The speech about Michael that gave me top grade!

:sad:Chichi need a tissue now :girl_tantrum:
:boohooI am such a mush puss :lol:

very nice essay
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that was good.. I love the statement "Thanks to Michael, i am no longer and idiot who is easliy convinced by the media and for those of you who still think Michael's a pedophile, i pity you because your prejudice outlook on life is sure, to someday, make you unpopular."

I'm thinking about doing my perswasive speech over the "trial" and convincing people that MJ is innocent.... Should I do it?
that was good.. I love the statement "Thanks to Michael, i am no longer and idiot who is easliy convinced by the media and for those of you who still think Michael's a pedophile, i pity you because your prejudice outlook on life is sure, to someday, make you unpopular."

I'm thinking about doing my perswasive speech over the "trial" and convincing people that MJ is innocent.... Should I do it?

I don't think you should ever do a speech to 'convince' people. That to me would have a negative effect. MJ was tried in a court of law and he had a verdict of not guilty. If people are not yet convinced that no amount of article you write will convince them. What you could do is follow the line that Zenab did. Speak of what MJ means to you and how his life has affected yours,. People will listen to that. They will want to know what kind of man can affect such change in peoples life, and they weill come to the conclusion that he cannot be a bad person. Forgret the trial. people have had enough of it. It is also negative. Focus on the good.:D
I don't think you should ever do a speech to 'convince' people. That to me would have a negative effect. MJ was tried in a court of law and he had a verdict of not guilty. If people are not yet convinced that no amount of article you write will convince them. What you could do is follow the line that Zenab did. Speak of what MJ means to you and how his life has affected yours,. People will listen to that. They will want to know what kind of man can affect such change in peoples life, and they weill come to the conclusion that he cannot be a bad person. Forgret the trial. people have had enough of it. It is also negative. Focus on the good.:D

I totally agree with what you said! You can't force people to change their minds, they have to make the decision themselves to open up their minds.

And that speech was excellent! I love it when MJ fans talk about MJ in their lives, I could talk about MJ at anytime, anywhere! lol
I don't think you should ever do a speech to 'convince' people. That to me would have a negative effect. MJ was tried in a court of law and he had a verdict of not guilty. If people are not yet convinced that no amount of article you write will convince them. What you could do is follow the line that Zenab did. Speak of what MJ means to you and how his life has affected yours,. People will listen to that. They will want to know what kind of man can affect such change in peoples life, and they weill come to the conclusion that he cannot be a bad person. Forgret the trial. people have had enough of it. It is also negative. Focus on the good.:D

i agree with Datsymay, in part...u should do it, and focus on the positive stuff, but with that positive stuff u can show them why hes not a bad person, not the monster the media pictures, and why he would never hurt someone....but focus on the positive stuff...and good luck! :)
I think you should just talked about he changed your life, just like me. Talking about how he's innocent might turn the audience against you.