they're not going there...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
united states
at least for now...this is the second time i have seen the media mention something that has been a thorn in MJ fans' sides because of their(the media's) treatment of MJ in that subject matter(so i decided to post it this time)...but this time, the media didn't mention him in that subject matter...

so...tho speculation can be just that..i will go out on a limb and say that a hunch can sometimes be correct. so my hunch is, thanks to the fans and their power for intimidating the media into not 'going there'..and mentioning MJ with this subject matter. they mentioned quite a few celebrities as well, so they seemed to succumb to the reality that much of hollywood is doing this, as MJ said.
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if there was ever a way to 'intimidate' such media, then it's using the power of neglect and not gifting them with hits or money.
well yes..and that seems to be happening. could one ever imagine los angeles fearing the loss of their newspapers? well..reports say that fear is in the air now.

and the ban on rf seems to be working..

at least i have gotten so tired of him that i can't remember the last time i saw his site.

and i have seen other fans express that fatigue.
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I never visit tabloid sites, watch tabloid shows, read any of that stuff. I really have no interest in it. But seeing as it's been brought up, I'll just mention, I like what MJ said in an interview with Oprah. Hope I'm allowed to post this; if not it can be deleted-

"If all the people in Hollywood who have had p.s., if they went on vacation? There wouldn't be a person left in town." MJ
I'm not sure if we can take credit for this. I mean, at this point I feel like the CONSTANT MJ references have become boring and repetitive. That's why some of these media types have moved on to other targets, in my opinion.
lord they must have simply forgot about him during this article !!

there is no way they left him out on purpose :eek: it would have killed them not to take a shot at him !!
if there was ever a way to 'intimidate' such media, then it's using the power of neglect and not gifting them with hits or money.

totally agree :yes:

"If all the people in Hollywood who have had p.s., if they went on vacation? There wouldn't be a person left in town." MJ

and i love that quote from MJ its is so true!!
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it has GOT to be KILLING them that they didn't include Mike in there ... there is a media person locked in a room somewhere freeeeeking out about this :lol:
I agree that they must have been beating themselves up about it but to be honest I overjoyed about it , he looks great and its not plastic surgery it's natural features, minus obvious, hehe but it's not BAD surgery. It's nice to not see michael somewhere for once. LOL!
I agree that they must have been beating themselves up about it but to be honest I overjoyed about it , he looks great and its not plastic surgery it's natural features, minus obvious, hehe but it's not BAD surgery. It's nice to not see michael somewhere for once. LOL!

you are right. the main reason for the attacks on MJ over the years, is because the MINIMAL surgery (at best) is not what defines his face...

his aura and natural features, dna, genes gift, character and youthfulness define his face EMPHATICALLY. and the detractors know it.

people don't attack you like that unless you are truly beautiful and they are, then, truly envious.
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You guys are treading water on this subject matter already. So don't go there with the MJ surgery discussion.
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Where's the case of champagne and the glasses?!
This is EXACTLY how I feel about this. Agree with you completely!
I agree aswell. If they did it would be like oh man dig a little deeper. Hes been made fun of to a point were its just no longer that funny anymore to anyone. Its one of those "knock knock, why'd the chicken cross the road" jokes now. lol And I mean that for alot of jokes about MJ there just tired.
Decided to view this site and agree with what Chichi has said, it has to be a HUGE oversight that they did'nt mention Mike OR probably as someone else said, the whole MJ and plastic surgery thing has gotten OLD!
Mainly because they kept on repeating on it like it was new, lol. Someone got the memo that "yes we knew that 20 years ago, shut up already." LOL
Exactly. People are getting sick of all the media's lies and tricks to make money. They are getting sick of these so called journalists who pay people off and then act like what the person they paid off is saying is the gospel truth. The media is interested in one damn thing and that is making money off the misery of others.

We have real problems in this world. We have real issues to address than to worry about some fakes sayin fake crap in order to make their millions.
So now we're even mentioning these lists even if MJ is not on it. :bugeyed
So now we're even mentioning these lists even if MJ is not on it. :bugeyed
yep lol :bugeyed I so agree with you.

lol I guess it's just a case of some of us having too much time or too much boredom and clicking too many weird stupid internet sites.
yep lol :bugeyed I so agree with you.

lol I guess it's just a case of some of us having too much time or too much boredom and clicking too many weird stupid internet sites.

well..sorry...but i just wanted to show that a new MJ era is dawning and certain people are learning the hard way, to leave him alone. the website happens to be msn. the default that stares me in the face when i turn on the computer. the biggest of it's type in the u.s.a.

i guess if people want to find a negative, they will find it.
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Hmm... I don't see what's wrong with most of the people in the photos anyway. :mello:

yeah. i agree with you. all this all ever is is another study and another glorified example of the nature of people to just love talking about other people, but not in a good way...and..unjustifiably.....

while people are busy doing everything they talk about other people about.

(say that ten times fast. but it's true anyway)