the time has come !! the meaning!!

  • Thread starter xscape guy 2003
  • Start date
:wild: Wow, I think you could be right! I don't know about everyone else, but when I first read Michael's quote I had to go back and re read it, It seemed like the wording was... i don't, but when you break it down like that it makes sense!!! That is so cool. I don't know anything about poetry, but now that you got me thinking this way, could it be referring to concerts? Like

one in joy: London
one in pain: USA
one in love: Paris

I don't know for the rest of them :rofl:

This is fun! I think you're right, good things are coming our way!!!!
I still think its more about the album and the new music coming, you see THIS IS IT is about the concerts, then it changed to THE TIME HAS COME!!

Yes indeed the time has come Michael to give us what we have been witing for , for so long ! and that my friend is Music to blow away everyone!!

* a quote from Michael himself in the issue of Ebony that he gave his first interview just before the release of thriller 25!! ****" " You have to be able to hum it, from the farmer in IReland to the lady who scrubs toilets in Harlem! to anybody who can whistle to a child poppin their fingers! You have to be able to HUM it!!
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My first thoughts when i heard "This Is It" was tat its gonna be the album we've al been waiting for - The 1 that's gonna dethrone Thriller!!
Ok i brought this thread back, becuase i bet we get a new message very soon, that will open more debate on what this actually means, i feel the new songs are near on us now, and that in fact Michael may well bring new music with him , when he starts his temp 5 month stay within the UK.

Soon we will know the true meaning of THE TIME HAS COME!!

Very exciting! It seems very strange that Michael would arrange a press conference, announce that he's going to do this set of shows and then for that to be it. End of. There's got to be more to it. We're pretty sure at this point i believe that Michael's got plans for the next few years, and I feel that we'll get some new music at some point. This may just mean that the time has come for Michael to get back on the stage, but i think it's got to mean more than that.
Are you a psychic? I hope you're right, and I REALLY hope that we will hear new things soon, but maybe you are looking too deep into things? Poetry can be just that.. Beautiful poetry :)
Michael was just saying he's finally got his enthusiasm, passion and energy back. He's free to focus on what he most wants to do - entertain.

This Is It = ambiguity. It means either the start of something in a big way (expectations) or the final end of something in a very dramatic fashion.

Since Michael has a 3 year plan with AEG Live, This Is It is both those meanings at once. With 2009 being 40 years since I Want You Back and the fact Michael is now 50, soon to be 51..."This really will be it" for his music career.

This is Michael reaffirming his place in music history and rewarding the fans at the same time.

I can see Michael doing something else other than music after the 3 year AEG Live deal is finished. He'll retire knowing he ended his career on the highest of highs after the lowest of lows.

Can't get any higher than that or more realistic.
well I've always thought there will be new music before the concert series starts so I believe in your message :)