Things that set you off?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
What things in particular set you off crying over Michael?

I allways remember reading on the forum after he died, someone said something a long the lines off.

'I lost a very close friend tonight'

To me that set me off because it represents how he had allways been there through many peoples lives. Even if you never met him, you would allways feel that closeness towards him. A childhood hero, someone youd grown up with.

Ive heard many people refer to him as just Michael, who arent even big fans.

Anyone know who it was who said that?
Oh wow...things that set me off and make me want to cry...

When I think about all the children now who may have to suffer because Michael isn't there to help or donate money to them (even though that wasn't something he had to do)

And I was talking to a friend earlier, and I got teared up thinking about how Michael won't be there (of course he will be in spirit though) to see his children graduate from a high school or a college, or to dance with Paris at her wedding... :(

I get teary eyed when I think of all of the things with his children he won't be there for mainly...
When I see others in pain and crying over his death it makes me sad, especially if they knew MJ, i.e his family or friends.
strawberrypie999 said:
I get teary eyed when I think of all of the things with his children he won't be there for mainly...

:cry: Me too. When I think of their birthdays, weddings, all those things along the line that Michael will not be with them for I just feel so so sad. When I think of them growing up without Michael's influence it upsets me too. Blanket is so young. But I think Prince and Paris are old enough to continue to teach him in a way - they know what their dad expected of his children; all the things Michael considered important in raising them.

Also regarding the children, I just get sad so sad at what's happened to them. It's unbelievably awful.

Other things that set me off:
the thought of how much pain Michael was put through by the world,
the thought of Michael being sad and lonely when he was alive,
the thought that Michael had a hard life and didn't get a chance to relive the good times,
the thought that Michael wanted to have his children experience a Michael Jackson concert, and they never got that chance,
the thought that Michael wanted to bring the children on stage and "introduce them to the world" (as said in the 2005 Geraldo Rivera interview) and he never got the chance - that happened at his memorial,
the thought that Michael died maybe thinking that a lot of people disliked him,
the thought of the pain Michael felt at the ridicule he endured,
the thought that he's no longer on this earth. :(
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I remember reading this on one of the tribute sites on the 26th June...

"May the Moonwalker dance on the stars tonight."

I'm welling up whenever I think of this. :cry:
My mum waving her copy of Thriller near me AND calling me Michael. Last time I saw her she was like "Hi Michael".
Straight after the memorial service I picked up my guitar and wrote a song in half an hour, it usually takes me atleast a week to finish a song, but i was so overcome with emotion it just poured out of me. I managed to record it this weekend it so it can go on my record last minute, and what should have taken me 2 or 3 takes took about 12 takes because i just couldnt get through it. At one point i was lying on the floor on my back with the mic pointed down at me just sobbing.

I finally got through it, and theres a line that goes 'It feels like my head is full' where i crack quite a bit and we kept that in. I listened back to the master version again last night and I was off again.

there are so many things that set me off. memories, songs, pictures, I have a bracelet that holds a precious memory and everytime i try to take it off i cry. I just cant take it off. I worry about the kids and then get frustrated I cant help them. i worry about michael and think of how happy he was to be getting back on stage, I worry about his wellbeing before he passed and about how horrible people made life for him at times.

Im usually not an overly emotional person, but some times its a real struggle.
Things that set me off,

When I think of him not being with us.

When I hear people saying negative mean things about him.

Depending on the day or time of day when I hear a certain song of his.

Seeing other people cry over him (that’s why I’m not sure if I will be able to see the movie, don’t know if I can handle it emotionally, I am still struggling).

Just writing this is making me cry.

When I think of all the time I waisted, time that I will NEVER get back.

When I think of the fact I never got a chance to know him.

The thought that someone might have actually murdered him and intentually took him away from us, the thought makes me sick.

When I think of his kids and family.

When I think of all he still wanted to do with his life.

This whole thing make no sense to me. I just don't understand, but God know what he is doing so I try to find peace in this.

The list goes on, but it getting a little better I guess.

I Love You Michael. :in_love:
When people talk about this death To me he's not gone.

Then I think about his three kids and how they've lost their father.
Man in the Mirror. I haven't listened to it since. My favorite song and I can't listen to it. Anytime it comes on, I skip it. I know hearing it will be heartbreaking.

His children. Thinking about Prince, Paris and Blanket kills me every time.

Anything that reminds me of him.

When it hits me that he is really gone, he is not in this world anymore. To think of that fact makes it all so real and yet surreal.
when I hear his voice singing "This life don't last forever" in Akon's Hold My Hand. his voice sounds soo... so Michael... in that song.

ugh. I've cried plenty driving in my car listening to that song :(
Oh such a load of things set me off....:(

The night when it happened I really was so anaesthetised (is that the right word?) I just went to bed like nothing was going on...the next morning it hit so so so hard. Oh god.

Now mostly the music sets me off...especially Will You Be There and Cry...the lyrics of Cry...'we all cry, at the same time tonight'....and we did. :cry:
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Oh's everything.:(

Whenever I think of those lovely children I just break down in tears again, I think I love them as much as I loved Michael. I just feel so sad for them, and I wish that I could do more. I still pray for them every night and I do hope that they can feel the love the fans are sending troughout their prayers. I just hope that they are gonna be raised just the way their daddy raised them and that they can fulfill their dreams; ''be whoever you want to be''. And I just hope that they won't get themself into any problems the average teenagers falls into (drugs, alcohol), because I'm sure Michael would have do his best to keep them out of that stuff.

And I was cleaning up my inbox today...and I stumbled across my This Is It ticket confirmations. It felt like someone stabbed a knife in my heart, all the memories came up again. How we were all so damn excited about the press conference (everyone was joking, because Michael had ''swagger''), how we all got so upset with presale and tm releasing tickets before the official ticket release time (I even send MJJ productions a mad email ranting about it and demanding a ticket haha), tm just randomly releasing tickets again (16.00 was the time you had to be online in order to get yourself an extra ticket), the ''sea of love'' project....just everything came up again.:( What could have been...

I still cant listen to some of his songs..

There are times when I'm just trying to enjoy myself and on a sudden theres this thing that will remind me of Michael again and I will just break down in tears.

I'm trying to block June 25 out of my system. Gosh, I got myself another ticket the day before (A3 for god's sake) and I was shopping for an outfit to wear so that Michael could see me (lol) and when I came home I decided to watch some stupid entertainment show before I would go to bed...and just before the show ended they announced that Michael was in the hospital...
It was/is so surreal...I thought I was about to loose my mind when the board broke down. I kept refreshing TMZ's homepage, but I just couldn't believe any of the words being said. And even after there was an official statement, I still hoped that we would see pictures of him the next day on a shopping spree and that it was one of this silly rumours again.

And how the media is twisting things around and make him look like a horrible person, makes it even harder for me to cope with it all.

The loss I feel is so hard to explain, but I guess you all know what I'm trying to say and feel the same way.

I hope you guys are all doing okay.:better:
Straight after the memorial service I picked up my guitar and wrote a song in half an hour, it usually takes me atleast a week to finish a song, but i was so overcome with emotion it just poured out of me. I managed to record it this weekend it so it can go on my record last minute, and what should have taken me 2 or 3 takes took about 12 takes because i just couldnt get through it. At one point i was lying on the floor on my back with the mic pointed down at me just sobbing.

I finally got through it, and theres a line that goes 'It feels like my head is full' where i crack quite a bit and we kept that in. I listened back to the master version again last night and I was off again.

there are so many things that set me off. memories, songs, pictures, I have a bracelet that holds a precious memory and everytime i try to take it off i cry. I just cant take it off. I worry about the kids and then get frustrated I cant help them. i worry about michael and think of how happy he was to be getting back on stage, I worry about his wellbeing before he passed and about how horrible people made life for him at times.

Im usually not an overly emotional person, but some times its a real struggle.

Do you have a myspace or something for your music?
Would love to hear it.
Oh's everything.:(

Whenever I think of those lovely children I just break down in tears again, I think I love them as much as I loved Michael. I just feel so sad for them, and I wish that I could do more. I still pray for them every night and I do hope that they can feel the love the fans are sending troughout their prayers. I just hope that they are gonna be raised just the way their daddy raised them and that they can fulfill their dreams; ''be whoever you want to be''. And I just hope that they won't get themself into any problems the average teenagers falls into (drugs, alcohol), because I'm sure Michael would have do his best to keep them out of that stuff.

And I was cleaning up my inbox today...and I stumbled across my This Is It ticket confirmations. It felt like someone stabbed a knife in my heart, all the memories came up again. How we were all so damn excited about the press conference (everyone was joking, because Michael had ''swagger''), how we all got so upset with presale and tm releasing tickets before the official ticket release time (I even send MJJ productions a mad email ranting about it and demanding a ticket haha), tm just randomly releasing tickets again (16.00 was the time you had to be online in order to get yourself an extra ticket), the ''sea of love'' project....just everything came up again.:( What could have been...

I still cant listen to some of his songs..

There are times when I'm just trying to enjoy myself and on a sudden theres this thing that will remind me of Michael again and I will just break down in tears.

I'm trying to block June 25 out of my system. Gosh, I got myself another ticket the day before (A3 for god's sake) and I was shopping for an outfit to wear so that Michael could see me (lol) and when I came home I decided to watch some stupid entertainment show before I would go to bed...and just before the show ended they announced that Michael was in the hospital...
It was/is so surreal...I thought I was about to loose my mind when the board broke down. I kept refreshing TMZ's homepage, but I just couldn't believe any of the words being said. And even after there was an official statement, I still hoped that we would see pictures of him the next day on a shopping spree and that it was one of this silly rumours again.

And how the media is twisting things around and make him look like a horrible person, makes it even harder for me to cope with it all.

The loss I feel is so hard to explain, but I guess you all know what I'm trying to say and feel the same way.

I hope you guys are all doing okay.:better:

That made me like this: :cry:
I'm sending you love :hug:
Things that set me off:
Hearing : MITW, HTW, and Childhood.
Whenever a so-called friend is giving an interview... it usually starts out well-then out of nowhere they start bashing MJ.
I have many of his pics on my computer.... when i stare into his eyes... i boo hoo like crazy. In some photos.... he may be smiling or laughing but his eyes seem sooo sad.
thinking about his children.
when i think about his close relationship with his mom...
so sad!!
When I watch interviews I get really upset but I cried when I watched this

Michael Jackson - Grammy Legend

That really broke my heart. He was the most sweetest and kindest perosn to ever walked this earth and I can't believe the way people (media) treated him.
When I hear Kathrines voice in that phone interview. She sounds so devasted, her heart is aching so much for her son. No parent should ever have to bury their child.
Man in the Mirror. I haven't listened to it since. My favorite song and I can't listen to it. Anytime it comes on, I skip it. I know hearing it will be heartbreaking.

me too.
especially that song reminds me of the scene on the memorial service...
the light beaming on the microphone stand, with the background music of MIM
but with no one singing on the stage:(.
oh man everything just everything. Some times i can forget for a few minutes be engrossed in the complications of my research but then i get a spare second and bam it stabs me in the heart, i dont know whats worse the constant ache or the sudden knifes. So many little things...theres a sign for the salvation army right at my bus stop i cant even look at it.

I cant bear to think about the children and all they havbe rips my soul into tiny shreds. I want to take alll their pain away even if it would destroy me. I really do.
to me everything reminds me of him...having to go though the every day life is so hard
and when I remember how excited and happy he made us and how happy he was himself, and how much he always said he loved life...that just tears me to pieces
but one thing that makes me feel really bad is what the children will have to go through. I lost my father at the same age and I struggled so much with it, it affects your entire life and who you are and to this day I still cry when I talk about him...and to think that they will go through the exact same things I went though, all that pain and makes me feel sick, I love Michael so much I never though his children will share the same fate as me, I never wanted this for him and for them I wanted him to be happy because his happiness was my happiness, now it's only pain all over again
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someone ask Michael ( I don't remember who and when...) "How long would you like to live" (or something like this) and Michael said: "I wanna live forever"

And I'm crying becouse he did this! He will live forever in our hearts... He made his dream come true. This is so.. moving, becouse I'm proud of my 'hero'!

It just makes me so sad that his children don't have their daddy anymore, they loved him so much, and now he's been taken away from them. :(
Another thing that breaks my heart was the thought of him being lonely when he was here, he said that he used to cry because of it, that just sets me off. :cry: I just would have loved to have held him so tight and told him everything was going to be ok. :(
His music is another thing that will set me off, especially songs like Man In The Mirror, Childhood & Will You Be There. :( Oh, and the fact that he was going to show everyone how amazing he still was by doing the This Is It tours, but he got snatched away before he got the chance to show everyone. Just about anything regarding Michael sets me off. :cry:
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The memorial, when the casket is brought in and the choir sings. And the outro with the mic and spotlight.

Looking at pictures of his children.

Hearing his family members speak about his death.

Listening to his songs.

Watching videos of a happy Michael who's smiling and laughing.

Looking at photos from This is It rehearsal.

The paino intro to Heal The World song.

The piano intro to Man in The Mirror song.

The intro to Gone Too Soon song.

(Oh god.. why bother.. the pain is so unbearable..)