The Person Below Me....

Re: The person below me....

Yeah, not with knowledgeable stuff just with problems.

TPBM would take a bullet for their closest friend?
Re: The person below me....

In my dream last night I was, one of the Wayans brothers :huh: :wtf2 real life no I'm not currently dating anyone :)

The person below me is having a productive day
Re: The person below me....

Some dream life you have there, Pua. Hahaha. Veeeeeeeeeeery interesting... :lol:

Well, I got breakfast cooked so far...yeah, I'm on a roll :rolleyes:

The person below me has two computers?
Re: The person below me....

^It was really strange and out of nowhere, I haven't even watched anything with him in it recently in dreams seems to be all I get at the moment I guess :lol:


The person below me has plans for Valentines Day :wub:
Re: The person below me....

I wonder what it means? That you are ready again to date...that you are more open than you were a year ago? But...him? *laughs* Just kiddin' ya.

Nope, just making pink heart-shaped cookies, that's all. Nothing romantic.

The person below me has less than five dollars in their wallet at the moment?
Re: The person below me....

No not really Valentine's Day means nothing to me. Except that it marks the anniversary of The St. Valentine's Day Massacre. I just love hearing that story. Only because I had always like hearing stories about Al Capone. And I thought the way he had plane that massacre was just brilliant.

Sorry I'm too late no I don't work hard for a living

Tpbm is planning on going out tonight
Re: The person below me....

To Lorraine: Miss Money Bags, here. And are you sparkling clean now as well after your bath? :)

No. Don't make me feel guilty now.

EDIT: whoops! No plans for tonight.

The person below me has had more than two dogs as pets in their lifetime?
Re: The person below me....

I havent been for it yet, and because I have more than £5 does not make me a money bag :rofl:

I have had to dogs :)

have you ever splashed out too much money on something then returned it for a refund?
Re: The person below me....

I've started to watch a lot more now than I used to.

TPBM Is eating something sweet?
Re: The person below me....

hun you have to write a guess of what you think the person below you does or likes or something about them.

The person below me is cute.
Re: The person below me....

Nah I'm blah and a dork :(


The person below me had bad insomnia last night and needs one good night sleep to get caught up :swoon:.....oh wait that's me too :lol:
Re: The person below me....


The person below me has a good sense of humor
Re: The person below me....

It's not for me to say :huh: But I am told I have :unsure:

The person below likes to watch tv in bed?
Re: The person below me....

I can be fairly disappointed with both actually. I don't watch TV.

The person below me has an easy going temperment?