The Person Below Me....

Re: The person below me....

Nope I hate kids with a passion. I have 2 little nephews but I hate them only because of the fact that they are kids. And kids are nothing but a bunch of spoil irritating little brats.

Tpbm also doesn't like kids
Re: The person below me....

^ Um.. first you said you hate babies now you say you hate kids? :huh: How can kids be hated? First of all remember that you were a kid once we all were, Yes, kids can test our patience sometimes it's part of learning and growing. Babies and children to me are wonderful, I love them. So I find it hard and heartbreaking to see someone say they hate them. You are entitled to your own opinion I guess.. but I will never understand it, And you hate your own family? :ermm: Oh well....

No I don't. I don't hate full stop.

TPBM Is tired?
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Re: The person below me....


TPBM: read or seen something really funny lately?
Re: The person below me....


The person below me is a free spirit?
Re: The person below me....

Sort of, but not much.

TPBM: has done any clothes shopping lately?
Re: The person below me....

No, I never listen to that song really. :eek:

TPBM likes going out to dinner?
Re: The person below me....

I do sometimes, yes, or maybe going out to lunch more.

The person below me tans easily?
Re: The person below me....

No, i sunburn alot though :lol:

TPBM: like radio top 30 countdowns?
Re: The person below me....

I used to like soft drinks but there is just too much sugar in them. And diet sodas are horrible tasting. I prefer juice, milk, and Crystal Light drinks anymore.

Tpbm also doesn't care much for soda
Re: The person below me....

yah ! it makes me BiG !! but .. i love it ! :p

tpbm won't be able to watch MJJ ..
Re: The person below me....

Yeah....:lol: Will be too far at the back at the concerts to see a thing. :lol:

The person below me is feeling relaxed?
Re: The person below me....


The person below me has a free day tomorrow? :kickass: :lol:
Re: The person below me....


The person below me is afraid of flying?
Re: The person below me....

No I love it

TPBM needs something new in their life?
Re: The person below me....

Yeah, like....TIME to do things...instead of just work work work... or do laundry and clean up when I'm finally home. :lol:

The person below me likes to iron clothes? :puke: :lol:
Re: The person below me....

No, I just ate some spinach pizza. :p

The person below me got flowers recently? :wub:
Re: The person below me....


TPBM: got anything exciting latey?
Re: The person below me....

:unsure: not that I can think of.. my concert tickets I guess? lol

TPBM wants children?