This for some reason bugged me.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Ok the only thing that really bugged me about the TII movie is that Michael's headset mike was on the wrong side of his head. I dont know why but it drove me bonkers!

Did it bug anyone else?
I don't think there is a wrong and right side. You can have it on either side.
Аctually Michael did even some dance moves from the wrong hand and leg.But it didn't bother me nope.
yeah....I thought I was the only one who noticed it......but i checked from dangerous and History it's the other side not the same with TII...
It didn't bug me but it seemed a little odd. I'm not sure why he did though (apparently that's proof that it wasn't michael :rolleyes:) it must have been pretty awkward to get used to considering he's always had on the other side. Maybe Kenny knows, I'll tweet him :giggle:
maybe some shots have been mirrored for the continuity of the editted shots?

That would explain the dance moves he did from the wrong hand.
maybe some shots have been mirrored for the continuity of the editted shots?

That would explain the dance moves he did from the wrong hand.

Yep. Exactly what I was going to say.
Didn't even notice, and something like that wouldn't bug me. So No it didn't and still doesn't. LOL
I dont think it was on the WRONG side of his head
it was just on the other side of his head.
There is no right or wrong side

Im sure he had a reason for switching it
regardless it was Michael _ there is no doubt
Shut up it annoyed me lol.

idk what the deal was but i wasn't saying it wasn't Michael i'm just saying that the headset was on the wrong side. Little things like that annoyed me. I didn't notice he did anything with the wrong hand course most of the time i wasn't looking at his hands...i was looking at his.....his.....Feet, yea feet... that'll work!
how ya'll know he danced with the wrong feet and and hands? Explain please? lol Like does he only start moonwalking with the left leg? or he kicked with the left?:mello: not trying to be funny (maybe just silly) but please tell me. hehe.:hysterical:

You all are too cute sometimes!:wub:

I did not even notice the head monitor thing. I noticed he was strapped in that joint around his waist. Maybe he switched ears since he was having issues?

He was upset when they ask 'is it anything we can give you in terms of vol or mix' and MJ replied dryly "No". Everyone busted laughing on that part.:D
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I didn't notice too lol. I was paying more attention in seeing Michael's facial expressions. Like if he was happy or annoyed. Anything like that. I wish he didn't always have glasses on. Not all the time but it struck me he did wear them more. I understand if he needed to protect his eyes.
^^yea I understand why he wears them.
but I would have loved to see more of his eyes.. :cry:

and LOL at this thread heheheehe:D
I am still bothered by that strange hand flapping. Travis said it was "spanking the bad people"!! I don't believe that. Somewhere else I read that MJ would shake his hands to get blood down to them. Maybe they would get numb or something. I don't know, but "spanking the ad people".....NOPE.
lol i think he was just exaggerating a movement i seen in one of the Bad concerts. it was the same hand movement just exaggerated a little. I don't think it was to do with poor circulation.

Course it could have something to do with spanking... michael was a kinky thing.;)
lol i think he was just exaggerating a movement i seen in one of the Bad concerts. it was the same hand movement just exaggerated a little. I don't think it was to do with poor circulation.

Course it could have something to do with spanking... michael was a kinky thing.;)


Everyone laughed at that part.. I think it's just a dance move too. A questionable one that goes on the list of things to ask MJ when we meet one can you imagine what the line in heaven must be like? lol Think he has guardian angels literally? Thinking about lil things like that makes me smile at this time.
I didn't even notice. But I don't even think there is a wrong or right side is there? ha.
I am still bothered by that strange hand flapping. Travis said it was "spanking the bad people"!! I don't believe that. Somewhere else I read that MJ would shake his hands to get blood down to them. Maybe they would get numb or something. I don't know, but "spanking the ad people".....NOPE.

I'm pretty sure that was meant to signal the band.
I don't think there is a real explanation for the handflap move.
There was a pretty intense interview on dutch television last friday with TII dancer Timor in which he told the interviewer they where watching Michael singing HN, and just out of nowhere he did the handflap thing.
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Maybe he just felt like "spanking" the air!

lol thread is so funny