When I first heard, I went into a disbelief stage and came onto the MJJC after somewhat of a hiatus, hoping that this was just another round of tabloid trash. But I was devastated to find it on the television stations, and people on here saying "RIP" and all the rest. I think that first day, yesterday, I just couldn't process it. I was in total shock and disbelief and just could not physically process it. Today, however, I was watching a tribute show on the television, and I just broke down in tears. I've never cried about someone dying before, but I did today and I have never felt like this before. Death scares me - seeing his body dragged from a helicopter to a truck like any old object, and seeing that final photo of him lying there - was he in pain? His body is rotting now... it just sickens me because I can't stop thinking of these horrors of death, that do NOT do the King justice. It's just consuming me and I can't do anything to stop it. Why him? WHY HIM? I tried to play Fallout 3 to get my mind off it, but it just doesn't hold the same appeal anymore - nothing does. I wish there were a word that described the feeling I'm feeling right now, but there is not.