The tribute Michael Jackson deserves: Relief for Africa

I wanted to donate through this but unfortunately they didn't accept my credit card (I'm not in the US). :(
I wanted to donate through this but unfortunately they didn't accept my credit card (I'm not in the US). :(

Sorry to hear this.

Before settling with Unicef, we checked that fans worldwide could take part in this effort....meaning anyone from anywhere in the world can participate.

Anyone else OUTSIDE of North America had problem donating?

It's our first time hearing this, so we will definitely look into it and contact Unicef again. Thank you.

UPDATE: Respect, there might have been a glitch in the system when you tried donating last week. According to Unicef, all major credit cards from anywhere in the world can be used to donate.

Thank you again.
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Sorry to hear this.

Before settling with Unicef, we checked that fans worldwide could take part in this effort....meaning anyone from anywhere in the world can participate.

Anyone else OUTSIDE of North America had problem donating?

It's our first time hearing this, so we will definitely look into it and contact Unicef again. Thank you.

I'm in Hungary. The card is a VISA. My bank is Hungary's biggest bank. So I don't know why it doesn't work.

This is the message I got:

"Error: We're sorry, your transaction did not complete successfully.

The credit card was declined. Please check the information that you entered."

I checked the information I entered and it was all correct.
I'm in London, I used a Visa card, and I didn't have problem to donate.
MJ's 53rd Birthday: Pledge-O-Thon to Support "Horn of Africa Relief Effort"

To mark Michael Jackson's 53rd birthday next week, we will push for more donations to the Unicef-Michael Jackson Horn of Africa Famine Relief Effort.

A pledge is not mandatory. At all times, fans can donate directly through this link: Michael Jackson Fans United for Famine Relief

Or you can pledge to donate an amount link to a particular milestone, goal or challenge.

Here are a few example of pledges / challenges: Donating $1 per new twitter follower on MJ's birthday; $20 for each MTV poll MJ won; $2 each time you or a designated follower tweets Michael Jackson's name, $100 if you get a certain celeb to follow you on Twitter, $10 for each hour MJ's name is on the Worldwide Trending Topic on August 29th.......the possibilities are ENDLESS.

Be as creative as you want. Feel free to challenge your friends and followers to participate in the fundraiser.

You set your milestone or challenge....and you decide how much money each achievement is worth.

To participate in the Pledge-O-Thon, leave your twitter name, briefly describe your personal pledge (limit yourself to a single pledge or challenge), amount to be donated and day it will take place, in the comment section below.

Pledge Example:

Participant: @United4MJLegacy

Pledge: $2 for each new follower, until we reach 1000. Current Follower count: 948

Date to complete the challenge: From August 27th through August 30th 2011

The official start of the Pledge-O-Thon Event is Saturday, August 27th 12:01 AM and ends on Labor Day weekend, Saturday September 3rd 12:00AM.

We will ask that all pledges be fulfilled by September 7th, 2011.

Thank you and have fun!!

To all our friends on the East Coast please stay safe.

Happy 53rd Birthday Michael!!!

Please update the title of this thread as follow:

The TRIBUTE Michael deserves: Relief for Africa/ Update: MJ Birthday Pledge event (see post #37)

Thank you,
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This is great to see and the best way to remember Michael. It has been a real shame that the famine in Africa is just not getting any air play on the news and is not the forefront of people's minds. I gave money to Save the Children's Africa appeal a couple of weeks ago, feels really good. Even a small amount can do amazing things. Michael woud really support this.