The Real 'One More Chance' video Photographs Michael Jackson

why is this sill being brought up, this is ancient news.
They should really try and see if a OMC video can be released. It was MJ's last music video.
It would be so cool if they released a DVD of this video. I'm sure they must've filmed enough to put something decent together. Fans would go nuts to see this...
I've only seen a few of these, and yes they were stated as being from the This Is It rehearsals! I knew they were wrong, he didn't have the curls!!
I have been thinking of this video ever since Michael died. This was the last music video he did- we deserve to see it now! I'll bet you anything they'll have at least a promo video somewhere with this footage!
I have been thinking of this video ever since Michael died. This was the last music video he did- we deserve to see it now! I'll bet you anything they'll have at least a promo video somewhere with this footage!

^ I'd love if they took the footage they have and combined it with animated footage in the same taste as "Human Nature" from Moonwalker.

I'm so mad One More Chance didn't get the love it deserved.
I think this song is absolutely fantastic and it feels even more current now than it did when it first got released.
The RNB scene is in a "cute" phase right now, and this song is really cute.
NOW magazine also mixed up all the brothers - they printed the wrong photos with the wrong names - even Jermaine's, even though the photo of him was of him sat in the Big Brother diary room chair - they said that was a different brother!! AND they went into detail of what MJ was accused of doing, it was disgusting, there was no need for them to go into that much detail, especially in a 'tribute' magazine which young teens are likely to buy.
NOW magazine also mixed up all the brothers - they printed the wrong photos with the wrong names - even Jermaine's, even though the photo of him was of him sat in the Big Brother diary room chair - they said that was a different brother!! AND they went into detail of what MJ was accused of doing, it was disgusting, there was no need for them to go into that much detail, especially in a 'tribute' magazine which young teens are likely to buy.

yes i noticed that too with the photos. also i never read any of the text because i KNEW a magazine like that would just write garbage
I love One More Chance I have it on my computer and play it constantly. Michael looks great in these pictures thank you for sharing them with us.

AND they went into detail of what MJ was accused of doing, it was disgusting, there was no need for them to go into that much detail, especially in a 'tribute' magazine which young teens are likely to buy.

*gasp* those mf
i think he looks great in these photos healthy, i just wished he had maintained the weight
Thats saying a mouthful.
Many newspapers said these pictures was brand new and exclusive.
But we've known and seen them in many years!
Uh yeaha!
I think Bashir ruined a lot more than just a song. A song isn't really important.
You of all people would say that. :doh: Lol!

we already seen this pics
Thank you.
why is this sill being brought up, this is ancient news.
Thank you again.

Reading some of your replies, I was beginning to wonder if
I was the only one who have had, and/or seen these pics
a loooong time ago.

But thanks just the same for posting.
I love looking at Michael, no matter when the pictures were taken. -_-

I started not to quote any of you. Lol!
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