This is It Concerts- Live or Playback?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

As the countdown has already begun, do you think most of the songs will be sung Live or mimed like in the History Tour?

If MJ will mime the songs, he can at least record a live version of the songs in Studio rather than playing the original songs (look at Billie Jean or Off the wall in History Tour..).

I hope this time Michael will do a Live show
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Re: This is Concerts- Live or Playback?

I bet it will be a mix of both. He'll probably lipsync the majority of the songs. Hopefully some songs will be sung live, and there will ofcourse be times of improv sung live like usual.
I agree that if MJ is going to use playback that it would be good to re-record the vocals so that the fans don't know. I can totally understand him using playback for songs like Dangerous and Jam because those songs would be very difficult to perform live at the same time as dancing.

Hopefully he'll do the majority of the show live, otherwise i'll feel slightly dissapointed.
I'm hoping that these concerts will be like the Dangerous tour. That tour had a good balance of live singing and playback
I'm so sick of fans who actually have tickets and are attending the shows complaining about whether MJ will sing live or use playback...

Performing the way MJ does is very, very difficult as anyone who has attempted can verify! lol...Let alone, MJ at the age of 50 doing it.

Many artists over the years, have adapted their performances and stage style to compliment their age and ability levels, either successfully or unsuccessfully. The one thing Mike has never done is that, he continues to perform the way his fans want him to perform time and time again. Regardless of his age, he has always devoted 110% effort into every single performance.

What we saw on the HWT was MJ at age 39 attempting to perform the way he did at 29! The result, was a show that was 90% playback...and guess what!? 95% of fans who attended these concerts (myself included!) didn't give a sh*t!...MJ's charisma, stage presence, and dancing ability more than made up for it!

Now, back to these fans who b*tch and complain:

Firstly, be thankful that you are actually attending, other fans like myself have work commitments etc and could not purchase tickets, so consider yourself lucky...Secondly, expecting MJ to perform the way he did in 1988 in 2009/10 is very unrealistic, As far as dancing goes, I'm sure MJ will blow our minds as he always has and will adjust his steps accordingly :) However, chances are that he will use playback for a majority of the show. He did it from 1995-2002 so now in 2009/10 you expect all these years later for him to suddenly change dramatically the way he performs and risk his reputation in front of his diehard fans? Not a chance...

As I stated before, from my experiences of seeing MJ live on the HIStory Tour, where he used a great deal of playback, when you're there live, the atmosphere, excitement and MJ's presence more than make up for it!

So, fans who complain, just shut up and enjoy the show! I'm willing to bet my left testicle that each and every one of you will have an awesome time being entertained by the greatest of all time! :yes:
I'm so sick of fans who actually have tickets and are attending the shows complaining about whether MJ will sing live or use playback...

Performing the way MJ does is very, very difficult as anyone who has attempted can verify! lol...Let alone, MJ at the age of 50 doing it.

Many artists over the years, have adapted their performances and stage style to compliment their age and ability levels, either successfully or unsuccessfully. The one thing Mike has never done is that, he continues to perform the way his fans want him to perform time and time again. Regardless of his age, he has always devoted 110% effort into every single performance.

What we saw on the HWT was MJ at age 39 attempting to perform the way he did at 29! The result, was a show that was 90% playback...and guess what!? 95% of fans who attended these concerts (myself included!) didn't give a sh*t!...MJ's charisma, stage presence, and dancing ability more than made up for it!

Now, back to these fans who b*tch and complain:

Firstly, be thankful that you are actually attending, other fans like myself have work commitments etc and could not purchase tickets, so consider yourself lucky...Secondly, expecting MJ to perform the way he did in 1988 in 2009/10 is very unrealistic, As far as dancing goes, I'm sure MJ will blow our minds as he always has and will adjust his steps accordingly :) However, chances are that he will use playback for a majority of the show. He did it from 1995-2002 so now in 2009/10 you expect all these years later for him to suddenly change dramatically the way he performs and risk his reputation in front of his diehard fans? Not a chance...

As I stated before, from my experiences of seeing MJ live on the HIStory Tour, where he used a great deal of playback, when you're there live, the atmosphere, excitement and MJ's presence more than make up for it!

So, fans who complain, just shut up and enjoy the show! I'm willing to bet my left testicle that each and every one of you will have an awesome time being entertained by the greatest of all time! :yes:

I bought a ticket and I will hope for whatever it is I want to hope for, and I will be happy/disappointed if I want to, that's my right and it doesn't make me any more or less of a fan.

Yes, this is a tired subject, but I think that with the number of fans on this board hoping for some live singing, as well as it being a huge issue around the internet amongs many MJ discussions and fanboards, its not an unrealistic expectation to hope he performs a good portion of material live. Nobody expects him to do a 25 song set live, I reckon, but I think hoping for more than a medley and some ad-libs isn't an unreal expectation either. I think saying he can't perform AND sing live is short changing him, he didn't get to where he is by miming on stage.

I have work commitments and other issues as well, so getting everything together to attend wasn't easy for me, so I and many others will hope for whatever tickles their fancy and it doesn't mean they are just b*tchers or moaners or any less of a fan than you or anyone else.

Also, I don't get why it's such a crime to want to hear live vocals from one of the world's greatest live vocalists. Makes sense to want to hear him actually sing, doesn't it?
I don't have the strength at the moment to argue my point as to why I deserve to see a live concert with live singing, when I did infact, pay for this very experience.

I'll let TwistedV express my feelings, if he has the strength to himself, lol.
I'm so sick of fans who actually have tickets and are attending the shows complaining about whether MJ will sing live or use playback...

Performing the way MJ does is very, very difficult as anyone who has attempted can verify! lol...Let alone, MJ at the age of 50 doing it.

Many artists over the years, have adapted their performances and stage style to compliment their age and ability levels, either successfully or unsuccessfully. The one thing Mike has never done is that, he continues to perform the way his fans want him to perform time and time again. Regardless of his age, he has always devoted 110% effort into every single performance.

What we saw on the HWT was MJ at age 39 attempting to perform the way he did at 29! The result, was a show that was 90% playback...and guess what!? 95% of fans who attended these concerts (myself included!) didn't give a sh*t!...MJ's charisma, stage presence, and dancing ability more than made up for it!

Now, back to these fans who b*tch and complain:

Firstly, be thankful that you are actually attending, other fans like myself have work commitments etc and could not purchase tickets, so consider yourself lucky...Secondly, expecting MJ to perform the way he did in 1988 in 2009/10 is very unrealistic, As far as dancing goes, I'm sure MJ will blow our minds as he always has and will adjust his steps accordingly :) However, chances are that he will use playback for a majority of the show. He did it from 1995-2002 so now in 2009/10 you expect all these years later for him to suddenly change dramatically the way he performs and risk his reputation in front of his diehard fans? Not a chance...

As I stated before, from my experiences of seeing MJ live on the HIStory Tour, where he used a great deal of playback, when you're there live, the atmosphere, excitement and MJ's presence more than make up for it!

So, fans who complain, just shut up and enjoy the show! I'm willing to bet my left testicle that each and every one of you will have an awesome time being entertained by the greatest of all time! :yes:
Blablabla.... (especially) when you pay a good amount of money to see a live concert it is not too much asked for that there is a good chunk of actual live singing... and if there is playback, that at least the effort is taken to rerecord the vocals in a live setting, instead of using the year old studio tracks....

first im going to say, that 1. Mike did perform a lot of songs on History tour live at prague, i can vouch for that as some went tits up and he was very unhappy about that! 2. Mike performed a lot of the History second leg that i attended in Wembley almost live. In fact he was electric. 3. mike ALWAYS records playback LIVE in case he needs it! Like the way he done in Dangerous rehearsals! 4. Mike had lot of breathing , throat, throat issues back in those days, had nothing to do with his age!

final! yes you are correct Mike should show the world his ability to make a song from scratch! build it up so it becomes a product of its own! Hence, Mike should beatbox, and sing live accapela or with percussion to show off the raw talent!! In that respect, he should not get lost to much in the big bang show, and give us a bit of rawness!!

I agree with some of the points you guys have made...:yes:

I also never questioned how big of a fan anybody was in any way, I don't know how that keeps creeping into arguments on here lol...It seems like a very defensive tactic when somebody is unable to express their opinion intelligently...
If he chooses playback then i'm alright. I understand how shattering singing and dancing at the same time could be.

However I hope he sings some slow songs live.
The fact that this topic is constantly discussed and brought up so often on MJ forums speaks for itself.

But remember folks! We have nothing to worry about! Randy himself said "Michael wants to do it right this time", and the shows will be "an all-singing, all-dancing extravaganza".

Adding to this, when asked if Michael would be lip-syncing or singing live during the This Is It residency, Randy said "He'll be singing".

I'd like to think MJ wouldn't be silly enough attempt miming this time round. Like it or not, he will get EATEN ALIVE by critics, and deservingly if he decides to take this route. I paid for a live show, and bought my ticket after Randy said Michael will be singing live, so I expect to get what I paid for; that's fair isn't it?

I'm looking forward to it!
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The fact that this topic is constantly discussed and brought up so often on MJ forums speaks for itself.

But remember folks! We have nothing to worry about! Randy himself said "Michael wants to do it right this time", and the shows will be "an all-singing, all-dancing extravaganza".

Adding to this, when asked if Michael would be lip-syncing or singing live during the This Is It residency, Randy said "He'll be singing".

I'd like to think MJ wouldn't be silly enough attempt miming this time round. Like it or not, he will get EATEN ALIVE by critics, and deservingly if he decides to take this route. I paid for a live show, and bought my ticket after Randy said Michael will be singing live, so I expect to get what I paid for; that's fair isn't it?

I'm looking forward to it!

yes youre right. that is fair. I didnt hear about it so thanks for that :)

Michael. will be working his lovely butt off either way. workin HARD. if it be for that alone, be thankful for what you get, whatever you get. :) theres my 2 cents.
I think Michael will give us a fair balance of live singing and also
showcasing his dancing _but dont put the impossible on him
thats NOT fair or even right for fans to do that :( to Michael

Take it from a PRO ..

From the Pro Fred Astaire himself about singing and dancing at the same time.

"My lord he is a wonderful mover. The way he moves is just so great to watch. I think he just feels that way when he is singing his songs. I dont know how much more dancing he will take up , becuase singing and dancing at the same time is VERY Difficult. But Michael is a dedicated Artist. He dreams and thinks of it all the time. You can see what the result is."
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It's fair for me to get what I paid for. I'm sure Mike will work out this 'balance' of singing and dancing. He'll do it right, I'm sure :)
I think Randy Phillips already said "he will sing..."

Well you know, except for like WBSS and J5 Medley, I like hearing most songs in the original pitch. I don't want Billie Jean to be like a lower pitch. It's ok if he sings like Dangerous Tour. A slightly (EVER SO SLIGHT) pitch up (as in those amateur audio recordings of the Bad Tour, which have been recorded too fast) or lower (like HIStory Tour and Dangerous Tour) than studio track (as it was slightly up-tuned) would be ok though.
How many threads are there now on this subject? It's an ongoing discussion, why is it needed to start over yet again?
I'm so sick of fans who actually have tickets and are attending the shows complaining about whether MJ will sing live or use playback...

Performing the way MJ does is very, very difficult as anyone who has attempted can verify! lol...Let alone, MJ at the age of 50 doing it.

Many artists over the years, have adapted their performances and stage style to compliment their age and ability levels, either successfully or unsuccessfully. The one thing Mike has never done is that, he continues to perform the way his fans want him to perform time and time again. Regardless of his age, he has always devoted 110% effort into every single performance.

What we saw on the HWT was MJ at age 39 attempting to perform the way he did at 29! The result, was a show that was 90% playback...and guess what!? 95% of fans who attended these concerts (myself included!) didn't give a sh*t!...MJ's charisma, stage presence, and dancing ability more than made up for it!

Now, back to these fans who b*tch and complain:

Firstly, be thankful that you are actually attending, other fans like myself have work commitments etc and could not purchase tickets, so consider yourself lucky...Secondly, expecting MJ to perform the way he did in 1988 in 2009/10 is very unrealistic, As far as dancing goes, I'm sure MJ will blow our minds as he always has and will adjust his steps accordingly :) However, chances are that he will use playback for a majority of the show. He did it from 1995-2002 so now in 2009/10 you expect all these years later for him to suddenly change dramatically the way he performs and risk his reputation in front of his diehard fans? Not a chance...

As I stated before, from my experiences of seeing MJ live on the HIStory Tour, where he used a great deal of playback, when you're there live, the atmosphere, excitement and MJ's presence more than make up for it!

So, fans who complain, just shut up and enjoy the show! I'm willing to bet my left testicle that each and every one of you will have an awesome time being entertained by the greatest of all time! :yes:
after paying so much for a ticket, i think we have the right to bitch if he mimes. theres no excuse really
I'm so sick of fans who actually have tickets and are attending the shows complaining about whether MJ will sing live or use playback...

Performing the way MJ does is very, very difficult as anyone who has attempted can verify! lol...Let alone, MJ at the age of 50 doing it.

Many artists over the years, have adapted their performances and stage style to compliment their age and ability levels, either successfully or unsuccessfully. The one thing Mike has never done is that, he continues to perform the way his fans want him to perform time and time again. Regardless of his age, he has always devoted 110% effort into every single performance.

What we saw on the HWT was MJ at age 39 attempting to perform the way he did at 29! The result, was a show that was 90% playback...and guess what!? 95% of fans who attended these concerts (myself included!) didn't give a sh*t!...MJ's charisma, stage presence, and dancing ability more than made up for it!

Now, back to these fans who b*tch and complain:

Firstly, be thankful that you are actually attending, other fans like myself have work commitments etc and could not purchase tickets, so consider yourself lucky...Secondly, expecting MJ to perform the way he did in 1988 in 2009/10 is very unrealistic, As far as dancing goes, I'm sure MJ will blow our minds as he always has and will adjust his steps accordingly :) However, chances are that he will use playback for a majority of the show. He did it from 1995-2002 so now in 2009/10 you expect all these years later for him to suddenly change dramatically the way he performs and risk his reputation in front of his diehard fans? Not a chance...

As I stated before, from my experiences of seeing MJ live on the HIStory Tour, where he used a great deal of playback, when you're there live, the atmosphere, excitement and MJ's presence more than make up for it!

So, fans who complain, just shut up and enjoy the show! I'm willing to bet my left testicle that each and every one of you will have an awesome time being entertained by the greatest of all time! :yes:

where is the difficult dancing? only some moves in the beginning but when he is "singing" he is just standing there. noting very complicated
Once again, Randy has said Michael WILL be singing. So according to the advertiser and promoter himself, we have nothing to worry about.
^ But Michael himself said he's gonna perform the songs his fans want to hear ..
It's fair for me to get what I paid for. I'm sure Mike will work out this 'balance' of singing and dancing. He'll do it right, I'm sure :)

To purchase tickets to hear MJ sing an entire set live, even though most live performances he's done since 1995 have been playback, is a very foolish thing. If that's the reason why you've purchased tickets, chances are, as the past has shown, That you'll be disappointed...

You should be Thrilled (No pun intended!) just to be in attendance 'Micky' :yes:

Instead of placing unfair demands on MJ, Just be there and enjoy the show!
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