The Ultimate Invincible Discussion Thread

A. Sizzle

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Here's the post...

I've read everyone's full impressions of the album, now I want to break it down a little bit. We'll begin with the first 3 songs, which all happen to be uptempo.

I feel like these fast songs just lacks something. It's like they doesn't have that "bite" that most of Mike's albums have. The uptempo songs seem bogged down by the industrial, electronic sounding production. There isn't that sense of space and the vocals don't seem as natural and free sounding as they do on other songs. Although I enjoy the songs Invincible, Unbreakable, and Heartbreaker, it just seems like something is missing when compared to the first three fast songs on Dangerous. Maybe its the song structure? The first three are basic on Invincible, whereas the structure varies from song to song on the first three tracks on Dangerous.

How do you guys feel about the 3 uptempo tracks that start the album?
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Re: How Do You Feel About Invincible??

The vocals sound nazzely and strained sometimes. alot of similar sounding songs too. some I think WHY like lost children and others I think are great. He didnt seem to have as many exciting ad libs as he normally does. And God the rapping in the some songs please take it out
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Re: How Do You Feel About Invincible??

I like Invincible, i think it's a great album. I do think that it was a tad over produced but apart from that i think it's a good album

Album highlights (IMO)
:Whatever Happens
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Re: How Do You Feel About Invincible??

Honestlly, it's my least favorite of all MJ albums. No, it has nothing to do with promotion and no, it has nothing to do with record sales. I just feel it was too left field coming from Michael Jackson. The only stand out tracks are "Heartbreaker" and "Heaven Can Wait"
Don't get me wrong, it's a lot better than other artist's albums, but compared to other MJ albums, it doesn't rank up too high for me.
Re: How Do You Feel About Invincible??

Throughout most of the album, his vocals didn't sound as pure as they usually do. I can usually feel the emotion in his record, but there were only a select few on this album
Re: How Do You Feel About Invincible??

Honestlly, it's my least favorite of all MJ albums. No, it has nothing to do with promotion and no, it has nothing to do with record sales. I just feel it was too left field coming from Michael Jackson. The only stand out tracks are "Heartbreaker" and "Heaven Can Wait"
Don't get me wrong, it's a lot better than other artist's albums, but compared to other MJ albums, it doesn't rank up too high for me.

I agree with you there, that it is better than alot of other artists albums, IMO for the reason that its not got 1 or 2 songs that were released and were good, but its full of good songs, not a bunch of boring album fillers, like most other artists. But as you said its still not as good as some of his other albums, but i do love Invincible and its still miles and miles beyond the rest of other peoples albums. My favourate songs from Invincible are:

You Rock My World
The Lost Children
You Are My Life
2000 Watts
Re: How Do You Feel About Invincible??

^^ Finally I find someone else who likes You Are My Life! lol I was beginning to think I was the only one.

I personally like the album a lot. Like I said in another thread, it took me a while to warm up to it, but after a few plays, I really fell in love with it. I'll have to agree to agree with BPYTD on the rapping though. It would be best to leave that out. It always ends up being real cheesy. I didn't even like the rapping in the Dangerous album.
My favorite tracks are:
Break of Dawn
Heaven Can Wait
You Rock My World
You Are My Life &
Don't Walk Away

It's pretty obvious that I'm a fan of Michael's ballads :wub: :lol:
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Re: How Do You Feel About Invincible??

I absolutely love it!!! Although it sounds different from all of his other albums, I can honestly say that Don't Walk Away is my favorite song off of the album!
Re: How Do You Feel About Invincible??

I think Invincible was a good album. I agree with other guy the album was a little over produced. But it had some good cuts on there. The slow songs were hitting just the fast songs didnt have that MJ stamp on it. I think MJ was doing too much with the album and forgot the main focus!
Re: How Do You Feel About Invincible??

well, I love ALOTof the songs on there, and the rest I just "like". But I love the album
Re: How Do You Feel About Invincible??

The album was ruined by over-production and the involvement of too many people. The vocals aren't very good and the lyrics are kind of dull most of the time. Many songs sound very much alike and there is just not enough originality on this album. There are still some songs I like, but overall I have to say I was disappointed, it's my least favourite MJ album.
Re: How Do You Feel About Invincible??

It is a good album. You should not expect something specific, with that you will not be disappointed (also when the new album will be released, it is possible that Michael will do something different, not what people expect, a big surprise, who can say how it will sound?).

The first three songs sound very similar, but after a few times listening only the raps do still bother me (I'm not a rap fan at all, but I feel even Michael himself could do it so much better).
There are 3 songs on that album I don't like that much. But wouln't there also be some on Thriller if the album has had more and not only 10 tracks on it?
Re: How Do You Feel About Invincible??

I love it..... Esp.:
You are My life
2000 Watts
You Rock My World

Re: How Do You Feel About Invincible??

^^ Finally I find someone else who likes You Are My Life! lol I was beginning to think I was the only one.

are you joking??????????????????

I just adore' YAML"

the ballads on the album are simply phenomenal.....amazing.... simply amazing

soooooo different and sooooooooooo beautiful:wub:
don't you think so?????

but I'm not saying I'm not into the fast tracks on it:D
Re: How Do You Feel About Invincible??


are you joking??????????????????

I just adore' YAML"

the ballads on the album are simply phenomenal.....amazing.... simply amazing

soooooo different and sooooooooooo beautiful:wub:
don't you think so?????

but I'm not saying I'm not into the fast tracks on it:D

yes that song is soo beautiful.I :wub: it also.
Re: How Do You Feel About Invincible??

If an up and coming R&B/pop singer had released Invincible as their first or second album, it would've been a hit and gotten great reviews all around. But this is Michael Jackson we're talking about, a man who has been involved in five decades of music, holds the bestselling album of all time, and always has high standards for production quality, melodies, and song writing.

I don't think Invincible was a bad album (considering the lack of promotion he got for it, the 7 or 8 million copies it sold shows it was a lot more successful than most albums today). Like many of you said above, it suffered from over-production. I like that Michael is always trying new things, and I thought it was cool he messed (and I mean that in a good way) with some newer beats and rhythms. But some of it was just too industrial-sounding for me. Too much sound and not enough of his voice, and when he did sing, it sounded a little nasal and forced at times.

And there were 16(?) tracks on that album... honestly, there are a bunch that sound very similar to each other. I think that's a price that any artist pays when they release an album with more material, though; Thriller had 9(?) tracks and it's impossible for me to mix any of them up. The pro of releasing more material is that... well... you release more material! To an extent, I think releasing a small album these days takes some guts, because if you release a small album, all of it better be good. Having more material guarantees a bigger chance of at least some of the songs being seeded out as hits.

There are some songs that I really do enjoy on Invincible though:

You Rock My World
Heaven Can Wait
Whatever Happens

I think Invincible was just a case of too many cooks in the kitchen... too many producers messing with the album. I know OTW, Thriller and Bad were basically Michael and Quincy Jones. The album itself isn't bad, though, but it's definitely not up to the caliber of work Michael Jackson has presented in the past.
Re: How Do You Feel About Invincible??

Invincible is boring, boring, boring! good lyric. the melodies has no dept at all. they are to up in your face and you get tierd of them after listening to them 5 times. there is nothing new to discover. it like he tryes to hard to make hit songs, but for me it is not working. im sorry. I really wont it to be grate. but it is not:( and the ballades are to disney for me.
Re: How Do You Feel About Invincible??

Not MJ's best, but definitely not as bad as some people like to make it seem. His voice sounded frickin' incredible on songs like "Break of Dawn" and "Butterflies". I just love the ballads on "Invincible", definitely the highlight of the album if you ask me. I also love "You Rock My World" and "Unbrekable" , those were the best uptempo tracks on the album imo.
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Re: How Do You Feel About Invincible??

I stick up for Invincible often..

my real opinion is:

It's a good album, Not the best work Michael has released..

With proper promotion it would have sold MUCH, MUCH better..

if there was anything I would change, it would be MORE actually by MICHAEL over other producers and writters.. It would have been better to me..

However, it's a great album... INVINCIBLE still would wipe out anything released around that time..

It could have been the best selling album of that year with the proper promotion, and would have gotten much more recognition..

BAD press around the album effects our opinions negitivally more so than the actual album..

If I could only listen to ONE album for the rest of my life.. INVINCIBLE or any other album by a different artist. I STILL would pick INVINCIBLE...

MICHAELS a genius that cannot be touched, even with INVINCIBLE.
Re: How Do You Feel About Invincible??

Been to 3 weddings over the years...and "Speachless" has been the song chosen by the couple

2000 Watts....always wanted to see a video made for that one.

Whatever Happens...very thoughtfull lyrics and eary ending with the kids in the there must have been some sort of master plan to include possibly this track and even "Threatened" as a short film. Possibly appearing together...rather like the 3 tracks or so in the "Ghosts" short film.

Break Of Dawn...I always expected to see a video of Michael on a beach in Ibiza arm in arm with some beautiful model.

Butterflies...Even Prince liked this tune!!! Who doesn't....
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Re: How Do You Feel About Invincible??

Invincible has some of the best song's. Takes you high and low. What ever happen should have been up there with Billie Jean. Think of the video that would catcher your soul with that one!
Re: How Do You Feel About Invincible??

best album ever made.

i'm not jaded by relativity.

i've played this cd more than any other in the history of my collection.

i've worn out at least thirteen copies.

on this cd, he is willing to go where the music takes him, and is not concerned about fitting into a genre..and it still has the great pop appeal. it's the only album in history to sell like gangbusters without promotion.

that's a great feat within itself and highlights the artistic merit of this cd.:clapping::punk:
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Re: How Do You Feel About Invincible??

'Invincible' is one of my favourite Albums and it's been my most played album for a long time.
You can feel his pain in 'Privacy' you can feel his heart in 'Cry' you can feel his hotness in '2000 Watts' Oh!! and 'chadz' a video plays in my head for 2000 Watts and I can tell you it would be X rated lol.
You Are My Life
The Lost Children
Whatever Happens
You Rock My World
Break Of Dawn
Heaven can wait
Don't Walk Away :wub:

No two ways about it for me, I love them all, his voice went to a new level with this Album.
Re: How Do You Feel About Invincible??

Invincible is mikes most underrated album! but it his most creative! i absolutely love this album! def one of my faves. Its so sad it didnt get more singles and it wasnt promoted but hell it still sold 10million lol. But anyways, this album is great and i loooooooooove it
Re: How Do You Feel About Invincible??

Invincible is a really good album, in my opinion. It's probably not MJ's best work ever, like many have already said, but its still a very solid, listenable album - much better than the standard pop/R&B album.

That said, it certainly has its ups and downs, but also some of the bestest songs on it - namely The Lost Children and Whatever Happens. The first 3 tracks do sound nearly alike though - sometimes I wish they had been spaced out through the album a bit more. That said, this is almost the only MJ album where I do have a tendency to skip songs - I tend to listen all the way from Unbreakable to 2000 watts, skip You Are My Life to Cry, and then listen again from The Lost Children to the end.

Still, its definitely a favourite of mine.
Re: How Do You Feel About Invincible??

Some of MJ's BEST on Invincible and some of his worst.

Best-YRMW, Break Of Dawn, Heaven Can Wait

Worst-Cry, Privacy.

His voice sounds AMAZING on most of the songs, YRMW, BOD, Heaven Can Wait, Don't Walk Away, Butterfiles...etc. It's perfection. If some of the not so good songs were took out I think Invincible would actually be the perfect album.

I actually really love The Lost Children too, does anyone else?

Oh also, does anyone else thing the first 3 songs sound the same? I think they should of just put one of them in, my favourite is Invincible as I think the Unbreakable intro is too long.
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Re: How Do You Feel About Invincible??

I FINALLY bought Invincible last week to hear some "new" Michael music :timer:
I was surprised how good and how bad it was

Don't walk away
You Rock my World
You are My Life
and several others are now on my Michael fav list. there's some really good songs on there! :clapping:

2000 makes me wonder what he was thinking :scratch:

I'm glad I got it! :yes:
Re: How Do You Feel About Invincible??

I think Invincible is a good album, though not a great album it's much better than critics say it is.

My main problems with Invincible are that Michael only wrote and composed two songs by himself on Invincible, and did too much collaboration on the album. And in the past it's always been Michael's own self written /composed songs that have been the best songs on his album. My other problem with Invincible is that most of the songs including the one I like are too over produced, making songs sound like products not music.

Invincible is a Michael Jackson album, he's the Executive Producer of the album so it's the sound he wanted. But Invincible sounds like Michael listening too much as to the advice of how his collaborators wanted Michael's music to sound, not how Michael wanted his collaborators sounds to fit in to his songs. Michael Jackson sounds like he's a guest vocalist on his own album on Invincible.

What actually makes me still listen to various songs on Invincible are Michael incredible vocals. I love Michael vocals in Invincible, it's the first time he's used a lot of his vocal range on an album since The Jacksons Goin Places and Destiny albums.