This Day In History...

1752> Benjamin Franklin and his son test the relationship between electricity and lightning by flying a kite in a thunder storm.

1775> George Washington is named Commander in Chief by Congress.

1916> President Woodrow Wilson signs a bill incorporating the Boy Scouts of America.

1947> The All-Indian Congress accepts a British plan for the partition of India.

As Always

1858> Abraham Lincoln, in accepting the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate in Illinois, declares that, "A house divided against itself cannot stand."

1910> The first Father's Day is celebrated in Spokane Washington.

1935> President Roosevelt's New Deal legislation is passed by the House of Representatives.

1952> Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl is published in the United States.

1971> An El Greco sketch, "The Immaculate Conception," stolen in Spain 35 years earlier, is recovered in New York City by the FBI.

As Always

1579> Sir Francis Drake claims San Francisco Bay for England.

1856> The Republican Party opens its first national convention in Philadelphia.

1950> Surgeon Richard Lawler performs the first kidney transplant operation in Chicago.

1963> The U.S. Supreme Court bans the required reading of the Lord's prayer and Bible in public schools.

1994> Millions of Americans watch former football player O.J. Simpson – facing murder charges – drive his Ford Bronco through Los Angeles, followed by police.

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As Always

1377> Richard II, who is still a child, succeeds his grandfather, Edward III.

1675> Christopher Wren begins work on rebuilding St. Paul's Cathedral in London after the Great Fire.

1915> Germany uses poison gas for the first time in warfare in the Argonne Forest.

1982> John Hinkley Jr. is found not guilty by reason of insanity for attempting to assassinate President Ronald Reagan.

As Always

1772> Slavery is outlawed in England.

1910> German bacteriologist Paul Ehrlich announces a definitive cure for syphilis.

1911> King George V of England crowned.

1970> President Richard Nixon signs the 26th amendment, lowering the voting age to 18.

1981> Mark David Chapman pleads guilty to killing John Lennon.

As Always

1683> William Penn signs a friendship treaty with the Lenni Lenape Indians in Pennsylvania.

1700> Russia gives up its Black Sea fleet as part of a truce with the Ottoman Empire.

1848> A bloody insurrection of workers erupts in Paris.

1944> In one of the largest air strikes of the war, the U.S. Fifteenth Air Force sends 761 bombers against the oil refineries at Ploesti, Romania.

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As Always

1520> Montezuma II is murdered as Spanish conquistadors flee the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan during the night.

1857> Charles Dickens reads from A Christmas Carol at St. Martin's Hall in London–his first public reading.

1859> Jean Francois Gravelet AKA Emile Blondin, a French daredevil, becomes the first man to walk across Niagra Falls on a tightrope.

1948> John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley demonstrate their invention, the transistor, for the first time.

As Always

1709> Peter the Great defeats Charles XII at Poltava, in the Ukraine, effectively ending the Swedish empire.

1864> Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston retreats into Atlanta to prevent being flanked by Union General William T. Sherman.

1865> Four of the conspirators in President Abraham Lincoln's assassination are hanged in Washington, D.C.

1879> The first ship to use electric lights departs from San Francisco, California.

As Always

1789> In Versailles, the French National Assembly declares itself the Constituent Assembly and begins to prepare a French constitution.

1850> U.S. President Zachary Taylor dies in office at the age of 65. He is succeeded by Millard Fillmore.

1900> The Commonwealth of Australia is established by an act of British Parliament, uniting the separate colonies under a federal government.

1942> Anne Frank and her family go into hiding in the attic above her father's office in an Amsterdam warehouse.

As Always


1533> Henry VIII is excommunicated from the Catholic Church by Pope Clement VII.

1862> President Abraham Lincoln appoints General Henry Halleck as general in chief of the Federal army.

1942> In the longest bombing raid of World War II, 1,750 British Lancaster bombers attack the Polish port of Danzig.

1972> American forces break the 95-day siege at An Loc in Vietnam.

As Always
1806> The Confederation of the Rhine is established in Germany.

1954> President Dwight D. Eisenhower proposes a highway modernization program, with costs to be shared by federal and state governments.

1957> The U.S. Surgeon General, Leroy E. Burney, reports that there is a direct link between smoking and lung cancer.

1974> G. Gordon Liddy, John Ehrlichman and two others are convicted of conspiracy and perjury in connection with the Watergate scandal.

As Always
Five years ago today in 2005: VICTORY for Michael.



As Always
1540> Thomas Cromwell is beheaded on Tower Hill in England.

1637> King Charles of England hands over the American colony of Massachusetts to Sir Fernando Gorges, one of the founders of the Council of New England.

1865> William Booth founds the Salvation Army.

1868> The 14th Amendment is ratified, granting citizenship to African Americans.

1903> The Ford Motor Company sells its first automobile, the Model A.

As Always


1619> The House of Burgesses convenes for the first time at Jamestown, Va.

1919> Federal troops are called out to put down the Chicago race riots.

1938> George Eastman demonstrates his color motion picture process.

1975> Teamster leader Jimmy Hoffa disappears, last seen coming out of a restaurant in Bloomingfield Hills, Michigan.

As Always
