they're not going there...

well..sorry...but i just wanted to show that a new MJ era is dawning and certain people are learning the hard way, to leave him alone. the website happens to be msn. the default that stares me in the face when i turn on the computer. the biggest of it's type in the u.s.a.

i guess if people want to find a negative, they will find it.

I get a feeling you have a thing going on with me... but even if... there's no need to say sorry.;D
Michael is not in between there. We can speculate why that is and that's completely ok with me... but in the end all this speculation is seeing 'something' while there is nothing uh?!
It's not negative... it's ok to me lol I was just wondering...:D
I get a feeling you have a thing going on with me... but even if... there's no need to say sorry.;D
Michael is not in between there. We can speculate why that is and that's completely ok with me... but in the end all this speculation is seeing 'something' while there is nothing uh?!
It's not negative... it's ok to me lol I was just wondering...:D

naa..nothing with you. i don't know why you feel that way. nothing personal, but u were not on my mind when i posted this thread. it just shocked me that anyone would find this thread unnecessary, when i just saw that the media was leaving him alone and it was thrilling me enough to post about it.

i mean, why terms like 'too much time on their hands' and 'looking for weird websites'? anybody would respond to anyone who came up with inflammatory phrases like that.

so i was shocked by that response, and now am shocked that you think i am zeroing in on you, because i am simply responding to the shocking inflammatory phrases.

i didn't think it would do any harm to say something positive about the media concerning least..something familiar where the media is keeping their mouth shut concerning Michael, for a change. i only posted this kind of thing one time, and after the novelty of it wore off, i probably would not see the need to post anything of this nature.
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ohhhhhh I apologize for my 'inflamatory response'.
I've carelessly spoken my mind but didn't want to hurt you or anyone.

Weird to me is not this thread but media making something out of nothing like for example plastic surgery. Plastic surgery to me is private business always and with everyone. Whoever did what with themselves... it's just so non of everyones business I think.
Are ppl really interested in something like this... I think it's more a topic artificially made up by this kind of media. So I think it's not really someone intentionally looking for such sites but more finding them by clicking around bored, what's for sure done by everyone at times... no real (neither negative or positive) judgement in that ok!

I didn't say this thread is unnecessary, did I?! :scratch:I really don't think it is. I was just pointing out that there's indeed 'nothing' what is in this case 'something' we really talk about... like reverse to the 'perfect dad' or something list where Michael was left out also.
There it was for some negative that the media had Michael not on a list. Now it's positive for some they leave him out of a list.

Is the glass half full or half empty?
To me the glass is simply just half filled.

Don't get me wrong, this is still pretty interesting to me.
But to me it's neither negative nor positive, as Michael is just not on the list.
Mechi, I understand your pain. Don't worry about it. People are not comfortable with talking about such issues, which is why there are rules proposed why they don't talk about it, lol.
lol...i'm not angry..i was discussing. but why do people like to give advice, that they, themselves don't take?

but hey..i dare anyone to mark a post where i ever said something negative about MJ..

i am so confident that i have never said a negative thing about him, that anything i ever said, i can say to his face. that is how i feel, no matter what anyone says.

but if this thread gets be it. i think i made my point. i don't have to make it anymore on this.
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lord they must have simply forgot about him during this article !!

there is no way they left him out on purpose :eek: it would have killed them not to take a shot at him !!

That's the ONLY way they could have left him out. On purpose. There's no way someone could make an article about "worst plastic surgeries in MUSIC" and not rag on Michael. They always do.

I admit, I've bullied just about every internet/tabloid post I've seen cracking on Michael. lol! :D

I just send in my rant, and they usually straighten up and fly right after that. :p

And lol @ them "beating themselves up about it", what do you mean? If they wanted him in, they'd have included him. And if they wanted to edit it, they would have fixed the article and added him in.
:lol: Nooo... no fight, juss some simple disagreements.


Peace be with us at all times, brotha :chillin: