THIS IS IT- biggest opening weekend?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I have to say...I was totally amazed by the footage AEG put together in the this is it trailer...I've been a fan for quite a while and I got used to Michael saying "The best is yet to come" but this is truly amazing!

Anyways, So here's my theory: If Sony, AEG and the Michael Jackson Estate are getting a worldwide audience to come together in 2 weeks time (which means sold out), that would mean that chances are THIS IS IT would at least become the movie with the biggest opening weekend of all time!

This is the ranking so far:
1 The Dark Knight WB $158,411,483
2 Spider-Man 3 Sony $151,116,516
3 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest BV $135,634,554

Just imagine...I think it would be hilarious!!!!
MJ's dream will be fulfilled if this happens...he always wanted to do movies!! THIS COULD BE IT!
hilarious ? it seems pretty logical to me that a decent movie at last sets the record
Its gonna be really hard to set the record.. But who knows.. We can just hope.. :)
There is NO doubt in my mind that TII will beat these numbers easy. I haven't even seen any of the 3 movies you listed.

That's also why Sony promotes it as "Two weeks only" to make sure they can claim the title.

I'm just afraid tickets gets sold out so fast i won't be able to get through the lines.


Ho Why Ho Whyyyy
I guess this will depend on how many cinemas they actually release it to?!
Do we know if it will be everywhere or selected cinemas yet???
I emailed cineworld but got nothing back yet.
I want to see it sooo bad but I don't want to be weeping in the movie theatre.
those numbers are domestic numbers for the USA. I would love it for the movie to achieve the record, but it's highly unlikely.
Can't see it happening to be honest, but it'd be bloody epic if it did.
1 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Warner Bros. $394.0 2009
2 Spider-Man 3 Sony $381.7 2007

According to Wikipedia, those are the two biggest opening weekends world wide.

Not sure what the average price for a ticket is, but if it's around $5 then that's 78,800,000 went to see Harry Potter on opening weekend. Mind boggling numbers.
I have to say...I was totally amazed by the footage AEG put together in the this is it trailer...I've been a fan for quite a while and I got used to Michael saying "The best is yet to come" but this is truly amazing!

Anyways, So here's my theory: If Sony, AEG and the Michael Jackson Estate are getting a worldwide audience to come together in 2 weeks time (which means sold out), that would mean that chances are THIS IS IT would at least become the movie with the biggest opening weekend of all time!

This is the ranking so far:
1 The Dark Knight WB $158,411,483
2 Spider-Man 3 Sony $151,116,516
3 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest BV $135,634,554

Just imagine...I think it would be hilarious!!!!

Yeah, call me skeptical or whatever, but I just don't see this happening. I'm just trying to be realistic. Honestly, I'll sh*t a brick house if it enters the Top 5 or 10 biggest opening weekends of all time.

However, I CAN see This Is It becoming the highest grossing documentary film of all time, kicking Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 out of the #1 spot.

We'll see soon enough. I enjoyed tracking The Dark Knight's numbers last summer so I'll definitely be looking at the numbers This Is It puts out.
Millions of fans will want to see this and the fact that it's limited to a two week run means it will probably sell out fast.
Why is it just two weeks, what if you don't get a ticket on the internet and could someone please tell where you can go to buy the tickets?

The trailor was amazing, I loved the part when Mike and the girl was dancing.
^Starde I agree with you. While it would be awesome to see the movie do that well, it is very unrealistic. This is not your average movie where people are going to line up at the movies for. (Harry Potter, Spider Man, etc). The people seeing this are simply Michael Jackson fans. We have to remember this is considered a documentary! It's not going to attract the average teenager bored on a Friday night and wanting to go out with some friends. How this movie does depends on the marketing machine Sony unveils. How many times and where will this trailer be seen? Will there be a new single to promote it? If Sony does a kick ass marketing job, this movie in my opinion can easily do $30-40 million in the opening weekend for the US, (and considering there are no major new releases on this weekend, that would be a#1...Michael Jackson's first #1 movie ever) and $55-65 million globally. Remember this would be the 5 day period from Wednesday to Sunday. By the end of the two weeks the movie should bring in between $150-170 million globally. That would be a major success for a documentary about a singers final tour. Any more than that would blow me away. I'm just being honest with the knowledge and education I have in advertising/marketing and sales.
Why is it just two weeks, what if you don't get a ticket on the internet and could someone please tell where you can go to buy the tickets?

The trailor was amazing, I loved the part when Mike and the girl was dancing.
The This Is It ticket site is not to get tickets, it's just to get a reminder of when tickets will go on sale. You have to get tickets like you would normally, through your local cinema, either by calling them to book tickets or going down there.
I would love it but I don't think it will happen :(. Two weeks is not enough.
anyone knows whay cinemas will be showing ithere in Los Angeles. I hear it will be the Regal as it is owned by AEG?
Why say opening weekend, when its on a wednesday? And, it's not worlwide. Here in Norway and many other contreys, it's release 30th
Why say opening weekend, when its on a wednesday? And, it's not worlwide. Here in Norway and many other contreys, it's release 30th
Because they count from wednesday (or thursday, depending on which day it opens) until sunday (or monday, if it is a holiday) in the US!
If anyone can beat those number I know Michael will.:punk: I'm excited to get my ticket.
Uh I don't think it will come anywhere close near those films as far as the box office goes, but honestly, I don't think that's what we should be focusing on. I feel like fans are expecting too much with that and looking at the wrong things. I think the fans should be more focused on the quality of "This Is It" then worrying about box office returns. It feels somehow that eventhough he's not here that there's pressure on MJ to be a huge success once again and I don't think that should be the focus.
^Starde I agree with you. While it would be awesome to see the movie do that well, it is very unrealistic. This is not your average movie where people are going to line up at the movies for. (Harry Potter, Spider Man, etc). The people seeing this are simply Michael Jackson fans. We have to remember this is considered a documentary! It's not going to attract the average teenager bored on a Friday night and wanting to go out with some friends. How this movie does depends on the marketing machine Sony unveils. How many times and where will this trailer be seen? Will there be a new single to promote it? If Sony does a kick ass marketing job, this movie in my opinion can easily do $30-40 million in the opening weekend for the US, (and considering there are no major new releases on this weekend, that would be a#1...Michael Jackson's first #1 movie ever) and $55-65 million globally. Remember this would be the 5 day period from Wednesday to Sunday. By the end of the two weeks the movie should bring in between $150-170 million globally. That would be a major success for a documentary about a singers final tour. Any more than that would blow me away. I'm just being honest with the knowledge and education I have in advertising/marketing and sales.

Good to know someone agrees with me. :) I don't want to break down anyone's spirit here, but I don't want us to think unrealistically and get disappointed. Trust me, I want this film to succeed, but we got to realize this isn't your average film. This Is It's success is going to depend on the public's interest, the film's content and presentation, word of mouth, and, definitely, promotion. Sony's probably gonna go all out with the marketing, since distributors are expecting this film to gross over $300 million worldwide. We'll probably see TV promos within the next few weeks, along with the song that'll be released to go with the promotion.

I agree with you. If this movie grosses $170+ million, I'll sh*t a brick. It would become the Titanic of documentaries, haha. :D I have yet to predict any numbers, but now that I've seen the trailer, I think I might be surprised. I may be underestimating it a bit.

Regardless of what happens, this is gonna kick ass! I think, one of the must-see movies of 2009.