The Tribute London

IMO, they should leave the tribute for the time being and focus on Murray but as usual people are divided. I rather want a tribute happening when Michael's children are 17/8 (the older 2) and let them organize something, I'm sure they'll have the estate back them up and a whole new generation of ''big'' artists participating in it. All Jermaine is trying to do is to cash in. I don't understand why people rush these kind of stuff especially since all they do is harm his legacy. We are talking about Michael Jackson and his legacy he deserves more than selfish people running around trying to pull of a pitiful tribute for their own sake.

well said
you know...Instead of people always getting on Jermaine and the Jackson Family about their plans to honor their blood relative...why don't those same people get on THE ESTATE EXECUTORS who don't seem to be concerned with honoring MJ properly. If they would get behind one of these planned events (or actually organize one themselves) maybe we would have something amazing to look forward to this summer besides Spike Lee's shin- dig.
The Estate will do something when the time is right, I believe they too do not believe in over exposure. and Michael Jackson the brand has been over exposed since his passing. Do you want people to make a mockery of the MJ brand and legacy? Forgot it, it's already happening as certain individuals are only concerned with filling their own pockets. I have never seen the MJ brand as exposed as in the past 8 months, maybe during the trial but still not as much. What people have been doing to is just ludicrous. THIS IS IT the movie was released and that's more than enough for the time being. I know quiet a lot of people personally who are simply fed up with the name Michael Jackson right now, can you believe how horrified Michael would be? And JErmaine surely has contributed his lot to the overexposure. This is also why I don't want any new album to be released now. It's just TOO MUCH for the general public right now.
they have more inmportant issues to deal with like all the lawsuits etc.a tribute can happen anytime.
Right...but have you ever heard of multi-tasking??? they can "get behind" a project for MJ by simply agreeing to it.

And if they can't do that...then people need to let Jermaine and co. do what he wants for his brother and stop bitching so much about "hidden agenda's"...

That's all I'm saying...
like i said whats the rush.jerm cant organise a p*** up in a brewery. thats why the estate never supported his last attempt. if when they seem fit they will prob organise something offical if thats what the kids ant katherine want. until then theres bigger and more important issues tbh
Who knows whether is will indeed happen. Personally I feel it should wait a few years and let the kids organise a tribute when they feel the time is right.
Well, I don't know if you guys remember the Freddie Mercury tribute in 1992 at Wembley stadium? I think that was a beautiful tribute concert! Michael deserves something similar. :yes: I will give Jermaine the benefit of the doubt. I hope he will succeed this time.
I don't think it's too soon. Why is it too soon? The Freddie Mercury tribute was held 5 months after he passed away... :(
The Estate should get involved (read: take over) when the time is right. IMO it needs to be done on a similar scale to the Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert at Wembley back in '92 - ie befitting someone of MJs stature and NOT some hastily put together half-assed attempt at a show which I expect it will be if it's scheduled for this summer.
Well, I don't know if you guys remember the Freddie Mercury tribute in 1992 at Wembley stadium? I think that was a beautiful tribute concert! Michael deserves something similar.

we posted at the same time :) obviously I completely agree with you on the type of tribute MJ should have
Geez, how are the kids supposed to live and move on with tributes happening left and right? They keep getting reminded that their father passed away. It's like torture. I'm all for a nice tribute and I would love to attend one but maybe give it some time before organizing another one.