The Real 'One More Chance' video Photographs Michael Jackson


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Yeah, that's right, after his death these photos were released and tagged as being photo's of his Dome Project which he recorded for his This Is It Concerts but in fact they're not. Many of you may have already seen them but let me tell you that these photos were actually taken years before his death when he was recording the video for One More chance in 2003 and who knows where the video has ended up. But to let you guys know, he canceled the video's release when the child molestation charges arose once more. How do I know all this, because a while back, when I was obsessed with the song, I saw one of these photos about a 2 years after the song's release and i was on a site that was selling it as a special poster ( it couldn't have been for the dome Project because he was filming that project about a month before his death). It's one more photo of the OMC video with his hat on and dancing on stage but it's lost. Enjoy these....







one site that backs me up:
It'll be interesting to see if this video ever makes it to the public eye. That song is amazing. Thanks for sharing these by the way :)
Interesting! Thanks for sharing, I had never seen these.
That third photo is great. He looks fantastic in all of them.
im sorry but i really dont like these pics... he looks soooo much better in recent pics..
Thanks for posting. Havent seen any of them before except the last one. And I didnt know that was from the OMC shoot.
Thanks :)
yeah, your really welcome you guys. I just thought that this info should be brought to more of the light. I really love the song too and I really wish the remaining video sees light but I really doubt it. Hopefully it will see light. Your welcome again!
I think it was NOW magazine, they said on the cover that they had exclusive This Is It rehearsal pictures. I open the magazine and I find the "Once More Chance" video shoot pictures. I'm sure they knew but did it for the money of course. Losers.
I think it was NOW magazine, they said on the cover that they had exclusive This Is It rehearsal pictures. I open the magazine and I find the "Once More Chance" video shoot pictures. I'm sure they knew but did it for the money of course. Losers.

That's because nobody does their research and they just assume they can get away with wrong information. The sad part is, clearly they can. Us here at MJJC and other Michael fans know because we do our research. Stupid tabloids *slaps forehead*
These pictures remind me of all that shit he had to go through starting in 2003 just as this video was supposed to come out...

Fuck Martin Bashir. How does he sleep at night??? He ruined a good song.
Yeah some tribute mags were saying this was his last dance and that he was rehearsing for this is it etc...heard so many different versions. This video looks amazing so sad we never got to see it :-( Michael looks so hot, hope they bring it out eventually or we see it. So mad at the people and we all know who they are that stopped this from coming out AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! Love and miss you Michael xxx
I wonder how much money Dieter Wiesner made by selling these OMC pictures to the tabloids after Michael died, portraying them as brand new pictures taken this year...
i love this song. hope that they will release some of the clips.
i think he looks great in these photos healthy, i just wished he had maintained the weight
Many newspapers said these pictures was brand new and exclusive.

But we've known and seen them in many years!

Hope the video will one day be released!
These pictures remind me of all that shit he had to go through starting in 2003 just as this video was supposed to come out...

Fuck Martin Bashir. How does he sleep at night??? He ruined a good song.

I think Bashir ruined a lot more than just a song. A song isn't really important.
OMFG! I love this song so much. Can't believe he didn't finish the video . Thank you so much for the pictures.