The story of how you became a Michael Jackson fan


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The first time i ever saw Michael was 1992 and i was 4 years old at the time. I remember i was spending the night over my Grandmothers house and my Aunt came in with this video tape called ''Michael Jackson's Moonwalker'' and she told me that i have to check out this movie because it's amazing, now at the time i didn't have any interest in watching the video because like i said i was 4 years old at the time so i was more interested in playing with my Power Ranger toys. But my Aunt kept on and on at me to watch the video and i though ''Ok fine, i'll watch about 5 minutes of it just to humor her'', so i put the tape in and i saw the intro with just Michael's legs walking onto the screen and him doing that spinning thing and doing the toe stand i just couldn't switch the TV off. I was hooked right then and there and that whole montage of his music video's at the start of the movie i thought was just incredible amd the whole Speed Demon part i thought was really cool. The one thing that really blew me away though was the whole Smooth Criminal bit in the movie, i thought that it was really amazing and i remember watching the bit when Michael did ''The Lean'' and shouting out really loud ''How did he do that?'' and i also loved the song The Moon is Walking which is played at the end credits and i remember singing that song in School and people looking at me really confused looks on their faces as if to say ''What the hell is he singing''. Then for my birthday my parents bought me the BAD album and the BAD album is really the first album that i ever owned and i remember making my own Michael Jackson music videos with my fathers video camera. I would get a white hat and wrap black tape around it and i'd get a white shirt and tie a bit of blue cloth around the arm and i remember ''dancing'' infront of the camera thinking that i was Michael Jackson. Michael is really the person who introduced me to music and what i mean by that is that Michael made me check out other artists and other styles of music and it's because of Michael that music is and always will be a big part of my life and i thank him for that

So that was my story of how i became a Michael Jackson fan. What's your story on here about how you became a fan?
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Too much to post...Go to "Truth of Justice Nothing Is Black or White" in My Pictures @
well i became a fan from when i was very young because my older twin cousins, are proper fans so i always heard the songs and watched the videos with them, now i'm a much bigger fan then they are. i play mj music all the time and watch the videos, my younger triplet cousin all love him from me and now they have so much CDs :D.
my little sister the other day watch moonwalker for the first time and she loved it so much that she is always watching that and the wiz. :D
I become a fan in 1996, I was 10 yrs old, my mom introduced me to michael's music. I fell in love with his music when I heard Rock with you.

In 1997, I was taken from my father. I was put in a foster home, hearing michael's misuc was the only thing keeping me going. My foster family always insulted michael and the rest of his family. They never did that around me because they knew how mad I'd get if I did hear their harsh words.

In 2004, I met a girl named Celesta, The nice thing about having her around was that if she heard anything bad about Michael, she would always stick up for me, she'd say, "would you say that if kelly was here?!?"

will be contiued...
Well, it was last year, and it was about 2 weeks before Halloween, so my step dad put on "Thriller". I had seen "Thriller" before, and it never affected me, but this time my step dad asked my mom if she wanted him to put on more stuff. He did, and we watched videos/short films, things with Michael Jackson, for about 4-6 hours. I couldn't get enough. I loved it!
I became a fan last year when i seen Jermaine Jackson on Celeb BB and saw how much of a cool nice guy he was. Jermaine mentioned 'Man in the Mirror' and it was played on CBB the next day and i remember how cool a song it was.

So, I looked MJ up on utube and found a vid of him performing 'Smooth Criminal' during the History tour and became a fan from there.

But i'm only 16 and didn't grow up during 'Michaelmania' and people my age don't realise how great MJ is and how much he has inspired the people that they watch.
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The first time I remember liking MJ music was about 4-5 years old (im 23 now). I had my old record player back then and always used to play his records. I always used to like watching Moon Walker when I was younger too. There was a short break for about 3 years where I never listened to his music as I was playing in rock bands, but started listening to MJ music everyday again.

My father always used to play MJ albums when I was younger and I used to go to sleep with it on lol.
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Actually I first took an interest in Michael when the "Living With Michael Jackson" documentary came out. I fell in love with his personality and was fascinated by the way he seemed to be such a kind, good person, and by his way of relating to the world in general. At that time, though (2003), I was only 11, and no one in my family was a fan of Michael, so I kind of forgot about him for a while. It was sometime in Nov/Dec. 2007 that I happened to come across the video for "You Are Not Alone" on youtube, and since then, I've become a huge fan, bought many albums, DVDs, etc. I drive all my family crazy by playing his music all the time lol. :) I know I am a new fan compared with most of you on this site, but I also know without a doubt that Michael will be a part of my life forever because of how much he means to me and inspires me.
Well, to be honest, I've been a fan of Michael Jackson's music since I was a toddler. My mom was a huge fan in the 80s, and I inherited "Off The Wall," "Thriller," and "Bad" on Vinyl from her.

I sort of lost interest in his music around 1994-95, when I started becoming interested in other bands/artists, but I became a fan again when I was a senior in high school and Invincible came out.
Picture it...


I was 3 years old....

I was walking in a local store with my mom. I passed the little video section on the middle of the isle. I see this cover that just drawed me in.. The guy with the cool outfit, the hat, doing this cool pose, and cool design in background.. it had the rainbow, a cool looking plane etc.. THE MOONWALKER VHS cover..


I turned to my mom..

Me: Mom who is that?
Mom:That's Michael jackson he's a singer...... Do you want it?
Me: Ya

I don't remember the 1st time I watched it, I was too much in a zone.. I remember the 2nd time very much.. We invited our neighbors Unis, Sam, and there mother (my moms friend) we all sat around the living room..

I all ready knew that I LOVED Michael. So After every little cool expression, vocal move, EVERYTHING. I kept looking over at other peoples reaction.. I was in AWE..

From then I was HOOKED. I fell in love and became a dance fanatic.. wanting to be JUST like Michael.. I used to go around put socks on my hand for glove.. Or I would break open tapes and rap the film around my arm to have the Bad/Dirty Diana glove.. Put pants on my head sometimes to be the ears. (Rabbit from Speed Demon).. Tore so many shirts..

All ready within 1988-89 I was the Michael Jackson kid.. Still to this day, those who have not seen me since then they first ask me.. "Do you still like Michael Jackson?" "Do you still dance like him?"..

In 1990, I moved to another country, my VHS was not compatable..

But on my 6th Bday my dad took me to a Michael Jackson store in Libya and I picked which ever cover I liked most.. There were at least 50 different tapes. I watched it.. This is when I was introduced to some Dangerous era stuff.. had some other older stuff, plus some videos from Dangerous.. There in Libya, I would lock myself in the living room learn the choergraphy to the videos. then get family to pay to watch me perform.. (A minnie concert).. It would be 1 dollar cover charge.. sometimes people would sneak and watch me from around the corner, and I would get so angry.. I would push them out, or tell them you owe me a dollar..

Well those are the first steps of my MJ fandom.. I still study dance in a deep level.. Try to perfect it.. Love Michaels music.. Just everything..

well ya, I guess this is a good part to stop @..
I don't think I can make it into a story...I've been a fan for as long as I can remember.
My dad was a big fan, and he had posters and stuff so MJ was always a part of my life, there was no particular turning point in which I could way I BECAME a fan, in fact, I think I was born one.
My mum loves Billie Jean and she says she listened to it all the time when she was expecting me so...there ya go. ^_^
I am a fan since the Bad album came out my brother got a copy of it but I took it over from him and my dad bought me a poster at that time and my 2 older brothers were at his concert and got me a t-shirt so I guess someone was telling me something :lol:. Even since then I collected so much on Michael even if I didnt have the money for an MJ CD I would have to get it no mater what. I also became memebers of MJ Fan Clubs (it was all magazines that we relied on those days). I met loads of friend through Michael and I am still doing so and I am delighted taht he came into my life. To this day I have never turned back.
I've been a fan for about 5-6 years now. It started when my brother was playing that Vice City Grand Theft Auto game around 2002. I heard Billie Jean playing and I really liked it. I didn't know who sang it (yes, I must've been living under a rock) but I heard it again when I saw a commercial for the Living With Michael Jackson special. So of course I ended up watching it and I fell in love with Michael's personality, his creativity... everything about him. Ever since then I've been a huge fan of his.
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^^ ur story reminds me of something..

My best friend and I loved MJ.. and this one guy never understood it.. We always told him, that NO1 can really hate MJ's music, it's people just not giving it time etc..

well a day or two pass, he walks up to me.. "Ya that song on Grand Theft Auto.. I like it, it's pretty cool but that's the ONLY song I like.." he starts to try to sing parts of billie jean.. Then he remembers 'beat it', then he's like.. "ya that one two.. But those are the only two."

then I just say.. "because those are the ONLY two you heard.. You're a fan and you just don't know it." lol
I have no idea, I wll have to ask my mum because its just always been me the Michael Jackson fan, lol. From birth or my toddler days!
The short version:

I saw a documentary with the new Bad video at the end of the documentary in 1987 just when Bad was coming out. I LOVED the video, loved the day at school EEEEEVERYONE was talking about the video....My parents bought me the Bad album, I LOVED the music...then saw the other videos (The Way You Make Me Feel), etc....and the rest is "HIStory"...:lol:

That's the story in a "nutshell". :lol:
it's quite astounding that i'm a Michael Jackson fan. My parents never ever listened to music not to mention owning cd's :rolleyes: I was the first in my family to buy a cd :ermm: Anyway, I went into a music store with my best friend in 2001. And there was this Greatest hits album of him. Course I heard of him, so I was curious. And I shouted through the whole store that this was really cool, coz my friend was in the other corner and I had the headphones on. She was quite embarrassed :lol: That's how I became a Fan I guess, coz I bought that CD and a while after, Invincible was released... and then I bought Bad and off the wall and all the other cds...
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1996 when I watched World Music Awards on tv. And it was Beat It, which was played on background when Michael walked on stage to receive one of his awards he won there, that made me to go to buy HIStory album next day ^_^
I became a fan around 88,during the bad era,my mom always been a Mj fan/jermaine fan since they came out but she schooled me to the jacksons at a early age,playing all their old records and stuff
Well it was nearly ten years ago now. I was about 8 or 9 and we were moving house. I was helping my parents pack away their record collections and came across Thriller. I know Michael Jackson was the huge star, all though I also know he wasn't well liked at the time, so I was curious to hear his music. I put the record on a fell in love from the opening snare hits of Wanna Be Startin' Something. Been a fan ever since.
a few weeks ago! i saw a biography of MJ (by Tarraborelli) at a bookshop & spontaneously bought it, no reason i can think of. Couldn't put it down, and halfway thru i went out and bought MJ Number Ones dvd so i knew some of the tracks he was talking about! In love with almost all of them immediately. WOW! wow. Have been watching it everyday since & can't wait to explore more. Awesome.
Violet, a few weeks ago! Really? That's great! ^_^ Welcome to the magical world of Michael Jackson and of course, welcome to MJJC! I hope you enjoy your time here ^_^
Lets see...
I asked my mom how I became a Micheal Jackson fan. I asked because I couldn't remember because I was 1 years old when I became a fan. Well on one of my trips to Disneyland (my family goes every year)Captain EO had opened as a new ride attraction. My family went to take me to see it, and that was the first time I ever saw MJ. She said that she saw sparkles in my eyes when he was on screen. When Moonwalker came out in 1988 my brother and I watched it for the first time, and him and i became obsessed with MJ. Well around 1997 I stopped listening to MJ, and got into metal bands, gothic music etc. But I will say when people made fun of MJ it hurt deep inside, but I never told them to shut up. Well in 2005 I started listening him again, but of last year I became obsessed again and he is not going anywhere.
a few weeks ago! i saw a biography of MJ (by Tarraborelli) at a bookshop & spontaneously bought it, no reason i can think of. Couldn't put it down, and halfway thru i went out and bought MJ Number Ones dvd so i knew some of the tracks he was talking about! In love with almost all of them immediately. WOW! wow. Have been watching it everyday since & can't wait to explore more. Awesome.

Awesome! A newbie! You'll really start to get addicted now, the first few months of discovering MJ are probably the best part of "fanhood". LOL. I know a lot of people who have become fans in the last couple of years. Myself included :punk:
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well on a voyage of self discovery i decided tabloids were a load of rubbish and i decided who is the biggest target? then i saw a section on a programme about mj and thriller and decided im gonna go off and do research then i found out about him and all the rubbish and the good stuff and heard his music on youtube and i was hooked.
HI I'm new here and a new fan as well, thank to Youtube LOL. I know, it's really predictable LOL. My story is a bit long, I'll try to cut it short though.

I was used to MJ's music since I was a kid. Actually who wasnt lol, cos in the beginning of 90s, MJ's music and videos were all the craze in my country. IF you didnt have the History tape (which contains all his best videos, and sadly, was usually a bootleg. Mine is an Asian country where pirated disks and CDs, DVDs,... have been around for long long time now) in ur house, u werent cool. So I still remember watching Thriller, beat it, Bad, Smooth Criminal, TDCAU,... for hours on ends when I was a kid.

But then I grew up and for some reason, which I guess was the 93 trial case, Mike just disappeared from ppl's radar in my country. I was too little to care about that, so gradually I lost interest in Michael as well. What's worse is that several years later, I kind of turned into a hater due to the media coverage in my country (yes the media's the same everywhere mind you). The press always published the most shocking stories about how ugly Michael had become and how weird he was. And I thought "OMG he's wacky. He want to become white,he's crazy, he even molested a child,blah blah blah,...". At that time I intended to never listen to him again, and sadly at that time I've already forgot how amazing he was. I was like "Ok, he claims himself king, but what did he do to deserve it?I dont care. And he's a criminal" For about 10 years, I never listened to any of his songs, he was just a crazy,ugly self-proclaimed KOP to me during that time.

But for some magical reason, several months ago, a certain event led me to come and watch his Thriller again (I guess it's Fillipino rendition LOL). And I found it just as amazing as I remember as a kid. I was mesmerized all over again. And before I knew it I'd watched Beat it, Billie Jean, Smooth Criminal, TWYMMF, BOW, Bad, TDCAU,HTW,WATW,... and would find and watch other videos I hadnt watched before. And then Dirty Diana, Give in to me,man in the mirror, Stranger in Moscow, Human Nature, WBSS,... just blew me away as well. I thought "OMG, I never thought this guy's music could be this good".

I literally became obssessed and then I googled him, wikied him to find out what was there to be discovered. The more I learnt,the more I watched, the more I'm amazed. Especially the videos about the Bad Tour. I've never seen anything like that.But for me to become a fan, I'm still a little bit uncertain about the trial case. And I decided to find out for myself. I googled and then visited his fan pages, and came to a wonderful site, MJJNO. There I learnt about the conspiracy against him, about his amazing qualities as a person, his amazing talent,and how badly the world has treated him. I felt really ashamed of myself to ever think bad about him. And from that time, I officially became a MJ fan, or in the words of my friends and family, a MJ fanatic LOL. I just cant get enough of him, MJ-related stuffs are about 90% of what I searched for on the net, and mind you, I'm an Internet fanatic as well LOL.
That's my story, and sorry cos it's a bit too long LOL.

On a side note, the media's really bad in my country, and most of the ppl here dont think positive about him as a person, but when it comes to his music, all cant resist. My friends, who are not usually into Western music, told me "Ooh he's wacky, but his music is insanely good." I think it's not so bad, isnt it.

Thank for listening and I rest my case LOL. I hope to have a good time here.