The truth about Bin Laden

Thanks for posting that!. ... You'll never see this on the news. ..

Until it happens, let's keep on 'celebrating'. .... We're being carefully watched meanwhile for the best of our 'safety'.
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*Bumps*, hoping there are more of those not celebrating Osama's death, whatever that means. ....

Thank you so much for these links. .. Echoing Ms/Mrs. Breitweiser's feelings as well...

As for FBi and their so-called law-abiding tenets, they can... But I'll refrain..

Osama's always the unilateral US gov.'s tool and means to invade Afghanistan. That tool even died unarmed, so they say. Say that Osama was a blood-thirsty criminal guilty of crimes against humanity (will never top the US's gov. in a few years, tho), u don't kill anybody whie they're defenseless. Moreover, you brin them in a court of law and indict them for the said crimes and bring them to trial. We're not even gonna have his death photo now. Not to mention several other family members of Bin Laden's have been killed like flies, and a wife of his wives shot in the leg (though not fatally). How's that freakin' democracy and justice and abiding by the International Law? How can the real, transparent terrorism today be praised, when it's ongoing, and extending. We're all perceived and treated as potential criminals, folks, since the extra-mega tragedy and cover-up that 9/11 was. How is that fair..?

The dumbing down of society is an extremely good strategy these days, psycho(logical) warfare is going strong. Yeah, let's keep gawking at lots and lots of sports and lots of Oprah and hearken to pitiful electoral lines while an estimated 22,000 kids perish daily on the Globe, and see then if we need to celebrate anything in about this world, except our surviving through the day and living with a roof top above out heads and food on our tables and the like.
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The dumbing down of society is an extremely good strategy these days, psycho(logical) warfare is going strong. Yeah, let's keep gawking at lots and lots of sports and lots of Oprah and hearken to pitiful electoral lines while an estimated 22,000 kids perish daily on the Globe, and see then if we need to celebrate anything in about this world, except our surviving through the day and living with a roof top above out heads and food on our tables and the like.

Why are you so miserable? There is nothing wrong with having fun every once in a while. If people enjoy supporting their favourite football team or watching Oprah, just let them. No need to look down on that. Everyone knows the world isn't perfect but it's not healthy to think about all the problems in the world 24/7. There are plenty of beautiful things too. No offense intended, but reading your posts is just so depressing. I can't imagine living my life the way you appear to do, distrusting everything around me and seeing conspiracies everywhere. You may think that's naive, but I'd much rather be naive and happy than distrusting and miserable. Don't take this the wrong way, it's just meant as food for thought.
Despite of agreeing that the death of Bin Laden the world is not free of terrorism, the video says there was no proof that Bin Laden was responsible for 9/11 attack. Didn't he record a video taking responsibility for the attack?
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The singing in the background of those videos is possibly even creepier than Osama coming a cross like an elementry school teacher to his 'pupils'.
Why are you so miserable? There is nothing wrong with having fun every once in a while. If people enjoy supporting their favourite football team or watching Oprah, just let them. No need to look down on that. Everyone knows the world isn't perfect but it's not healthy to think about all the problems in the world 24/7. There are plenty of beautiful things too. No offense intended, but reading your posts is just so depressing. I can't imagine living my life the way you appear to do, distrusting everything around me and seeing conspiracies everywhere. You may think that's naive, but I'd much rather be naive and happy than distrusting and miserable. Don't take this the wrong way, it's just meant as food for thought.

I'm both miserable and happy. Now I've focused on the legitimate part of being miserable. Not sure how this sounds, but it can happen, u know, thankfully. But this isn't about me, but Bin Laden and the truth behind it. If you have a problem with me and/or my posts and find them depressive, ignore them.

This is a serious thread, not one about how the posts of one or the other generally seem to somebody and how they think they know what life others live.

Hey alma, have to say i agree with your post and disagree that it makes you a 'miserable' person. I'd say it makes you a realistic person. This is indeed a serious thread. i initially swallowed the Bin Laden BS and the 9/11 lies and was shocked and disgusted when i went on to learn the truth.
LoveMjackson the video you posted is not the 'supposed' confession video so i don't really see the relevance. The 'confession' video is a blatantly obvious fake btw.
Hey alma, have to say i agree with your post and disagree that it makes you a 'miserable' person. I'd say it makes you a realistic person. This is indeed a serious thread. i initially swallowed the Bin Laden BS and the 9/11 lies and was shocked and disgusted when i went on to learn the truth.
LoveMjackson the video you posted is not the 'supposed' confession video so i don't really see the relevance. The 'confession' video is a blatantly obvious fake btw.

Thanks.. You said it more concisely and clearly. Agree with the rest of your post as well. At the beginning, I too bought all of the 9/11 propagandistic news.. ..

I really have to add: there are light-hearted threads on this forum, and legitimately serious ones such as this one. Excuse some of us who can't laugh on here about this too.
Thank you for posting.

"How is it that you get to choose
Who will live and who will die
Did god say that you could decide ?
I entered this thread NOT knowing what to expect...upon reading posts...I want to say that number 1 Bin Laden IS responsible for september11th....he put out a tape claiming responsibility...someone already posted it here. Unless you have lost someone that you loved that will never understand what it is like to have that killer get his deserved due justice. The bullshit that the tape is not him confiming resposiblity..thats all it is..bullshit...he set up 911...he had peiople come to the US and kill thousands of poeple...not just people on the planes..but people on the ground...well OVER 30000 people were murdered by this monsters plan. Everyone is entitled to their political views....BUT the truth is the truth. Sorry for the rant...I just thought this needed to be said.
I left NY in August of 2001. But my friends and I were speaking even then that weird things were happening around the Lower Manhattan area. There were bomb squads and sniffing dogs out weeks before Sept 11th. This is the first things that led me to believe that the government at least knew of a credible threat to the area. Once I saw the buildings fall, I knew something was up. I do believe there are many lies about this event. (There is a thread on here where some demolition expert finally admitted in print that the towers fell from controlled demolition). I used to have trust that the government was going after the right person. Not because I did not think our government was corrupt, but because I didn't want to belive they were THAT corrupt. I would wager that most Americans feel the same way. They just don't want to believe their own gov't could orchestrate such an event against their own people. I am not so optomistic.

I absolutely think think Bin Laden has a lot he has to answer for. That being said, I do think he was a scapegoat for the Sept 11th attacks.
I left NY in August of 2001. But my friends and I were speaking even then that weird things were happening around the Lower Manhattan area. There were bomb squads and sniffing dogs out weeks before Sept 11th. This is the first things that led me to believe that the government at least knew of a credible threat to the area. Once I saw the buildings fall, I knew something was up. I do believe there are many lies about this event. (There is a thread on here where some demolition expert finally admitted in print that the towers fell from controlled demolition). I used to have trust that the government was going after the right person. Not because I did not think our government was corrupt, but because I didn't want to belive they were THAT corrupt. I would wager that most Americans feel the same way. They just don't want to believe their own gov't could orchestrate such an event against their own people. I am not so optomistic.

I absolutely think think Bin Laden has a lot he has to answer for. That being said, I do think he was a scapegoat for the Sept 11th attacks.

I do not believe the American government orchestrated this attack or wanted it to happen, but I do think they were aware of the threat and neglected to take action. Could this have been prevented? Possibly, we'll never know. The problem I have with threads like this (and one of Alma's posts in the other thread on Osama's death) is that they portray Osama as some sort of victim, an innocent scapegoat used by the evil Americans to carry out their plans. Osama is not a victim. Even if you do not believe he was responsible for 9/11, his recorded statements show what a horrible criminal he was. Personally, I'm glad he was killed and not sent to trial here as I would not want that dangerous man anywhere near me. It's almost an invitation to Al-Qaeda to bomb this place. No thanks.
I do not believe the American government orchestrated this attack or wanted it to happen, but I do think they were aware of the threat and neglected to take action. Could this have been prevented? Possibly, we'll never know. The problem I have with threads like this (and one of Alma's posts in the other thread on Osama's death) is that they portray Osama as some sort of victim, an innocent scapegoat used by the evil Americans to carry out their plans. Osama is not a victim. Even if you do not believe he was responsible for 9/11, his recorded statements show what a horrible criminal he was. Personally, I'm glad he was killed and not sent to trial here as I would not want that dangerous man anywhere near me. It's almost an invitation to Al-Qaeda to bomb this place. No thanks.
second this
I do not believe the American government orchestrated this attack or wanted it to happen, but I do think they were aware of the threat and neglected to take action. Could this have been prevented? Possibly, we'll never know. The problem I have with threads like this (and one of Alma's posts in the other thread on Osama's death) is that they portray Osama as some sort of victim, an innocent scapegoat used by the evil Americans to carry out their plans. Osama is not a victim. Even if you do not believe he was responsible for 9/11, his recorded statements show what a horrible criminal he was. Personally, I'm glad he was killed and not sent to trial here as I would not want that dangerous man anywhere near me. It's almost an invitation to Al-Qaeda to bomb this place. No thanks.

after getting Bin Laden this what what they found in HIS own personal information.....see it wasn't going to end...

Bin Laden Raid Discovery: Al Qaeda Considered Attacking U.S. Train On 9/11 Anniversary

WASHINGTON -- Holed up in a compound in Pakistan, Osama bin Laden was scheming how to hit the United States hard again, according to newly uncovered documents that show al-Qaida plans for derailing an American train on the upcoming 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

Details of the plan emerged Thursday as some of the first intelligence was gleaned from the trove of information found in bin Laden's residence when Navy SEALs killed the al-Qaida leader and four of his associates. They took his body and scooped up computers, DVDs and documents from the compound where U.S. officials think he had been living for as long as six years.

The confiscated materials reveal the rail attack planning as of February 2010. One idea outlined in handwritten notes was to tamper with an unspecified U.S. rail track so that a train would fall off the track at a valley or a bridge. Counterterrorism officials said they believe the plot was only in the initial planning stages, and there is no recent intelligence about any active plan for such an attack. The FBI and Homeland Security issued an intelligence bulletin with details of the plan to law enforcement around the country. The bulletin, marked "for official use only," was obtained by The Associated Press.

Other intelligence pulled from the compound represented a terrorist wish list but has revealed no specific plan so far. Some documents indicated a desire to strike the U.S. with large-scale attacks in major cities and on key dates such as anniversaries and holidays. But there never was any sign that those were anything more than ambitions, said a U.S. official who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the intelligence.

Even before the raid, intelligence officials for years had warned that al-Qaida was interested in attacking major U.S. cities on prominent dates on the American calendar.

Monday's raid by helicopter-borne SEALs was fraught with risk, sensationally bold and a historic success, netting a man who had been on the run for nearly a decade after his terrorist organization pulled off the devastating Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania. During the raid, the SEALs met far less resistance than the Obama administration initially described. The commandos encountered gunshots from only one man, whom they quickly killed, before sweeping the house and shooting others, who were unarmed, a senior defense official said in the latest account.

The New York Times and Washington Post reported Thursday on their websites that a CIA surveillance team had been watching bin Laden's residence from a rented house near the compound for months. The agency declined to comment on the reports.

President Barack Obama visited New York's ground zero on Thursday during a somber and understated event where he avoided mentioning bin Laden by name.

The U.S. account of what happened inside bin Laden's Abbottabad compound is so far the only one most Americans have. Pakistan has custody of the people rounded up afterward, including more than two dozen children and women. Differing accounts purporting to be from witnesses have appeared in Pakistani and Arab media, and on the Internet.

Intelligence analysts have been reviewing and translating the material seized from the compound, looking for information about pending plots and other terror connections. In light of the intelligence indicating al-Qaida was considering an attack on a U.S. railway, the FBI and Homeland Security told local officials to be on the lookout for clips or spikes missing from train tracks, packages left on or near the tracks and other indications that a train could be vulnerable.

"While it is clear that there was some level of planning for this type of operation in February 2010, we have no recent information to indicate an active ongoing plot to target transportation and no information on possible locations or specific targets," Thursday's warning to law enforcement said.

Homeland Security spokesman Matt Chandler said, "This alleged al-Qaida plotting is based on initial reporting, which is often misleading or inaccurate and subject to change." He said the government has no plans to issue an official terror alert because of it.

On Monday, the FBI and Homeland Security warned law enforcement officials around the country that bin Laden's death could inspire retaliatory attacks in the U.S., and terrorists not yet known to the intelligence community could be operating inside the country.

The transportation sector – including U.S. railways – continue to be attractive targets for terrorists. In the past few years, U.S. officials have disrupted other terror plots that targeted rails, including a 2009 plan to bomb the New York City subway system.

Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, said she's urged the homeland security secretary to increase the country's threat level while the material seized from bin Laden's compound is reviewed.

"I continue to question the secretary's decision not to increase the threat level," said Collins, the top Republican on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

Counterterrorism officials have been meeting regularly since bin Laden was killed to evaluate the threat to the U.S.


Associated Press writers Adam Goldman and Matt Apuzzo contributed to this report.
I do not think Bin Laden is a victim. As I said before, he definitely has a lot to answer for. his hands were by no means clean. But I do NOT trust our government about the official 9/11 story.
I agree with most of your your take, Ginvid. ..

..As for anything else, am in a hurry, but have pretty much said anything I had to say. By no means was I downplaying the terror that 9/11 played on the survivors and the many unfortunate, traumatic deaths that went on that day. But just to add that, whether Bin Laden was linked to the terrorist attacks and, like suicide bombers, served their masters blindly, the head of the snake is still very much alive, even more than before. Bin Laden very much cooperated with the US governement, and whether many hate to fathom that, it's true. Very much so -- very many proofs for it. They killed Hussein ritualistically and filmed his hanging -- a most grotesque display of evil, they killed (who knows, tho, but let's say they did) Bin laden, didn't bring him to court, of course, first, because they couldn't risk him telling on them. They're out to kill Mubarak, you know, all these landlords of oil so they can conquer those lands.

Cutting this short --in a hurry. But I'm not going to be apologizing for anything I've said with utmost certainty --like how they invaded Irak and Afghanistan on grossly concealed basis of self-profits, except for deep down, for judging this evil, as it's not our place to do it --judge anything.. But I don't think we've even done too much of that that, anyway.. The US government/presidential administration has been the most manipulative, selfish, domineering unilateral and terroristic institution the world has ever known, or amongst the few worst. The UN are becoming less relevant by the day after the 1990's so-called end of the Cold War. And we all are potential criminals under these terrorists loop, while their biggest weapon is our fully exploited ignorance.
All this talk about the death of the 9/11 attacks...........but it's no worse then the thousands killed in Iraq and Afghanistan........

One act of evil cannot be avenged by another act of evil.............

In my eyes the American government is just as evil as the al qaeda (that's if they are different entities)!!!
Osama Bin Laden was the creation of the country that killed him, the US. The US trained a killing mashine which then turned against them. And i am one of those who believe that the US coverment is not better than Osama. They killed thousands of innocent people in the Balcans and in Iran and they never faced one consiquence.
Yeah, when Kosovo comes to mind, for instance, how they were bombed by NATO too, and the petty reasons they always invoke after their abusive interferences in other lands are beyond disgusting. .. There is not enough ink to cover all the damage these liars, daring to appoint themselves as peace and justice followers have brought to the world, not enough ink. ...
i do not and will not belive these conspiracy theorys there made out of false information and all they do is scare the public into beliving that bin laden is still out there or that the illumanati are going to kill us all ect

this is completely false the goverment do not tell us everything for the safety of are community

i have lost friends in both the 9.11 and 7.7 attacks i lost friends to terroist"s and idiots who try to twist islam into something it is not bush and blair did not kill my friends some radical idiots who belive that everyone should be muslim did

the truth of the matter is that relegion is destroying the western world
Ben Laden is a bastard.

Why the US didn't arrest him in the 90's ? The CIA knew where he was at this time, in 1996 the US knew he was a crazy extremist, so why they didn't arrest him then ?

And LOL at the people who believe that the 9/11 is just Ben Laden and his stupids talibans friends. L.O.L
Ben Laden is a bastard.

Why the US didn't arrest him in the 90's ? The CIA knew where he was at this time, in 1996 the US knew he was a crazy extremist, so why they didn't arrest him then ?

And LOL at the people who believe that the 9/11 is just Ben Laden and his stupids talibans friends. L.O.L

Two words: Clinton administration.