The Rain hasnt stopped today

Same it's going in Romania....Nature is crying for Michael!

yep here in Romania it's been raining for weeks, it never rained like this before especially during midsummer with this global warming all we had were dry summers

Now it's raining on and on...maybe God is angry
Really hope my Sky signal doesn't cut out again!
although the clouds seem to be regathering again here in Surrey... :/
Really hope my Sky signal doesn't cut out again!
although the clouds seem to be regathering again here in Surrey... :/

yes they have just come over black in the part of surrey i live, and earlier today my sky cut out when they did and it thundered !

the memorial is about to start...maybe its a sign type thing awwe.
Rain all over sweden. This was hard, now it cant get worse than this.
When I was watching the memorial the rain was relentless...then ( I know this sounds crazy) when they did 'Will you be there' the sun came out for a made me think...
I was going to say the rain stopped when they took Michael away here in hampshire - but thought it sounded it silly :( but its true
I noticed that too. Some people have also felt it was because of Michael. It reminded me of everytime he left a certain place he was visiting and we were going to see him, the MINUTE he left, the rain poured down. Every time. This is the last rain of that kind. xx
It was raining here too, for the first time in a long time. But now the first rays of sunshine are coming through, maybe it is a sign? :)
It is pouring like crazy in Minnesota, it started after the memorial ended
its cloudy and threatening to rain in Gary. maybe the world really is sad..which is true. although it was sunny when i watched the memorial.
Well if it makes anyone feel better, the weather here in Los Angeles was perfect for the Memorial. You couldn't ask for any better weather. It wasn't too hot and it wasn't to cold. And not a cloud in the sky. The Heavens knew exactly where the sky needed to be clear.
Yesterday it was very sunny but when the memorial started, it suddenly started to rain! :(
But what is strange, is that it was sunny and also raining at the same time!
God was crying for Michael! :(
My mother always told me that...
...when it's sunny, it means that God is happy! :)
...when it's thundering, it means that God is angry! :(
...when it's raining, it means that God is crying! :(
I thought it was amazing, standing at the 02 waiting for the memorial to begin. The thunder was so loud! And then when the memorial began, the thunder stopped and the heavy rain came. Then when people were speaking the sun shone. And then at the end the rain came again.

It was like Michael was angry, then crying, then happy to see what people were saying, then crying again with us. Crying for his kids.
In Poland it started to rain when the memorial started. and stopped after it.

It's because the angels cry...
it has been raining here in buckets, it rained thundered and lightening yesterday through the whole memorial ceremony. Rained again last night and is threatening to rain again today. hmmm...makes one wonder.Oh yeah I live in the US
Yesterday it rained in Germany, right after the memorial ended.
And now it's raining again.

Well whatever it means, I like the rain more than the heat.
Its raining like crazy in Norway. We|had a marvelous weather the whole of last week....
UK members have you noticed how it hasnt stopped raining today :( after all the glorious weather we have had. Today its just raining hard and hasnt stopped all morning :(

yeah it was thunder and lightning all day yesterday.