The Person Below Me....

Re: The person below me....


And :hug: I'm not in a good mood either

The person below me wants to have a break from life? :lol:
Re: The person below me....

I think we have all felt that at times. :lol:

TPBM would rather be else where right now?
Re: The person below me....

Yes very much so

TPBM: need a hug?
Re: The person below me....

Yeah... aww group hug time. :hug: :lol:

TPBM goes to the gym?
Re: The person below me....

no, I don't :no:

the person below me knows how to bake bread?
Re: The person below me....

no, I don't :no: they usually have nice things, but they are too expensive

the person below me likes going to the zoo?
Re: The person below me....

No not really.

The person blow me is in their PJ's?
Re: The person below me....

Yes, especially over this past month He and my Guardian Angel have helped guide me through alot. :)

The person below me has found inspiration in something recently?
Re: The person below me....

Not really. :lol: I need to be INSPIRED! :lol:

The person below me likes warm, sunny days?