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I still missing him like beyond crazy. I am still suffering from depression over what had happen to him. And I am still wearing all black on most days. To show that I am still very much in mourning over him. I still haven't felt a single ounce of happiness since before it happen. Sadness, misery, tiredness, and anger is all that I had ever felt since that horrible when that monster took my Michael away from me. I still can not help to have thoughts of wanting to get my revenge. On that monster who took my Michael forever away from me and causing me to go in to a deep state of depression. That I can not get out from. I have never hated someone as much as I hate that evil nameless monster. But I still just so badly wish I could be with Michael right now. I just so totally hate having to live in a world without him now. :sad: :boohoo: I would still give anything in this world to see a brand new picture or either reading, watching, or hearing some kind of news story about him. I just so totally miss those days so much. I just so totally wish I had a time machine where I can go back to those happy days again.:sad: :boohoo:

I'm sorry. *hugs*
I dont want it to be two years without Michael...I can't stand it without him I miss him so much.. I am still crying for him I always will be :-(( I love you Michael with all my heart!!
It doesn't feel like two years, but it doesn't seem shorter or longer either. It's like some sort of time-warp... This time of year, when the weather is hot and kids are getting off school, how things felt around Michael's passing always come flooding back. Especially the constant media blitz over and over every TV station, every newspaper, every radio station, every blog, every website, every conversation... It made it all the more difficult to cope. Two years on and I still mourn more for a man I never had the chance to meet in person than I have ever done for anyone loved one I've known who has passed.

It's all for love, L.O.V.E. And you gave it in abundance. RIP - Michael Jackson - 1958-Forever.
They say that the pain gets easier as time goes by.So untrue.:no:

The pain is still there, as strong as two years ago.I guess I'm stuck with it for the rest of my life.:sad2:
It's normal to feel down the days around the day you lost someone in the past but I can't say I still feel as terrible as 2 years ago imho that wouldn't be right. As harsh as it may sound live goes on, think of the family and his children they go on too. It's still unreal that he's not around anymore and I guess that feeling will stay..
It's normal to feel down the days around the day you lost someone in the past but I can't say I still feel as terrible as 2 years ago imho that wouldn't be right. As harsh as it may sound live goes on, think of the family and his children they go on too. It's still unreal that he's not around anymore and I guess that feeling will stay..

I have to agree with Angela. Every year this will be a difficult day. But I think the feelings are less then 2 years ago, at least for me. I haven't given it a place yet, not as long as justice hasn't been done. But I'm learning to deal with it. And yes life goes on, we have to go on, but not forget. Defenitely not forget!
I want to celebrate all the amazing things Michael gave us all during his lifetime - and most days I can't describe the immense joy I still find in his music and dance - but as the 25th looms, I feel sadness beyond belief. I keep thinking, two years ago, you were still with us, Michael. I want to change history and stop him going back to Murray that night. The world was robbed of the most amazing human being much too soon. I miss you so very much, Michael.
2 years without MJ magic... We miss you soo much, Michael! :(
...I still remember the day I heard the news MJ passed away... I was so Speechless at that time and I was sick for 2 weeks... Still I cannot believe why did MJ leave us... :(
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ever since june 25th michael has never been far from my mind. i cant believe the 2 year has now passed and before we know it its going to be the 3 year. time sure has flown by since then. michael will always be in my heart and my love for him grows more and more everyday. always has and always will. i miss his voice, music, smile, laugh, everything. i hope he is in heaven right now smiling and dancing with the angels. Rest in peace my sweet angel michael! :'(
Cant ever recover:( Rest in peace. We love you. Thanks Gaz for all you do:)
Hi, Been a Michael Jackson fan since Bad came out in 1987. I miss him every day. Love the man and his music with every breath I breathe! Been a member of two other fanboards over the years... The latest and still existing "MJStar". Got banned from their site just because I defended LaToya, and had other opinions about the Cascio tracks than the moderators of that fan site had! I'm looking forward to post as much as I can here!
It's gonna take a ;lot more than two years to get over this