatever reason) those scenes were filmed in SD, so it's probably going to be like that on the DVD/Bly Ray.

You don't get my point. DVD is SD, so they could make it full frame all the way. Anybody know?
I don't think so it's letterboxed so they would need to crop it futher reducing quality over so is not so good quality
I get what Remington Steele is saying, The SD shots where widowboxed in the cinema because they were of lesser quality and wouldn't have looked as good blown up to the same size as the HD footage.

The DVD could theoretically present SD footage in the same dimensions as the rest of the film without as much of a noticeable quality drop because DVD is an SD medium. The Blu Ray however would probably still be the in theatrical format.
Do you honestly think sony want to spend any money on this? They really dont care. For them its $$:2cents:$$. In theory they could fix the aspect ratios,but that would mean more $$ payed out. Besides they need to put the money into the dvd and bluray packages dont they,i mean all those different versions to pick from with the fancy boxes and fake passes and shizzle. I hold sony partly responsible for what happened to michael in the past,they can fcuk themselves for I care,they wont be seeing a penny more from me and they can shove their 12 different boxset editions where the sun doesnt shine :mat::mat: Its not going to bring him back :no::timer:
So don't buy it at all? I get your point, but I can't resist buying the TII BD ;).

Hm, if they don't fix the aspect ratio, I'm sure a DJ Oxygene made version will appear here! :D (jk)
So don't buy it at all? I get your point, but I can't resist buying the TII BD ;).

Hm, if they don't fix the aspect ratio, I'm sure a DJ Oxygene made version will appear here! :D (jk)

If people want to buy it thats up to them,but please dont be fooled by the different boxsets,there are fans on here who have allready purchased all 27 million editions of it,when in truth its exactly the same film,just in a different pretty box. Have you ever seen the simpsons episode where lisa makes her own doll,and to counter it,executives bring out a malibu stacy,with a new hat.... same goes for this.
I absolutely agree on this. Even if I would be such a collector, I would never buy more than one version 'cause I'd feel so ripped off!! I ordered the steelbook and that's it...
I've got a DVD rip of the movie and the aspect ratios are exactly the same as the cinema version.
You don't get my point. DVD is SD, so they could make it full frame all the way. Anybody know?

SD=/= 3:4 ratio. There are many SD cameras that do 16:9 widescreen. The problem is the camera no doubt about it. I'm sorry but i think the black bars will stay.
@ASIS: I don't get what you're trying to say.

@AppleHead - wow, has the DVD really leaked already? I'm waiting for the official stuff though.
Theres a plug in for after effects called instant HD,it scales SD footage up to HD standards so,in theory,someone could make the SD footage the same ratio,and format as the HD footage.But would be very time consuming,
@ASIS: I don't get what you're trying to say.

@AppleHead - wow, has the DVD really leaked already? I'm waiting for the official stuff though.

3:4 ratio= normal square version. 16:9 ratio= widescreen.

Did that make it easier?
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Yeah, no changes in the DVD Rip.

I'm not sure why they don't just stretch it to fit the frame though...sure it'll look blurry, but it looks blurry regardless.
Yeah, no changes in the DVD Rip.

I'm not sure why they don't just stretch it to fit the frame though...sure it'll look blurry, but it looks blurry regardless.

blurry is still better than blurry and stretched.
But doesn't it match the aspect ratio, it's just smaller?

Forgive my noobiness in the field of video >_>

lol it's ok i only know this because of my gaming habits :p

anyway, I just wanted to say i'm sorry i mixed up the order. The true ratio is not 3:4 but 4:3.. anyway.

The black bars are there for a reason. they are the best way to enhance a picture that does not belong to the screen's aspect ratio. If you take the bars out the video itself would have to fill the gap. The result is not nice.

Take a small picture and size it up. Sure, you might end up with the same picture that fills your entire monitor. However, it will be so blurry that you would be better off leaving it at it's own resolution. The same applies here with TVs.
Ah, I see. I'm a hardcore gamer too, but sometimes I can't put 2 and 2 together =P

I bet if they spent some more time on the film instead of just rushing it out, they could have remastered those scenes into full HD. Meh...

I'm sure it'll still look great on Blu Ray :)
Ah, I see. I'm a hardcore gamer too, but sometimes I can't put 2 and 2 together =P

I bet if they spent some more time on the film instead of just rushing it out, they could have remastered those scenes into full HD. Meh...

I'm sure it'll still look great on Blu Ray :)

I believe so. If the godfather was made HD surely a freaking scene can be as well :D

It will look great on blu ray no doubt about it.
Theres a plug in for after effects called instant HD,it scales SD footage up to HD standards so,in theory,someone could make the SD footage the same ratio,and format as the HD footage.But would be very time consuming,

Yes you can UPSCALE - that's the word! :)

Obviously there is much technology they have to upscale it.

I wonder if the source was film or digital... It's a shame that stuff these days are shot with digital - film can potential have more resolution than digital! It all depends on lens sharpness and noise not megapixels...
3:4 ratio= normal square version. 16:9 ratio= widescreen.

Did that make it easier?

Yeah, you meant 4:3 as you said above.

But I think the SD shots were also in 16:9, not 4:3. SD has nothing to do with 4:3, SD can also be 16:9.

I only meant they COULD use these shots as full frame for the DVD version, not the HD one... as it DOES have the resolution of the DVD anyway and wouldn't look blurry. Seems like noone gets what I'm trying to say ;).
I just found out, the O2 announcement in the movie was not shown in true HD... But I'm almost certain it's upscaled.

The black frames are still there... So it looks like they upscaled the O2 Announcement but didn't upscale anything else :( It looks like they just did some cheap interpolation on the black-framed videos.

However, even when they have a split screen it seems the black framed segments are still lower resoution than even standard definition, maybe only 320 x 240 etc.
Think people... remember a few days after MJ passed they showed us the TDCAU footage... it was in much better quality than what we saw in the cinema/dvd/bluray.

example: (how can a quick youtube version already be better than the official release...). The above example is a simple 'SD, interlaced generate'.

I don`t know the editor`s motivation for SD-in-HD "blackbarring", but they could have upscaled (by industrial standards)... and then there`s the High Def TDCAU footage that was shown in June on tv as a teaser.
They probably had different cameras filming the same footage, but since this was never meant to be a movie, not all cameras were working for all scenes.

On the leaked version, the black bars are there... on all four sides. This doesn't bother me, they likely did it to make sure the footage is as clear as possible. However, on the other footage, there are no bars. Most of the padded footage is from when MJ was wearing the red shirt and black jacket.
They probably had different cameras filming the same footage, but since this was never meant to be a movie, not all cameras were working for all scenes.

On the leaked version, the black bars are there... on all four sides. This doesn't bother me, they likely did it to make sure the footage is as clear as possible. However, on the other footage, there are no bars. Most of the padded footage is from when MJ was wearing the red shirt and black jacket.

It would still be strange to use HD footage for teaser and using lower quality for the final product, wouldn`t you say?

Funny how you mention the padded footage during the 'red shirt, black jacket' part..

When WBSS resumes, you see a second of 'red shirt/jacket' footage in normal aspect ratio: 16:9 HD.
They probably had different cameras filming the same footage, but since this was never meant to be a movie, not all cameras were working for all scenes.

Thats something i never understood about the filming. When we filmed K-fest last summer [and bearing in mind this is an uber small festival in comparison to a Michael Jackson concert],we had 4 cameras,and one of these:

Its a Sony Anycast system. What you do is,connect all the cameras you're using to it. You have an audio feed coming in from the main audio controll deck,this keeps the sound you're recording the same as what is coming from the speakers. Basically its like a live mixer for recording events. The cameras can still record to their seperate tapes/hard drives too. The point im getting at is it would have been easier and more efficient for them to use something like the anycast to record this on. The sound would have also been perfect,as it would have been exactly as it would have been in the speakers.