The story behind Mike predicting his death, 1998?

the 2012 thing with the tourwas in relation to global warming etc and only have a certain amount of time to change things. he prob started the 1998 thing for the exact reason that is going on here. to get ppl talking abd wondering what it ment. it prob ment nothing
The only thing that will happen in 2012 is the axis of the Earth changing.
According to earlier reports he also thought the world would end in 2012, hence the This Is It name.

That is the Mayan Calendar.

All we have to do is wait for another 3 years. Mj couldn't predict his death, no one could.

By the way no one knows when the world would end, Only God knows.
Oh children! haha I had no idea it was about that. I thought it was about something bad. Maybe that's why he rushed things and got Debbie to do it for him?
the 2012 thing with the tourwas in relation to global warming etc and only have a certain amount of time to change things. he prob started the 1998 thing for the exact reason that is going on here. to get ppl talking abd wondering what it ment. it prob ment nothing

that sounds about right, lol. Mike. Gotta love him.
Oh children! haha I had no idea it was about that. I thought it was about something bad. Maybe that's why he rushed things and got Debbie to do it for him?

interesting~~that explains many things ~hahaha
seeing as how the media sensationalizes everything I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out the psychic said something eventful would happen (Paris), and it got turned into the apocalypse.

Is there a source for the apocalypse thing, that story's been floating around a while. My fave story will always be the voodoo dance thing...
voodoo dance?????? :scratch:
No, Karen Faye was probably just saying MJ believed we should stop global warming in just 4 years, and it doesn't say anything about 2012.
some of his stuff to be auctioned off in NYC also had 1998 written by Michael on them..The guy said Michael said that he will die in that year..But he was not sure..Michael did say in an interview when Princess Diana died that he was next to die, but he said that it was Mother Teresa who died..Wonder why he was a bit obssessed with death? But after his children came he want to live to see them grow up..
well before michael died maybe around may (it was my birthday in may and i remember having a few hours where i thought about alot of things and i came to the conclusion that something terrible was gonna happen. i linked it with swine flu and the whole panic that was about then aswell as a few other things that i can't remember. i started saying (to myself mostly) that i thought the world would be ending in 2012 not sure why i chose that year, i know the olympics is gonna be in london in 2012 and i'm excited about it so i can't think why 2012 would have come in to my head.

now i don't know if the "terrible" thing i felt would happen was michael's death but somethings making me feel we don't have long. i personally don't want to die in 2012 i'm only 19 and i feel i haven't really lived yet...i just hope i'm wrong
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Michael did not say he knew he would be next after Diana, he said he was afraid it might be him or someone like Diana. Why would he logically sign his "death date" anyway? he was never particularly morbid like that. Why would he want to give the press something to feed on like that anyway. It just makes more sense he would sign the year he wanted children. He did sign and declare he would sell a hundred million albums with thriller beforehand. He liked visualization techniques, writing down his goals and declaring them so they were closer to reality. Use critical thinking skills people, Michael wouldn't want us to feed those stories that painted him as bazaar.
Michael did not say he knew he would be next after Diana, he said he was afraid it might be him or someone like Diana. Why would he logically sign his "death date" anyway? he was never particularly morbid like that. Why would he want to give the press something to feed on like that anyway. It just makes more sense he would sign the year he wanted children. He did sign and declare he would sell a hundred million albums with thriller beforehand. He liked visualization techniques, writing down his goals and declaring them so they were closer to reality. Use critical thinking skills people, Michael wouldn't want us to feed those stories that painted him as bazaar.

yes. also I believe Michael thought in futuristic terms kind of sci-fi so I believe he thought about the new millenium coming..early on and wanted to be ahead of the pack perhaps..
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He DID consult a 'psychic' who he referred to as his spiritual advisor. She played a tape of him and her talking recently in which he said they were after him and the people around him, Tohme Tohme in particular, were against him and that he was scared because he was cut off from his finances, his family and friends. Hasn't anyone seen the video with the tape? If not, I'll find it. Just PM me to remind me to look for it if it isn't posted by someone else soon. It's a trippy video. It's obvious that it is this lady and Michael speaking and he is really meek and scared. She sounds so caring and sincere. It's a good video to watch, but it does feed heavily into the conspiracy theories (most of which Michael initiated, which makes me nervous about the truth).

I know that. Princess Diana used to but I doubt Michael did.