The story of how you became a Michael Jackson fan

how did i become an MJ fan? simple. i was born.

seriously...i was born in 1980, the perfect time to grow up watching MJ's rise to superstardom. some of my earliest music memories are of my parents playing the Triumph and Destiny albums (yes, albums...those big, black 12-inch or so round things with grooves in them that play music when you put them in that thing with the handle that has a needle on the end). i clearly remember my brother and i as little kids dancing around the house to Jacksons music. we watched every single MJ video and performance and documentary and anything else MJ-related so many times, it was ridiculous. every time there was an MJ weekend on MTV, we watched it. i've seen The Making of Thriller so many times, i didn't even need to buy the video. i had the whole thing memorized. the Bad era is practically the focal point of my childhood. my parents took us to see him on the Bad Tour in Atlanta in 1988. i still have my ticket stub. and i remember seeing Captain EO at Epcot Center at Disneyworld. ah, the 80's...what a great time to be alive. :)

i'm so glad i was born at that time because i have SO many memories based around MJ's music and videos and TV appearances. his music really was the soundtrack of my childhood. his passing caused such a deep, hurtful sadness in my soul that people who aren't fans or are only casual fans could never understand.

anyway, that's my story. glad to be here. :)
You know I am not exactly sure how I became a fan of Michael's in the first place. I have like 2 different theories of how I became one. I either became a fan on January 5th 1980. I was just a day old and American Bandstand was playing Michael's one song Rock With You. And people there were all dancing to it. Or I became a fan by watching those Jackson 5 cartoons that I was so in love with when I was 4 years old. I remember Michael was my number 1 favorite character on those cartoons. It really doesn't matter to me of how I became a Michael Jackson fan. I am just extremely glad that I am one. And I will stay one until the end of eternity and beyond that.
It was December 2003 and my mum got me the Number Ones DVD for Christmas. I was thinking :S What has she got me this for?

That very thought makes me LAUGH MY ASSS OFF :|

However, I put it in and only watched Billie Jean and You Rock My World as they were the only two I knew. WHAT A DUMBASS :|

About 9 months later I came home from school and decided to watch it. So then I watched some of the songs, then next all of the songs. Next thing I knew I was watching it everyday after school.......then I started to try and learn the moonwalk. I was obsessed with the songs and even more obsessed with the dancing. Its had me hooked since, only Michael Jackson has that power!

While that made me quite a fan, it really blew up when I saw the Bucharest show. The Billie Jean performance from that concert had me hooked for life. It had become an obsession almost.

Funny thing is, I got the Bucharest concert for my birthday. Which was June 13th 2005. . . . . little did I know what would appear on the news later that day! 'Michael Jackson verdict imminent' Ill never forget that. I cant believe it happened on my birthday!

It actually makes me really sad to think about how I became a fan, all I had ever wanted was to see him live. There was a long period of time where I didnt even think it would happen! But we were so close, and Michael was so ready.
Or I became a fan by watching those Jackson 5 cartoons that I was so in love with when I was 4 years old.

Just like me! I'll never forget the very first time I successfully tied my own shoe, the cartoon's opening was playing in the background, "...easy as 1, 2, 3!"

As for how I became a fan of Michael himself: growing up, my oldest brother had his cds, and my other brothers would always sing and dance to his songs. You name it, they would dance to it (and I would try to imitate). This in itself is a miracle, because not a single other artist can get my brothers or myself to even attempt to dance :lol: When the Scream video came out, I was 7, and loved to pretend I was Janet and one of my brothers was Michael.

My obsession grew through the years, and has never died down. I love everything about the man.
I became a fan in the mid/late 90's, because my mother is a fan, and she would play his music all the time while I was growing up. I would also watch those music channels like "VH1 Soul" that plays videos 24/7 and they would always play Michael on there.
I'll never forget when i became a fan.

It was 1991 and it was Novemeber. Fox was premiring Black or White and My mom wanted me to watch it. I was only 8 so i wasnt that interested but i decided to anyways. it was the best decision of my life! I was glued to Michael. The video was amazing and his voice was so beautiful! After that i was sold. I learned more about him and got more of his music. the 1st album i ever owned was Dangerous and it was right after it was released. I would listen to Michael's music everyday. my mom worked late nights at a countary club in a trailer park and after school i would go to a babysitters near by and then go to my mom's work just up the street. there was a stereo set up and i would listen to the dangerouis album so many times i think everyone was sick of it lol but i didnt care.

I remmeber after becomming a fan i would always watch every single one of Michael's video premires on tv and when i could watch him on MTV all day when i was anywhere near a tv set that had cable. When i was go to my baby sitters eather after school or im the summer they had Michael's moonwalker video game and i would play that as much as i could or just watch. eather way it was Michael and i was happy.

I remmeber in the 5th grade i discovered in one of the many schools i went to they had a Michael Jackson book in the libary. i checked it out so much that i even knew where it was every single time i did! i read it front to back everytime and i loved it!

I never ever believed anything written about him even as a kid. i didnt want to and i knew he wouldnt want me to. so i didnt. i woudl always get so angry when anyone said anything mean about michael or made fun of him even just on tv. It was hard being a fan bc everyone was so rude when it came to him. But i did the best i could and still till this say i try not to let it all get to me even after michael's passing but its hard not to when ppl who are supposed to care about you continue to trash him.

Since i became a fan i dreamed about meeting him and seeing him perform in concert. sadly i never got the chance to do eather. I know Im not the only one who hasnt and i know how painful that is. I will always miss him and i will always love him from the bottom of my heart. He is my forever king.
I became a fan when I was 12 years old. I think it was 1997 when one day my cousin gave me a tape (literally, a tape, a casette, that is) with a man wearing cool black jacket and black pants with pieces of metal decorations on. I was like "who is this", and she screamed out his name to me. she was already a fan then. And then she played the tape and I just began to rock with the first beat of the first song on that record - "the way you make me feel" I just couldn't stop listening to the song and moving my ass with the beat. and when he gave me that "GO ON GIRL, OW!!" I was like...crazy...and I kept listening, one song after another, and when the beat of Smooth Criminal Gradually faded out, I took out the cassette, turned it around to side A, and play it all over again. Then a few days later, I saw the video of rember the time on TV, I was blown away: the dance, the costume, the story, his image, his voice, the music. it was just perfect! I've never seen a video like that. then I was like "Why the hell isn't that song on the tape I heard a few days ago?" That's when I decided to rob my Dad of some money and ran to the store to get DANGEROUS. and then HISTORY, and then OFF THE WALL and THRILLER, and MJ posters, pictures, videotapes, VCDs, DVDs, and....and... and I became a JACKSONHOLIC...
how did i become an MJ fan? simple. i was born.

seriously...i was born in 1980, the perfect time to grow up watching MJ's rise to superstardom. some of my earliest music memories are of my parents playing the Triumph and Destiny albums (yes, albums...those big, black 12-inch or so round things with grooves in them that play music when you put them in that thing with the handle that has a needle on the end). i clearly remember my brother and i as little kids dancing around the house to Jacksons music. we watched every single MJ video and performance and documentary and anything else MJ-related so many times, it was ridiculous. every time there was an MJ weekend on MTV, we watched it. i've seen The Making of Thriller so many times, i didn't even need to buy the video. i had the whole thing memorized. the Bad era is practically the focal point of my childhood. my parents took us to see him on the Bad Tour in Atlanta in 1988. i still have my ticket stub. and i remember seeing Captain EO at Epcot Center at Disneyworld. ah, the 80's...what a great time to be alive. :)

i'm so glad i was born at that time because i have SO many memories based around MJ's music and videos and TV appearances. his music really was the soundtrack of my childhood. his passing caused such a deep, hurtful sadness in my soul that people who aren't fans or are only casual fans could never understand.

anyway, that's my story. glad to be here. :)

wow thts a cool story you were so lucky to be born at that time i would give anything to be born during of before the 80s when mj was massive!
i was born in 1993 which is ok but i was only a kid so i didnt really grow up with him but actually i became a proper fan last yr unfortunately when he died i remember waking up and seeing on this morning show that michael jackson had died. i had tears in my eyes and i was thinking bout it all day at school. then i was on holidays so i was fixed to the t.v watching everything then they played the 30th anniversary show i watched billie jean and i was hooked he blew me away ive never seen anyone like michael in my life his talent still amazes me and ive watched him a gazzilion times!
I was 5, the album BAD just came out, and I remember an audio cassette, white with a yellow label we listened all the time! my cousin who lived in a flat upstairs got it from her dad, my uncle, who was an MJ fan.. then we soon watched the Moonwalker when it got out on VHS, I remember how we cried on that scene when he was kicked in the stomach.
we loved him instantly, and ever since..
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Well, it was 1992 (I was 10 years old) and my country was barely out of communism. We haven't had experienced any major events in the entertainment area, when Michael stopped by in October (on the now famous Dangerous World Tour - Live in Bucharest). There was extensive coverage of Michael's visit here, everybody looked excited that such a superstar came to Romania. I was living close to the stadium where the concert took place and I remember hearing the fans calling Michael's name starting with the very morning of the concert, until late at night. You can imagine that, as a little girl, I was really impressed with this. Me and the kids living in my building joined the name chanting from afar that day. The enthusiasm continued even after Michael left. I started begging my mom to buy me his music, t-shirts, pins, anything that got to do with him. Later, when Michael returned with his HIStory tour, I was on the stadium singing along and chanting his name. It was an extraordinary experience and I'll always be proud that I got to see him live!
And from then on my story will continue forever...
i become a fan when i saw Bucharest Dangerous concert on tv.but i really fall in love with Michael when he came in Romania in 1996.he was so sweet, and gentle.there were so many little thing that show me he has such a big heart!Michael=LOVE!
wenty one years ago I was born with cerebal palsy. The horrible stories are not lingering in my head, as I was too young, but getting to an age of nine, I noticed that something wasn't right. It was that I couldn't play on swings, play football or anything like that, but to help me was my very close friends.
It was hitting me at night time one night time as the normal routine was happening, you know, eating supper, then reading a book, then going to sleep. One night time we couldn't find a book to read, someone put the radio on about eight o'clock, you know about that time I used to think what a rare life I had, still listening to the radio, a song came on, it went a bit like this: 'another day has gone, I'm still all alone, how could this be, that you're not here with me.?' I asked quite quickly who is this? My carer said isn't it Michael Jackson, I said 'yes, but what is it called?' before the carer could say anything I heard the four words 'you are not alone', at that second I became a big fan. The carer that was here for eight years but has now gone, but I'm being helped by Michael to get over it. The carer said 'I've got the video', my mind went blank, I didn't know what he looked like and was he saving lives on the video, like he did mine? I borrowed it the next day and he looked so caring and innocent, and from there on I've been calling him my Dad, because my Dad left my Mum and when I was only young, this is creepy listen, when Michael was only five years old, he couldn't play football or go on swings, and he had got a Dad, but his Dad used to beat him up. There are so many comparisons that I can't think of them all right now.
Years ago I had a carer called Helen, we used to play babyish games because Mum couldn't play with me when I was young. In the end Mum got worried because I was fifteen gong on sixteen and we kept playing these games, but that's because I didn't get a childhood, like Michael didn't. She went two years ago, again, like the carer that went after eight years, Michael helped me, but for this carer it was a song called 'have you seen my childhood?'
Now I will get to where I was going in this story. I've got a better life but not a normal life. I get hurt from my hands hitting my head from the involuntary body movements I have, I have medicine three times a day, and every time I go into hospital I wear a T-shirt because I've seen Michael visiting hospitals, so when I wear a T-shirt with him on it, it's like he's with me.
I'm not joking, but you can forget this part if you don't believe me, last year I had to go into hospital for a big back operation and they had their own radio station, which I don't think you can request any songs, but on the morning of the operation, what came on the radio? 'another day has gone, I'm still all alone, how could this be. that you're not here with me?'. That's right it was 'you are not alone', obviously by Michael Jackson. It took fourteen days to get over the operation, but as you can guess, it wasn't only the family and careers that helped me get over it, it was like Michael in spirit. No more songs came on, except for the one that Mum did request.
Unlike 'you are not alone', that was a year ago, but 5 years ago something disgusting and disrespectful happened to Michael, he was accused of child molestation. If I could have been in that courtroom I would have, but because I can't get on a plane because I cannot sit in a plane seat, they will not let a chair on board, which I find disgusting and bias, anyway I would have had to pay two carers. But I know that Michael believes in all of his fans that were supporting him through the awful trial. So don't you get it? I eat, drink and breathe for Michael. So if it wasn't for Michael's song, 'you are not alone', I wonder if i would still be eating or drinking, or in a corner of a room rocking back and forward, or hey, I've got to be truthful, I might not even be here. Thanks to Michael, I feel that I can conquer anything, because Michael loves his fans, if you don't believe me about him being a lifesaver, do go on the internet, there is a website that has a story about a woman, he saved her life, and she became a fan, the same way I became a fan.
From Sam xx
December 25th in 1991, around 8 or 9 pm :p

I was 8 and My big bro (13) was a fan at the time, and he was talking all day about this movie he have to tape at night: "Monwalker by MJ"

I remember I was like: "Michael Jackson? ok, let's see what's he has to offer" or something like that.

The minute I saw him singing Man in the Mirror I couldn't believe my eyes!! and my ears!!
That was love at first sight :wub: My brother taped that video supposedly for himself but I couldn't stop watching it, thank God we were on holidays!
My earliest really clear memory of Michael today is of seeing the Earth Song song and video on TV, when I would've been eight (if I'd seen it straight away, in late '95). I'm not sure why my memory doesn't go back further than that - I was born in the late '80s, so perhaps I was born a bit too late to see much of the Dangerous campaign or something. Or maybe I did see videos like BOW or WYBT or Beat It, Billie Jean or Thriller, but just wasn't interested enough in music to remember it clearly until the mid-'90s. Who knows.

Anyway, shortly after first getting the internet at home in August 2000, I eventually ordered HIStory in January 2001 from Amazon, when I was 13/14. I played it loads, and in the years between '01 to '09, became a general 'fan' of his - he was one of many, rather than the artist I undisputedly listened to most. I followed everything that was going on with Invincible, like the singles campaign, but didn't buy it, and also watched LWMJ and contributed to an internet discussion at the time, agreeing with those who said that MJ was hardly as bad as he had been presented. I kept checking on his progress throughout the trial and on the rumoured upcoming album for years afterwards, and like so many people, was massively shocked by his sudden death.

Since then, there's been a massive resurgence in my interest in Michael. Maybe I took him almost for granted beforehand, or just had other interests in my life in earlier periods, but still, I had no idea whatsoever about the extent of his supposed health/money problems during his later life. Anyway, I eventually joined the MaxJax forum in December '09, and joined this forum recently. So there you go.
An angel descended from the heavens and bestowed upon the Earth a video that would change the face of videos and set the trend for music videos of the future. That video featured Michallah and Janhova Christson dancing and singing in unison. That video would later be called "Scream". It was then I accepted Michallah into my heart as my Lord and Savior.
i was 5 years old and my mom was downstairs blasting the stereo and i came downstairs and asked her who is that she it's michael jackson and ever since i fell in love with michael and his music im a guy and not afraid to say i L.O.V.E. MICHAEL JACKSON!!!! i been a mj fan for 10 years and i know everything there is to know about michael jackson
It's very simple really.
As a kid growing up, that's who we heard on the radio, the record shops,
and our own homes, the Jackson 5.
Naturally one can't help but be drawn to him.
And I've followed his career ever since. :)
I remember like it was today. I was watching TV with my brothers when I saw commercial launch of Thriller was going to happen on Sunday on television in Brazil.
When I saw the video images my first reaction was fear. I can not remember if I knew Michael before this day.
Sunday came and I had class in the morning. My father would have me go to sleep because it was late and he would not let me see Thriller, because seemed as much terror for a child. I did everything I could to stay and watch the short film.
I Remember - I, my parents and brothers watched the short film together. I was a little scared, but then I found myself trying to emulate some dance moves to Thriller.
When the presenters just announced that the end would reprise the short film, course I wanna see again. Only this time I was not sitting, but in front of the TV trying to imitate the moves of Michael and the zombies.
When I was going to sleep I heard my father telling my mother: "Will they have nightmares at night?"
I do not remember having nightmares, but the next day my father bought VHS tape (I am the time of the VHS, lol) and I left ready to record "Thriller" at the first opportunity I had.