The Person Below Me....

Re: The person below me....

Yes :wub:

The person below me has run/walked through a field of flowers before
Re: The person below me....

Poppies, but I never made it to the other side...

Oh, just kidding. I probably have. :)

The person below me has pressed flowers in a thick, heavy book before?
Re: The person below me....

Love sucks :lol: and NO!

Ok it doesn't suck lol

TPBM likes to read books in the bath?
Re: The person below me....

No, bored isn't the word I would use.

TPBM reads magazines?
Re: The person below me....

Just my Astronomy Magazine I read. Most girls are in to those fashion magazines and stuff. But not this girl this girl only reads one magazine and that magazine is Astronomy.

Tpbm is feeling tired right now
Re: The person below me....

No thank you:)

The person below me thinks an itchy palm means their coming into some money :wild:
Re: The person below me....

I'd like to think LOL! *tickles my palms* haha!

TPBM got good grades in school?
Re: The person below me....

How do you think of these things? Between you and Lorraine!

No, I reach for the handcream? *laughs*

EDIT: yes, pretty good grades.

The person below me has three pairs of thong type sandals?
Re: The person below me....

Thong sandals? :unsure: don't know what they are :lol:

Do you like your hair curly or straight?
Re: The person below me....


Any sandal where a strap goes between the toes. More usually with flats, not heels.

I like my hair either way. I just appreciate it when I can get it to look nice. I don't fuss much with my hair.

The person below me slept in today?
Re: The person below me....

Oh ok... in that case I have many pairs :)

No, I wish I did.

TPBM eats their meals fast when hungry?
Re: The person below me....

Yeah, I do. And it's not the best thing for the tummy. :lol:

The person below me once had a room with pink walls?
Re: The person below me....

No, but I love it! I don't have any addictions. :lol: Oh yes I do one :mello:

TPBM dreams most nights and remembers them?
Re: The person below me....

Yes, every night I dream, and I remember a lot of them.

The person below me has one sock in their sock drawer without its mate?
Re: The person below me....

Yes.. poor lonely sock :( :lol: my tumble dryer eats them im sure lol

TPBM is sleepy?
Re: The person below me....

No, just anxious

The person below me finds doing some task dreadful
Re: The person below me....

No I have a few hours left

The person below me knows how to make their own wine
Re: The person below me....

No, I don't drink

The person below me has a vegetable garden