This Day In History...


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Feb 7, 2008
HISTORY 1775> American revolutionaries Paul Revere and William Dawes ride though the towns of Massachusetts warning that "the British are coming.”

1937> Leon Trotsky calls for the overthrow of Soviet leader Josef Stalin.

1950> The first transatlantic jet passenger trip is completed. 1978> The U.S. Senate approves the transfer of the Panama Canal to Panama. For more, please visit

The Great San Francisco Earthquake — This Day in History — 4/18/1906

As Always

1539> Emperor Charles V reaches a truce with German Protestants at Frankfurt, Germany.

1775> The American Revolutionary War began with the battles of Lexington and Concord.

1934> Shirley Temple appears in her first movie.

1982> NASA names Sally Ride to be the first woman astronaut.

Boston Marathon held — 4/19/1897

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1770> Captain Cook discovers Australia.

1841> Edgar Allen Poe's first detective story is published.

1916> Wrigley Field opens in Chicago. 1951> General MacArthur addresses a joint session of Congress after being relieved by President Truman.

1999> Two students enter Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado and open fire with multiple firearms, killing 13 students and teachers, wounding 25 and eventually shooting themselves.

Castro announces Mariel Boatlift — 4/20/1980

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1649> The Maryland Toleration Act is passed, allowing all people freedom of worship.

1789> John Adams was sworn in as the first vice president of the United States.

1862> Congress establishes the U.S. Mint.

1918> Baron Manfred von Richthofen, the German ace known as the "Red Baron," was killed in action during World War I.

1977> The musical "Annie" opened on Broadway. 1986> A vault in Chicago's Lexington Hotel that was linked to Al Capone was opened during a live TV special hosted by Geraldo Rivera. Except for a few bottles and a sign, the vault was empty.

Rome founded — 4/21/753

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1348> The first English order of knighthood is founded.

1789> President-elect George Washington and his wife moved into the first executive mansion, the Franklin House in New York City.

1968> Leftist students at Columbia University in New York City began a weeklong occupation of several campus buildings.

1985> The Coca-Cola Co. announced it was changing its secret formula for Coke.

William Shakespeare born - 4/23/1564

As Always

1527> Henry VIII of England and King Francis of France sign treaty of Westminster.

1789> George Washington is inaugurated as the first U.S. president.

1803> The United States doubles in size through the Louisiana Purchase, which was sold by France for $15 million.

1973> Nixon announces the resignation of H.R. Haldeman, John Ehrlichman, and other top aides.

Adolf Hitler commits suicide — 4/30/1945

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1715> A French manufacturer debuts the first folding umbrella.

1864> Union General Ulysses S. Grant's forces cross the Rapidan River and meet Robert E. Lee's Confederate army.

1930> Mahatma Gandhi is arrested by the British.

1961> 13 civil rights activists, dubbed Freedom Riders, begin a bus trip through the South.

1970> Ohio National Guardsmen open fire on student protesters at Kent State University, killing four and wounding nine others.

Rabin and Arafat sign accord for Palestinian self-rule — 5/4/1994

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1682> King Louis XIV moves his court to Versailles, France.

1861> Arkansas becomes the ninth state to secede from the Union. 1937> The dirigible Hindenburg explodes in flames at Lakehurst, New Jersey.

1941> Bob Hope gives his first USO show at California's March Field.

1960> President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs the Civil Rights Act of 1960.

English Channel tunnel opens — This Day in History — 5/6/1994

As Always

1429> Joan of Arc breaks the English siege of Orleans.

1847> The American Medical Association is formed in Philadelphia.

1915> The German submarine U-20 torpedoes the passenger ship Lusitania, sinking her in 21 minutes with 1,978 people on board.

1945> Germany signs an unconditional surrender, effectively ending World War II in Europe.

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1573> Henry of Anjou becomes the first elected king of Poland.

1812> British prime Minster Spencer Perceval is shot by a bankrupt banker in the lobby of the House of Commons. 1858> Minnesota is admitted as the 32nd U.S. state.

1862> Confederates scuttle the CSS Virginia off Norfolk, Virginia.

Dust storm sweeps from Great Plains across Eastern states — 5/11/1

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1641> The chief advisor to Charles I, Thomas Wentworth, is beheaded in the Tower of London.

1863> With a victory at the Battle of Raymond, Mississippi, Union General Ulysses S. Grant closes in on Vicksburg.

1865> The last land battle of the Civil war occurs at Palmito Ranch, Texas. It is a Confederate victory.

1932> The body of Charles Lindbergh's baby is found.

1949> The Berlin Blockade ends.

Race car driver A.J. Foyt gets first pro victory — 5/12/1957

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1630> Italian Jesuit Niccolo Zucchi sees the belts on Jupiter's surface.

1792> Merchants form the New York Stock Exchange at 70 Wall Street.

1863> Union General Ulysses Grant continues his push towards Vicksburg at the Battle of the Big Black River Bridge.

1881> Frederick Douglass is appointed recorder of deeds for Washington, D.C.

1973> The Senate Watergate Committee begins its hearings.

Brown v. Board of Education is decided — 5/17/1954

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1643> Queen Anne, the widow of Louis XIII, is granted sole and absolute power as regent by the Paris parliament, overriding the late king's will.

1804> Napoleon Bonaparte becomes the Emperor of France.

1860> Abraham Lincoln is nominated for president.

1896> The Supreme Court's decision on Plessy v. Ferguson upholds the "separate but equal" policy in the United States.

1980> After rumbling for two months, Mount Saint Helens, in Washington, erupts 3 times in 24 hours.

As Always

1536> Anne Boleyn is beheaded on Tower Green.

1568> Defeated by the Protestants, Mary, Queen of Scots, flees to England where Queen Elizabeth imprisons her.

1780> Near total darkness descends on New England at noon. No explanation is found.

1921> Congress sharply curbs immigration, setting a national quota system.

1935> The National Football League adopts an annual college draft to begin in 1936.

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1303> A peace treaty is signed between England and France.

1861> North Carolina becomes the last state to secede from the Union.

1927> Charles Lindbergh takes off from New York for Paris.

1932> Amelia Earhart lands near Londonderry, Ireland, to become the first woman fly solo across the Atlantic.

1961> A white mob attacks civil rights activists in Montgomery, Alabama.

As Always

1471> King Henry VI is killed in the Tower of London. Edward IV takes the throne.

1536> The Reformation is officially adopted in Geneva, Switzerland.

1941> The first U.S. ship, the S.S. Robin Moor, is sunk by a U-boat.

1961> Governor Patterson declares martial law in Montgomery, Alabama.

1991> In Madras, India, a suicide bomber kills the former Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi.

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1787> The Constitutional convention opens at Philadelphia with George Washington presiding.

1925> John Scopes is indicted for teaching Darwinian theory in school.

1935> Jesse Owens sets six world records in less than an hour in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

1946> Jordan gains independence from Britain.

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1879> New York's Madison Square Garden opens its doors for the first time.

1889> Johnstown, Pennsylvania is destroyed by a massive flood.

1955> The Supreme Court orders that states must end racial segregation "with all deliberate speed."

1969> John Lennon and Yoko Ono record "Give Peace a Chance."

1988> President Ronald Reagan arrives in Moscow, the first American president to do so in 14 years.

As Always

1533> Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII's new queen, is crowned.

1868> James Buchanan, the 15th president of the United States, dies.

1921> A race riot erupts in Tulsa, Oklahoma, killing 85 people.

1958> Charles de Gaulle becomes premier of France.

1963> Governor George Wallace vows to defy an injunction ordering integration of the University of Alabama.

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1539> Hernando De Soto claims Florida for Spain.

1888> The classic baseball poem "Casey at the Bat," written by Ernest L. Thayer, is published in the San Francisco Examiner.

1923> In Italy, Dictator Benito Mussolini grants women the right to vote.

1974> Charles Colson, an aide to President Richard Nixon, pleads guilty to obstruction of justice.

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1070> Roquefort cheese is accidentally discovered in a cave near Roquefort, France, when a shepherd finds a lunch he had forgotten several days before.

1864> Confederates under General Joseph Johnston retreat to the mountains in Georgia.

1911> Gold is discovered in Alaska's Indian Creek.

1919> The U.S. Senate passes the Women's Suffrage bill.

1953> North Korea accepts the United Nations proposals in all major respects.

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1924> The German Reichstag accepts the Dawes Plan, an American plan to help Germany pay off its war debts.

1930> Frozen foods are sold commercially for the first time.

1934> President Franklin Roosevelt signs the Securities Exchange Act, establishing the Securities and Exchange Commission.

1985> The body of Nazi war criminal Dr. Josef Mengele is located and exhumed near Sao Paolo, Brazil.

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1498> Christopher Columbus leaves on his third voyage of exploration.

1654> Louis XIV is crowned king of France.

1767> Daniel Boone sights present-day Kentucky.

1775> The United Colonies change their name to the United States.

1903> Professor Pierre Curie reveals the discovery of Polonium.

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1861> Tennessee votes to secede from the Union and join the Confederacy.

1915> William Jennings Bryan quits as Secretary of State under President Wilson.

1953> The Supreme Court forbids segregated lunch counters in Washington, D.C.

1969> President Richard Nixon meets with President Thieu of South Vietnam to tell him 25,000 U.S. troops will pull out by August.

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1863> At the Battle of Brandy Station in Virginia, Union and Confederate cavalries clash in the largest cavalry battle of the Civil War.

1945> Japanese Premier Kantaro Suzuki declares that Japan will fight to the last rather than accept unconditional surrender.

1954> At the Army-McCarthy hearings, attorney Joseph Welch asks Senator Joseph McCarthy "Have you no sense of decency?"

1959> The first ballistic missile-carrying submarine, the USS George Washington, is launched.

As Always

1692> Bridget Bishop is hanged in Salem, Mass., for witchcraft.

1916> Mecca, under control of the Turks, falls to the Arabs during the Great Arab Revolt.

1920> The Republican convention in Chicago endorses woman suffrage.

1948> The news that the sound barrier has been broken is finally released to the public by the U.S. Air Force. Chuck Yeager, piloting the rocket airplane X-1, exceeded the speed of sound on October 14, 1947.

1999> Serb forces begin their withdrawal from Kosovo after signing an agreement with the NATO powers.

As Always

Five years ago today in 2005: VICTORY for Michael.

1642> Massachusetts passes the first compulsory education law in the colonies.

1789> Captain William Bligh of the HMS Bounty arrives in Timor in a small boat. He had been forced to leave his ship when his crew mutinied.

1922> President Warren G. Harding becomes the first president to speak on the radio.

1932> Representative Edward Eslick dies on the floor of the House of Representatives while pleading for the passage of the bonus bill.

As Always
