Things that set you off?

Another thing that breaks my heart was the thought of him being lonely when he was here, he said that he used to cry because of it, that just sets me off. :cry:

that part is true, that was practically his entire life...the night he died that's all I thought about...and now for him to die like this, it's too much to bare
there are so many things he didn't get to do for himself
My reasons is pretty much the same as you guys. But really sets me off the most is:

His Children
Any of the most recent videos and pictures of Michael (Mainy seeing the This Is It rehearsals)
The memorial service
Some of his songs I can't go back to listen to yet
And the latest news stories
This is the PCR machine at work, it hurts but motivates me at the same time.

Alot of things set me off. Certain songs: Will you be There, Heal The World, Man In The Mirror, Hold My Hand, Heaven Can Wait, Smile, Childhood, You Are My many more....

The first few bars of MITM always send chills up my spine. Seeing Pictures of his kids. The memorial, certain pictures of him...

Random things set me off too. Which I call my random Michael moments. A few weeks ago I was in a local club where I'm friendly with the DJ, the club was packed with a good 700 odd people, and I was sitting in the DJ booth which looks out over the entire dance floor. He played MITM and the atmosphere was electric, everyone was singing along and swaying to the music, an I couldn't stop the tears from falling. It was magic.

Also another random moment came where I was sitting in a car getting a lift home from some of the young'uns I work with (freshly turned 18) And all of a sudden, one of the girls turned on Will You Be There, and they were all singing along. I was pretty shocked as I didn't think they would know it! (lol, more fool me Michael reached people of all ages) Then last night, we played 'Hold My Hand' continously on the way home. It was touching.

I tear up whenever I feel Michael around. With the media etc I just get angry.

Saying that, everytime I see a white butterfly I smile (and I see them every day around here) because they remind me of him, and that his presence is all around. Butterflies are beautiful, unique and amazing, but only live for a short amount of time...just like Michael. The colour white reminds me of his pureness and innocence. And the way they dance around, flying here and Michael...I know it may seem odd but it makes me feel better, and reminds me that his presence is all around.

I love you Michael x
I'll Be There, MITM and especially during the memorial when he was being carried out of the theatre to the piano intro to MITM :cry:
I'm lucky to be able to still listen to all his songs (ok, I avoid "Heaven can wait" a bit).

What sets me off is reading of tribute-parties, no matter if I read it online or in real life.
It sets me off to read "Michael Jackson - 1958 - 2009".
Also I avoid magazines that report about his life now.
Although I listen to his music every day it sets me off to go into a shop and hear that they play his music, because that always makes me think about if they only play it because of the hype now or if they play it as a tribute.

And until now I've not yet watched the memorial. The only part I watched was when Paris spoke. But I'll never watch the rest. Because, besides the painful watching, if I began to associate the songs that were played on the memorial with his death, I'd never be able to listen to them again, cause I'd always associate them with the feelings I have now.
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The first 3 weeks I cried everyday, and it would be different moments that set it off during those 3 weeks, sometimes it was his music, sometimes it was seeing pics of him smiling, the footage of him and his kids, the memorial itself,and sometimes mainly just the thought that his death was real.

Now its the most random things, I was listening to Janet's together again and the only thing I could think about was MJ and the tears followed.

I just saw TJ 's twitter message, that made me cry

I was on a dinner cruise a couple weeks ago and the DJ played Billie Jean everyone was dancing and having a good time, but I just stood at the railing thinking how sad it was MJ was no longer here with tears coming down.

I listened to History for the first time in ages and when Smile came on, that did it.
Its strange I have moments where I am fine and then other moments where everything will have me in pieces

What usually sets me off though, is that Michael never got to see Michaelmania explode again (I know it was always there in the undercurrents but I wish it was more obvious to him)
How he constantly got stabbed in the back by supposed friends
The constant lies about him
His children
Any video of him - cause he is so ...alive in them, when I turn them off its like he just passed all over again.
things that set me off
um...when someone talked about his death, i cried;
when i saw something about him, and then it can touching me, i cried;
when i read some tribute of him and some emotional video, i cried.
When I watch the moonwalker dvd, and when he comes back to those children after they thought that he isn't going to come back anymore. At the time when he hugs them, I start crying because it reminds me of his kids. I just want him back so badly:(
Man in the Mirror sets me off every time
the opening tune
i just picture the gold casket and the red roses all the time.
i don't think i can listen to it any more = [
its too emotional
and ill be there does too, i cried my heart out the at 2am, on the 26th june, when i wa listen to the radio. =[ i want him back
This week....a break in at my house and a family funeral!!

This weekend's been particularly bad...crying when I hear his music....also watched the memorial for the first time in 3 weeks....and that was like it'd all just happened...

I miss him so much and it hurts to the pit of my stomach....

I think I spent a couple of weeks in denial..then the night I should have seen him at the O2 was it's terrible...
this week....a break in at my house and a family funeral!!

This weekend's been particularly bad...crying when i hear his music....also watched the memorial for the first time in 3 weeks....and that was like it'd all just happened...

I miss him so much and it hurts to the pit of my stomach....

I think i spent a couple of weeks in denial..then the night i should have seen him at the o2 was it's terrible...

*** big massive hug ***
:cry: Me too. When I think of their birthdays, weddings, all those things along the line that Michael will not be with them for I just feel so so sad. When I think of them growing up without Michael's influence it upsets me too. Blanket is so young. But I think Prince and Paris are old enough to continue to teach him in a way - they know what their dad expected of his children; all the things Michael considered important in raising them.

Also regarding the children, I just get sad so sad at what's happened to them. It's unbelievably awful.

Other things that set me off:
the thought of how much pain Michael was put through by the world,
the thought of Michael being sad and lonely when he was alive,
the thought that Michael had a hard life and didn't get a chance to relive the good times,
the thought that Michael wanted to have his children experience a Michael Jackson concert, and they never got that chance,
the thought that Michael wanted to bring the children on stage and "introduce them to the world" (as said in the 2005 Geraldo Rivera interview) and he never got the chance - that happened at his memorial,
the thought that Michael died maybe thinking that a lot of people disliked him,
the thought of the pain Michael felt at the ridicule he endured,
the thought that he's no longer on this earth. :(

Everything that you wrote is exactly what happens to me ... Actually, just reading thru this thread makes me cry ... I can't listen a Michael song without bursting into tears... I thought after the Memorial that it was really sinking in at that moment, but I was wrong... I still can't believe it .. whatever happened, it is not fair ... My heart aches at the thought of his children and their life without Michael. What will happen to them, they were more like brothers, soulmates, than parent and children. And it really makes me wanna scream out of frustration that Michael had a undeserving lonely, sad life. Why oh why, him, of all people ????
Other than his own work which sets me off most times I hear it, I was just listening to my itunes on random and this one by Bruce Springsteen came on 'You're Missing' - check it out its a beautiful song

These are the lyrics below:

"You're Missing"

Shirts in the closet, shoes in the hall
Mama's in the kitchen, baby and all
Everything is everything
Everything is everything
But you're missing

Coffee cups on the counter, jackets on the chair
Papers on the doorstep, you're not there
Everything is everything
Everything is everything
But you're missing

Pictures on the nightstand, TV's on in the den
Your house is waiting, your house is waiting
For you to walk in, for you to walk in
But you're missing, you're missing
You're missing when I shut out the lights
You're missing when I close my eyes
You're missing when I see the sun rise
You're missing

Children are asking if it's alright
Will you be in our arms tonight?

Morning is morning, the evening falls I have
Too much room in my bed, too many phone calls
How's everything, everything?
Everything, everything
You're missing, you're missing

God's drifting in heaven, devil's in the mailbox
I got dust on my shoes, nothing but teardrops
the way time passes by without him...the realization that I have to wake up every morning knowing he's gone
seeing other artists going on tour, giving interviews and being excited and happy, that REALLY sets me off!