the public viewing??It cannot be...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
guys my heart is bleeding again now... Michael would never ever want you to see him like that...he was working hard all his life for his immortality and now they want to show him to the world like he was unusual species or sth, he is not a wax figure!he was trying to protect his privacy however he could and now what? his children who are the msot important now will see his father dead in newspapers and TV??it's a nightmare...we should remember him as a smiling, ALIVE person not dead body...
If you want to make him proud do something for the world...we need to continue what he started,what is more I think It may be more suicides after seeing him, I don't think you realise how destructive it's going to be...
But the most important thing is that I'm sure it's the last thing Michael would like us to see...just think about yourself, would you like to be watched a week after you die and after authopsy? I doubt it...;(;(
I really don't like it one bit either...but i CAN understand that fans apreciate this.
I can understand so well that they wanna see him one more time. Hell...if i had lived nearby there...i probably would have gone too. But still i just don't like the idea...
as if he's a museum piece, you know? :(. And the media vultures ALL over it.

Who might have been MJ's wish..but i really doubt that.
well, my opinion.... going to the public viewing is not for me personally. I want to try to remember Michael as he was, happy smiling. Though the pictures of him going into the ambulance will stick with me for a while I know intime they will fade. If I went to the viewing I would end up giving myself images that would not go away. However, others have the need to go, then they should go. People need to do what is right for them
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well, my opinion.... going to the funeral service is not for me personally. I want to try to remember Michael as he was, happy smiling. Though the pictures of him going into the ambulance will stick with me for a while I know intime they will fade. If I went to the funeral I would end up giving myself images that would not go away. However, others have the need to go, then they should go. People need to do what is right for them

But wait....friday is the funeral as well? I thought it was friday the public showing and the funeral yet to be determined? If this is the means Neverland is his burial ground?
I am sorry I ment to say public viewing. yes it is Friday. Funeral for family is on Sunday. I am sorry I must change it in my post.:)
I agree... I was actually beginning to think I was the only fan who hated the idea of a public viewing.. I want to remember Michael being alive, healthy, and happy..

I'm praying it will be a closed casket.... But "public viewing" doesn't give me much hope. I'd just hate to see someone take out their cell phone and post a photo of Michael in his casket. That would be too heart breaking.. One day his children will have access to the internet and tv.. What happens if they come accross these photos.. Are these memories Michael would want them to remember???
We dont know. Perhaps it was in his will to have a public showing because he knew how much it would mean to the fans. Maybe it will be closed casket?

Remember a public showing at a funeral is a very humbling experience. People don't normally flock just to catch a glimpse of a dead person. Let me tell you from my own experience it can be absolutely heart breaking, but also very cathartic.

That said if I had the choice I'd never want to do it again... nor would I want to see michael like that. it would just be unbearably sad. the photos on ET were painful enough.
I agree I could not bare to see him like that. dear God nooo. As it is I am sure pictures will be posted of him in the casket. Things I dont want to see. But like I said everyone is different and some may get some closure from it. I agree if am sure his children dont need to run across photos like that either. Poor children.. Poor Michael. wwwaaaa.....makes me cry
What Michael's final wishes were are NOT known yet. A will has now surfaced, but it's not been revealed if he left any instructions about where he wanted to be buried, or anything related to this awful time.
Please stop saying Michael was trying to be immortal. First off, he is not God. Second, his legacy already is immortal.
I'm praying it will be a closed casket.... But "public viewing" doesn't give me much hope. I'd just hate to see someone take out their cell phone and post a photo of Michael in his casket. That would be too heart breaking.. One day his children will have access to the internet and tv.. What happens if they come accross these photos.. Are these memories Michael would want them to remember???

I don't agree with this public viewing thing either... While I understand why some would want it... I don't know if I myself could go there and see him in person... I was going to see him for the first time in London, now this... i don't think I would want to see him like this for the first and last time...:no:

I know it's almost inevitable to see pictures though, I can bet that there will be ppl taking them and especially the media. They should just not allow media in, really. Even though there are bound to be non-fans that go just to say they've been there...maybe it won't be as bad as all those paps taking dozens of pictures of him...

I don't's just sad... i still can't believe we're talking about this...:no:
Please stop saying Michael was trying to be immortal. First off, he is not God. Second, his legacy already is immortal.

yes I know, I'm not saying that he wanted to be immortal in that meaning... I just think he wouldn't like to be remembered as a dead body.
maybe for the fans it's important to say goodbye but I think we should think about the kids who were the most important to him...I can't even imagine what they will feel when they will see his father like that on TV and in newspapers.
I can not imaging how people would want to view Michael's dead body. I want to remember him as he was. Alive, vibrant and happy
I was looking to fly yesterday and then I thought how the hell can i stand there and look at the person that has saved me lying there dead. - No way can i put myself or him through that. Its actully making me really really fucking angry to think about it!!!!!!!
How can I watch my hero, my life saver, my inspiration montionless not taking a breath. :(
I have mixed feelings about this. It makes me want to vomit just thinking about Michael in a casket.
Then again it might help me understand that this is what it is, he really is gone. And will not come back, no matter how much I wish he would.

I was supposed to see my dad after he passed away (and after autopsy), but I was told it wouldn't be a good thing cuz he didn't look like himself anymore (he had been dead for awhile before found). So I only got to see him with a sheet covering his body. And let me tell you that was so painful, I couldn't wrap my mind around the thought that it was actually him, cuz I couldn't see his face. It took me a long time to accept that he was gone. I had dreams where he would show up somewhere. Once I even saw a man that really looked exactly like him and I almost ran to the guy..

Ok, this is going way off topic, but I just wanted to say that in some way it might even be a good thing to see him. Just to help us realize this. I don't know..
I'm so sad.
I have mixed feelings about this. It makes me want to vomit just thinking about Michael in a casket.
Then again it might help me understand that this is what it is, he really is gone. And will not come back, no matter how much I wish he would.

I was supposed to see my dad after he passed away (and after autopsy), but I was told it wouldn't be a good thing cuz he didn't look like himself anymore (he had been dead for awhile before found). So I only got to see him with a sheet covering his body. And let me tell you that was so painful, I couldn't wrap my mind around the thought that it was actually him, cuz I couldn't see his face. It took me a long time to accept that he was gone. I had dreams where he would show up somewhere. Once I even saw a man that really looked exactly like him and I almost ran to the guy..

Ok, this is going way off topic, but I just wanted to say that in some way it might even be a good thing to see him. Just to help us realize this. I don't know..
I'm so sad.

If there was a chance that there will be calm and loving atmosphere right there...but it's impossible!the people will be screaming, crying etc, there will be paparazzi there.Michael was so calm...his children...I can't imagine what they will feel, and they were the most important to him...I'm so sad about that's just not right.
maybe for some of us it will be helpful, but it's not the most important thing...
I also got to see someone after death, I'm worring there will be more suicides...
but he is too beautiful to be burried...i cant even imagine his finger get sting by teeny tiny needle...i got nightmares everynight about his autopsy...

how about fans like me who never get a chance to say how much we love him...and even now...we never have a chance to say goodbye?i want to put flowers for him too...i want to kiss his hand...i still want to say i love him...even if it is a lifeless body...
its just too painful...i cant stop crying...
I haven't seen him live either...and I don't think the fans would be able to touch him or sth...if you had nightmares now I'm worring what will happen if you see him there...I'm worring so much about the kids...they are so young, they shouldn't have seen his father surrounded by screaming like crazy and crying people...they may not understand it at all...Michael was so peaceful and calm...saying goodbye may be helpful but I don't think we are the most important right now...we will remember him anyway but for the kids it may be shock and terrible memory they will never forget:(
He can hear you sweatheart... I tell him I love him every morning and every time before sleep, and I say "I love you" to smiling, beautiful michael not to dead body.
i think it is a chance to say goodbye, to see him in peace, just sleeping...
Oh God... Just God knows how much I want he was just sleeping...
:no:All he's life wanted privacy for him and his family! He won't get it even now when he is dead! I can't believe it! Why can't we respect his wish for the last time?
difference between getting privacy when your alive, and when your dead. think logically people.
Michael hated being stared at...that's why I can't believe this is happening. And to think people who don't love him will go and treat this as some kind of circus show they only wanna see out of's sick. I can't believe they chose to let this happen. Maybe michael did want it? It's just so uncomfortable to me. I think only family should see him like that if they wish to.
James Brown was in an open casket in a quite dignified ceremony and although it isn't the best way to remember the life of someone I would hope it would stop any of the silly and inevitable MJ is alive rumours that will happen for years to come.
The thought of Michael being part of a "public viewing" makes me sick to my stomach. Obviously his family have agreed to this and its their right, but personally it just breaks my heart a little bit more. This is the one time that Michael should have been given the privacy he so dearly wanted all of his life, and now what? People who didnt even know him can come and gawk at him like some goddam circus freakshow. People can pay their respects without having to see him like that. For once, just for once it would have been right for Michael's life not to play out like a circus act, but even in death he still cant get any privacy. I know he loved his fans, but I believe only his friends and family should ever be able to see him in state. No one else has any right to, no matter how big a fan they were.