the public viewing??It cannot be...

Almost everyone has a viewing when they pass. I think people are pushing themselves too hard here. It's just a way for others to say their goodbyes and move forward in the grieving process. Michael's family have a separate viewing and prayers not involved with the public so we aren't taking anything away from them. The family is just offering the opportunity for fans to pay their respects and close that chapter. It's a fairly normal proceeding here in USA.
The thought of Michael being part of a "public viewing" makes me sick to my stomach. Obviously his family have agreed to this and its their right, but personally it just breaks my heart a little bit more. This is the one time that Michael should have been given the privacy he so dearly wanted all of his life, and now what? People who didnt even know him can come and gawk at him like some goddam circus freakshow. People can pay their respects without having to see him like that. For once, just for once it would have been right for Michael's life not to play out like a circus act, but even in death he still cant get any privacy. I know he loved his fans, but I believe only his friends and family should ever be able to see him in state. No one else has any right to, no matter how big a fan they were.

I agree. Only Michael's family and perhaps close friends
should be able to view him now that he has died. Well that's how I feel about it. I think that the only way Michael wanted the general public and his fans to 'view' him was up there on the stage. Singing and dancing his heart out for us, and not when that comeback concert that we and Michael looked forward to with so much eagerness was snatched away from us all so suddenly and so cruelly.
I'm going to hate seeing MJ pictures in a casket,I'm almost in tears thinking about it
Almost everyone has a viewing when they pass. I think people are pushing themselves too hard here. It's just a way for others to say their goodbyes and move forward in the grieving process. Michael's family have a separate viewing and prayers not involved with the public so we aren't taking anything away from them. The family is just offering the opportunity for fans to pay their respects and close that chapter. It's a fairly normal proceeding here in USA.

Has it been confirmed at all? I read on CNN that the viewing is on friday but has anyone actually confirmed anything?