The Yum Or Yuck Game!

Yum (sometimes its best in the long-run depending on the craving :D ) :ermm: nvm

gas lights?
Hey that makes sense.

gas lights? yuck maybe.I don't know. What are gas lights?

Asparagus and carrots and potatoes for supper :D
mmm yum, that sounds delicious.

(yeah it's what I had to work with...tasted pretty good though. Fresh veggies, all of them)

hang nails
yum if I can grab the darn thing :lol: yuck if its just hanging on irritating the ^%$#@! out of me

soft peppermint sticks?
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hard to say lol i'm moody on onions, occasionally yum and sometimes yuck if they're raw, most of the time yum if they're cooked for seasoning and cooked real well

:lol: i have such conditional love pretty much only for onions

dried papaya?
(hahah same, sometimes they are just too strong) picked the one fruit that I also have a love hate relationship with. Dried are too weird of a texture I think, the small are icky, and the big ones are delicious!

yes the big ones are just mmmmmmmmmmmmm :wub:

Turkey kielbasa yuuum!

Cranapple Juice?
YUM! was my favorite as a kid too..such a treat. (I am really craving a smokie or something like that)

hunger pangs? :huh: is it pangs or pains?
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don't know what that is so I'll say calamari because it reminds me of it and YUK

pancakes made with a dash of vanilla extract?
Re: The Yum Or Yuck Game!


yuck! lol

Algebra? :angry:
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